Thanks very much for all the reviews and suggestions. Some of them actually had me laughing out loud, so that's a huge plus. As a bonus, here's Chapter 5




Chapter 5


Kagome groaned. She turned to her side on the sofa. This was the fifth time she had to readjust herself. It still wasn't comfortable.

As a last resort, she just threw her legs over the side of the sofa. Stupid Sesshomaru.

For a few seconds, she even considered going up to sleep in his room. It's not like it's too small or anything. Actually, there's enough space so that they wouldn't even hear each other breathe if they were on opposite sides of the room.

But she stopped her train of thoughts. Hmph. I'm not going up there.

She may be sore, but she still had her pride.

That night, she went back to dreaming of her father.


Inuyasha stared through the window, at the girl that was supposed to be 'Kagome'. She moved around too much for him to get a good look at her face. He turned to his partner for the night. "So, how're we gonna kill her?"

Kikyo stared ahead. "Slit her throat. It's not the best way, but it's a silent attack. No one might even know that she's dead 'til they see her up close." She didn't mention the fact that her aim with a gun was exactly 'professional'.

Inuyasha looked around. "The security here ain't even tight. I bet everyone abandoned her once they found out their boss was dead." He said bitterly.

"Hush, Inuyasha. Let's go."

Kikyo finished cutting a large piece out of the glass window. She knew this job was going to go off without a hitch. What she didn't know, though, was that once she and Inuyasha stepped foot into the house, somebody had already woken up.


Inuyasha couldn't help but stare. Holy shit, she really does look like Kikyo….

He walked away to let Kikyo do her job. He didn't want any of his soft side to brew up while on the job. Gazing out the window, he heard Kikyo walk over to the girl on the couch, and he could feel her ready to attack.

What caught him by surprise, though, was when he head a thump on the ground, followed by a the sound of a metal object hitting the marble floor behind him. He turned around… and Kikyo was laying on the floor, hand caressing her cheek, with the small dagger plenty of feet away from her.

"You bitch!" He heard her whisper. He looked up and saw the Kagome girl had ran to get the knife, and by the time she turned the lights on, he could feel his neck being burned with a sharp object.


Kagome knew those self-defense classes she took with Sango would pay off one day. She felt the presence approaching her, and out of instinct, she opened her eyes and just swatted the girl's hand when she saw the glimmering object.

Just to add insult to injury, she threw the girl a nice punch across the face before running towards the small knife and reaching for the lights.

When she looked around, the first thing that caught her eye was a pair of silver heads.

She knew one was Sesshomaru. But who was the other one?


Sesshomaru so badly wanted to go up to that little girl's face and just say "I told you so."

But he figured that keeping quiet would vex her even more. The important thing now was to get some information from the villains, one in front of him, and one right under his nose.

He sunk his poisonous nails into the figure that he just captured. He wanted to make sure it was deep enough for the poison to flow into the blood. Expecting some kind of screaming or begging from his captive, he was surprised when all he got was a growl.

"Agh! Let me GO you bastard!" Inuyasha struggled to get away from the pain in his neck, but the guy was just too strong. Who is he? He definitely didn't hear anything about a demon bodyguard in that profile.

Sesshomaru dug even deeper into his neck. "Who do you work for?" He stared straight ahead at the would-be assassin in front of him, astonished when he thought saw a more mature Kagome. He brushed that aside for now. "I won't hesitate to ki-"

"WOOF! WROOFF!" Kagome and Sesshomaru turned to their right as Momo suddenly ran in, happy about the commotion. He wanted to join in, too.

Kagome gasped and hissed "Momo, get outta here!" Scolding the untrained dog wasn't enough, though. Momo was running up to her master, when Kikyo took the disorder to her advantage and snatched the dog, punching it's poor lights out and whipping out her gun.

Staring straight ahead at Inuyasha's almost- replica, she smirked. "Let him go. Or the dog's dead." She knew that she was stooping low, but it doesn't look like Inuyasha was going to get away anytime soon, seeing as he already fainted. She was actually kinda…worried.

Sesshomaru sneered. "You really think that dog is worth anything to me?" He was about to dig even deeper, but stopped once he heard the broken down voice of the girl who was the cause of this trouble in the first place.

"SESSHOMARU! NO!" Both figures turned to her. "YOU may not care about Momo," Her tears started to fall, "but I DO!"

He couldn't believe it. How stupid can she be? "Kagome, your life is on the line. You can get another dog."

She clenched onto the knife that she was holding, trying to hide her endless tears. "NO! You're so heartless..." She sniffled. "Momo…was my first friend. He's the only thing …I have left of daddy." She started to walk towards him, knowing that those last words pulled some kinds of strings in his black hole of a heart, and she was right. She whispered, "Just let him go. Please?"

Sesshomaru looked over to the Kagome look-alike, seeing that she was truly intent on killing the dog when the girl cocked the gun for it to load. He remembered back to when Kane gave his daughter a doberman after her previous dog had died.

He almost sighed when he took his claws out of the near-rotting flesh, throwing the unconscious body farther away from the girl.

Kikyo didn't hesitate to run over to Inuyasha's body. She knew the heartless guy wouldn't do anything to her…yet. He still needed to know more information from them. Surely, he won't let them go now that they know some unnecessary secrets. But right now Inuyasha's more important, she decided.


Kagome ran over to her loving pet, and sighed with relief as the dog started to whimper and show signs of life. Her tears of sorrow were replaced with those of joy. She looked over to Sesshomaru and smiled when she saw his mature pout. She hugged her dog tightly, and whispered a quiet "Thank you", knowing that he could very well hear her.




Sorry for the long update…I'm gonna have to write the outline for the next chapter, so this might take about a week or two. I would appreciate some suggestions! Tell me what you want to see happen in the next chapter!