Summary: A man from Rory's past, decides to call her. Set in Rory's junior year of college. Chapter one is mystery-man's POV.

Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own Gilmore Girls, or any of the characters.

It's Been Awhile

He opened up the drawer, the one in the far corner of his room, his memory drawer if you will. You could observe him for a week, just watch him, and you would think that he would never be the kind of guy that pines. You know the kind of guy that keeps a drawer full of memories of one girl. You would think that all he wanted to do was get into to every girl he-sees-pants, just for another notch on his bed post.

But the girl who he loved, his memories of her were stored in a drawer. A picture of her, her brown hair falling in her face as she was laughing, the smile on her face that would melt his heart, and make the whole world seem as if it was going to disappear. Her eyes with an indescribable shade of blue, they pierced his heart every time he looked at her.

Accompanying her picture was an announcement of her making valedictorian, which he forgot how he acquired, and a pair of unused tickets that were supposed to be for her. He often caught himself wondering, did she go to the prom, who did she go with, what did she wear? He knew that it didn't matter what she wore, she could wear a potato sack and still be stunning.

He took out the picture and sat on his head, while running his fingers through his hair.

And it's been awhile

Since I could hold my head up high

And it's been awhile

Since I first saw you

And it's been awhile

Since I could stand on my own two feet again

And it's been awhile

Since I could call you

He couldn't stand not seeing her he was such and idiot for what he did. In the place he was now he couldn't hold up his head anymore, he had no stature. He missed her, he remembered the first time that he saw her; she came in her brown hair in her face, and her wonderful smile. It was hard to get up every day, knowing that he wouldn't see her. Maybe he could call her, she would probably be mad though. She looked kind of cute when she was mad. Get a hold of yourself, man, he thought.

He picked up the phone he didn't know where to start. He could call some of her friends to find out where she is, or her house. He decided to start with her house. He dialed the number, the number that he had dialed many times but hung up, or just stayed silent.


It's been a while Staind

A/n: You see the button down there that says send reviews, well it is just begging to be clicked, you see it says, Click me! Click me! I even take your reviews if you don't have a screen name! So obey the button!