I don't own Jimmy Neutron.

One awesome thing about being a girl is(besides being smarter, prettier and all around better than the opposite gender) jewels. I mean it. A girl's favorite jewel can tell you a lot about her. Take Libby for example. Her favorite gem is a ruby, which totally fits her personality. Rubies can be outgoing and noticeable, which is similar to Libs when music is involved. But the if you look at a ruby, you see it is deeper than it appears to be. Same with Libby. She has more common sense then anyone I've never met. Plus Libs is like an empath. She can see emotions by simply looking at you. She can always tell what's on my mind, even when I don't say anything. I have no secrets from that girl. Brittany on the other hand is clear as day. Her world evolves around cute guys, makeup and the latest fashion. There is nothing deep about her. She is fun to hang out with and do girl stuff with but sometimes when I want to talk about something important she just giggles and changes the subject. No wonder diamonds are her favorites. Crystal clear. My mom adores emeralds. Maybe because they're strong and look as though they hold so many secrets. See? Gemology is what I call it. The ability to identify a girl's personality by using her favorite jewel. Pearls are my love.

It is so simple but beautiful in its simplicity. It starts out as a gritty piece of sand, something you can find anywhere, then it slowly transforms into something worthwhile but even then you have to look for it in the least likely place. This reminds me of me and Jimmy. At first we truly hated each other and got on each nerves(still do) like sand in your shoe. But as time passed we slowly warmed up to each other after all the life threatening adventures. Okay, reallly slowly. Finally we reached an understanding. Almost a romance. Then we had to leave to go back to the real world. We hid the romance under our normal feud. Much like the mollusk. It's still there but you just have to look for it.

You're probably wondering what brought this revelation from an 11 year old girl. On the island Neutron, I mean Jimmy, gave me a pearl after searching through 137 clams. He probably didn't see how this represents our relationship. He doesn't think about emotions as anything other than a chemical balance. Nerdtron never did understand art.

I still have it, you know, the pearl. It proves that understanding is still there. That it wasn't a dream I made up. It serves as an reminder of my utopia. That maybe Jimmy returns my affection and we could have a future together. If or when that happens, I'll wear the pearl as a necklace or a ring so it won't be hidden from the world.

Yeah, some girls like diamonds or rubies or emeralds.

But pearls are my best friend.

First Jimmy Fic.

