Sunflower Fuu

Disclaimer: I DON'T own Samurai Champloo.


Fuu felt nauseous as she awoke for the third time. Or was it the second? Or maybe the fourth? She couldn't remember, her head hurt so much. Pressing her muddy hands to her mouth, she fought to hold down the bile rising in her throat. The last she remembered was that hideous wolf lunging for Jin and then…nothing.

And suddenly she couldn't keep the vomit down. She spewed the pathetic remnants of bread that had consisted of her lunch all over the place. The smell only made it worst, prompting her to empty her belly again; and since she had nothing left in there, her body became wracked with violent dry heaves.

'Jin!' she thought desperately. Here she was, lying safe, (well, safe enough, considering where Jin probably was,) emptying her stomach while one of her best companions was probably being eaten bit by bit. The thought was enough to bring her to dry heaves once more, and a few minutes went by before she stubbornly calmed herself down. 'Freaking out will do nothing for Jin!' She scolded herself for being such a baby. She had to be strong.

And the first thing she had to do was assess the situation. Since her head still felt a bit fuzzy, she had to do without getting up and exploring. It wouldn't do anyone any good if she tripped and passed out again in her dizzied state.

'I think I'm in a tent…' A few feeble rays strained to reach through the cloth flaps. The tent was big; hot furs filled its space, making her sweat. She wiped her brow with her hand, leaving behind a streak of mud, and wheezed. She could use some fresh air.

And with that thought, she weakly dragged herself towards the tent flaps. She was halfway there when…

"Going somewhere, love?"


Jin found himself panting as he raced off in pursuit of the bastard that had Fuu. The fight with the beast had left him tired- more so than he had thought before. And the sun was setting- it would soon be night.

Jin cursed. It was hard enough finding this man in the daylight, and Jin doubted the moonlight would provide enough illumination for him to track. This whole rescue attempt was not happening as it should. Jin should have been able to kill the animal and get to Fuu before the other man had. He had been stupid, underestimating his opponent; even if his opponent had been an animal that looked as if it had eaten an ocean full of steroids.


Mugen raced through the forest; the only thoughts occupying his head were about Fuu.

He had been lucky to break free from those chains- even as he looked back, he still couldn't remember how it had happened. But that hardly mattered. All that mattered now was Fuu.

He really didn't know where he was going. It was as if this invisible string was pulling him towards Fuu…towards the woman who was probably the most important person now in his life.

He cursed. He would find her, or die trying!


Bit by bit Jin was losing ground. The sun was dropping fast, and the clouds covering the sky promised little if any moonlight, and probably zero starlight. Jin wondered for about the hundredth time why he was doing this.

Mugen and Fuu…both had caused him nothing but trouble. He had been captured, tortured, bad-mouthed, and chased more than ever before. And had a higher price on his head than most could believe, looking at the slight, pale, bespectacled man. But he had never felt more alive in his life. Mugen and Fuu filled an empty whole in his heart- one his master couldn't fill, with his training and duties; one the other boys at the dojo could not fill. They did not pause to think about life, about the fun things in it. They had not invigorated him, nor had they filled him with a sense of purpose. They had not brought him joy.

But Mugen and Fuu…a scruffy, bad-mouthed, dirty, rude, and obnoxious warrior who was very much his equal in fighting, and Fuu, a gluttonous, sweet, kind, bossy, dramatic young woman who had opened his eyes to life. He had been soulless before he had met them. Well, if not actually soulless, he had certainly felt soulless.

He owed it to Mugen and Fuu. His…

…best friends.


Mugen could not believe it. The sun was setting, and he was not any closer to Fuu. At least, there weren't any signs that he was closer to the girl. You'd think she'd at least the common sense to drop a shoe or something. Unless…unless, of course, she was dead.

Mugen refused to think about it. It made his stomach jump and his heart constrict just thinking of the possibility.

'But it is a possibility, isn't it, Mugen?' A nasty voice whispered in Mugen's ear.

Mugen shook his head angrily. 'You shut it, you little shit!' He didn't have time for this little voice in his head.

'All I'm saying is, a delicate girl like Fuu, she could halfway to Heaven by now.'

'Delicate? Ha! You obviously don't know Fuu. She's about the least delicate girl I've ever known in my entire lif-' Mugen's rant was cut short by his body slamming into something hard and tall.

'That's what you get for talking to the voices in your head while running…' He stood up and brushed his shirt off. And then-



Kind of another cliff-hanger, huh? Sorry you guys! But yeah, I decided to update. I'm sure you're all sooooo happy, right? Lol I am! Anyways, I'll update again soon! I PROMISE! Hopefully, not too many grammar mistakes. Anywho, enjoy!