(A/n) Yes, yes, I have too many stories that I never update.

But I've recently become obsessed with (Ko)Haku, so I really really REALLY needed to write a SA story.

Have fun reading!

Chapter 1: Itchari

It's been five years… But I've never forgotten you, Kohaku.

And I've never looked back.

Chihiro tossed in her sleep, revisiting in her mind the nightmare that had once been her reality.

"Sen, wake up!" Came a hushed whisper from next to her.

Chihiro sat up quickly, her chosen nickname bringing back sharp memories…of a soft hand…

"You were dreaming again," The young girl grinned, "Who's this 'Kohaku'?"

"Itchari, you know I don't like you teasing me about that," Sen replied calmly, though her mind was racing through her dream once more.

Sen ran around in the Bath-house, her wandering eyes scanning everything and everyone.

"Why, Sen, you've grown up!" Came a cheerful voice.

"Rin!" Sen cried, as she ran into the white fox spirit's arms, tears flooding down her cheeks for some unknown reason.

"What do I do, Rin? What can I do!" Sen yelled. She hadn't felt this scared and alone since she'd first gotten here.

"…You aren't Sen," Rin stated suddenly, her face going pale.

"No, I'm not," Sen agreed, for it had suddenly become quite clear. Of course she wasn't Sen.


But at that instant a boy ran in, staring at her with wild eyes. "Itchari, where is Sen!" He demanded, walking closer and staring around.

Suddenly the dream's point of view changed.

"Itchari! Get out of here!" The REAL Sen yelled, as everyone stared. "You MUST get out of here, Hari! NOW! Kohaku! Get her out of here, please!" She begged, looking around.

"KOHAKU! PLEASE!" She screamed, feeling herself being dragged forcibly out of the room.

"Sen, snap out of it!" Itchari prodded her, her eyes holding something dangerous…almost reckless in them. Sen nodded, then pushed herself into a sitting position.

"You were in the dream tonight, Hari," Sen stated, unsmiling.

"Oh, was I? What was I doing, stealing your boyfriend? Or was I the slave of your fairy-tale-land, too?" Hari inquired, smirking.

Sen sighed, nobody had believed her. She hadn't told her parents, of course, but only her closest friends. She had recently told everyone again, for her dreams had come back. She hadn't dreamt about the Bath-House of the spirits for years, but suddenly…

"I'm sorry," Sen stated, then dove out of the small tent, which had been set up in her backyard.

"Hey, Sen! Where are you going?" Hari demanded, coming out after her.

"Nowhere," Sen replied, her eyes perfectly awake and staring down at that road…The road that led into the Spirit World.

"Hey, you wanna go there?" Hair asked, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. The look did not suit her at all, with her curly brown hair and perfect blue eyes, plus a perfectly matured body.

"No, I must never look back," Sen stated, turning towards their tent again.

"Well, fine then," Hari snapped, walking past Sen, "I'm going. I've always wanted to know what was on the other side of that road."

"No- wait, Hari! Don't go, please!" Sen begged, turning back towards her friend.

"I'm going!" Hari called back, starting to run down the hill towards the old road.

"Wait! Hari! NO!" Sen yelled, running down after her.

And so it happened, that just before dawn, they were both running down towards the Spirit World.

"I'm so sorry, Kohaku, I must stop her!" Sen whispered, running down the overgrown road after Hari.

Suddenly they reached a small clearing, and they were no longer looking at a road, but at a tunnel. Hari hesitated, and Sen used that moment to catch up and latch onto her friend's arm.

"Don't go in there," Sen pleaded, and Hari stared at her for a moment, the desperateness and urgency in her friend's voice making her think it over.

Suddenly Hari shook her off.

"I'm going, Sen," She snapped, then walked purposefully into the tunnel.

"Please, don't go! Come back!" Sen begged, closely following her friend.

"Stop it, Sen! Go back if you want to, coward!" Hari laughed mockingly.

"You don't need to be a coward… To not want to come back here…" Sen mumbled, falling into step with her friend.

Yes, yes, it's dead short. I'll write more, I promise.

So… what did you think?