Hi people. This is my second fanfic. The other one wasn't as… responsive as I liked it to be, so I've decided to write another one. Hope you enjoy!

disclaimer: don't own "inuyasha" or the characters

summary: sesskag Sesshomaru was to be the next leader of one of Tokyo's most famous gang, The Demon Mafia. However, things go wrong when the current boss, Kane Higurashi, is murdered, and now, their gang is history. Now, he must juggle two things: trying to achieve a normal life again, and protecting his dead boss's most precious possession: his only daughter.



Chapter 1

Kane Higurashi walked into his mansion, which he achieved by making money through his successful gang, the demon mafia. Even though he wasn't even a demon himself, he's always had respect for the creatures, and many demons that knew him or knew of him had respect for him.

Walking behind him was a ten year old boy. He had a mark of the moon on his forehead, and had long silver hair past his shoulders. All of his features just screamed, "Demon", but he was awfully shy. He was dressed in a raggy T-shirt that was too big for him and pants that had two holes, one on each knee. He was staring around the mansion in awe. He had never been in a house this big. The biggest place he'd ever been in was the homeless shelter. He's decided to run away, and that's when he ran into the man that he was walking behind. He was very kind for a stranger, and even offered him a place to stay and something to eat.

He didn't trust many people, but this man just had an aura around him, and he knew that he wouldn't hurt him. Demon's instinct, I guess.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a little girl shriek.

"DADDY! YOU'RE HOME!" The girl ran up to her 'dad' and gave him a tight hug around his neck, and the man returned it heartily and even picked her up to spin her around.

"Kagome! It's good to see you. Have you been working hard?" The man put her down and patted her on the head.

The girl nodded rapidly. "Uh huh. I've been studying hard everyday and reading books, too, dad." She grinned to show him a missing tooth. "I got the dog you sent me a few weeks ago. It's so cute. And it's really good company for when I'm bored. Wanna see it? Huh?"

Her dad laughed with much enthusiasm. "I'm proud of you kagome. I'll see the dog later. What did you name it?"

Sesshomaru couldn't help but feel jealous of the girl. She had a family that loved her and spoiled her. She got loaded with gifts. She had respect. At that moment, he resented her. Stupid girl. She's not worthy of my time.

Kagome hadn't even noticed the boy hiding behind her father yet. It had been months since she's last seen him. He rarely visits. He's too busy with work. But she knows that her dad loves her very much. He sends her gifts every week, and gives her an extraordinary allowance of 100 dollars a week.You gotta admit, that's a pretty heavy allowance for a five-year old girl. She doesn't even use the money. She saves it up,and buys gifts for people. She promised herself to buy her daddy something REALLY expensive when she grows up.

"I named the dog Momo. It's a he, dad." She then noticed something shiny hitting her eye. Squinting, she realized that it was a boy. She studied him for a moment. Silver hair, markings on his face. He's really pretty, she thought to herself. Then she noticed his out-of date clothing and looked up at her dad questioningly.

"Who's that, dad?" She pointed at the boy, which offended him immediately.

"Kagome, sweetie, it's not polite to point." He gave her a dad-like look and she put her finger away immediately. "He's going to be my…assistant in the future." He looked down at the boy. He's perfect for his gang. He can tell he'll grow up to be quite the assassin….not to mention he's always wanted a son.

Kagome looked at her dad with a disappointed look. "Oh… so he's not a playmate?"

Kane looked down at his sad daughter. "No, Kagome, he's going to travel with me. But would you like to do daddy a favor, and bring him upstairs to shower and change? I promise to take you out tomorrow, okay?"

Kagome smiled. "YAY!" She grabbed the boy's hand. "Come on, you can meet Momo! We can be friends."

Kane smiled at his growing daughter. He cares for her safety, so he plans to keep her in the house most of the time, and even send her to a private high school. He considered having her home-schooled, but then realized that she won't have many friends when she grows up. He sighed and planned the things he was going to do with his daughter for the next two days before he leaves for another long trip.


Sesshomaru stared at the girl that had a death grip on her hand. She was dragging him upstairs with a huge smile on her face, and going on about nothing.

"And today's my birthday, so daddy always comes home on my birthday. He never misses it, and he always brings me places cause he hardly comes home, but that's okay cause I know he loves me very much and I love him, too and I get to talk to him on the phone everyday, blah blah blah blah."

He studied her. She had long black hair down to her mid-back and hazel eyes that sparkled, unlike himself, whose eyes only looked dull. She looked about 5 or 6 years old, but she talks like a maniac.

Finally, she stopped babbling, and now he was in a huge girly room, even though it was green all over. She had all different shades of green. Lime, dark, pastel, forest, etc. Still, there were lots of frilly and lacey stuff, which he felt ashamed to be in the presence of so much.

Kagome looked at him, totally intrigued by his pretty golden eyes. She smiled. "My name's Kagome. What's yours?"

He didn't even look over at her. "Sesshomaru."

"That's a beautiful name." He stared. "Hey, you wanna see Momo?"

"If you wish." I hate dogs.

She smiled and lead him into the bathroom. Actually, it was more like a guest room, complete with a sofa and a stereo set. What a spoiled brat. He never had any of this stuff… and now this stupid girl has everything she can get.

He looked over to see Kagome kneeling down into a basket. She smiled at it, and then at him. "Come here!"

It didn't sound like a command at all, but to the boy, it had sounded like a big one. Am I going to have to follow orders like this for the rest of my life?

He came over and kneeled down next to her. In the basket was a small puppy. It was black with a couple of brown spots. It already had a golden tag and tons of toys. The tag read "Momo".

Kagome looked over at the boy, and she could tell he didn't like her. He didn't even like the dog. Still, she's determined to make this boy her friend. "You should take a bath. You're all dirty."

He gave her a glare. He was obviously insulted… but Kagome thought she was just telling the truth.

He nodded and Kagome left the bathroom after showing him where the towels were. She was going to fetch him some boy-clothing.

After she locked the door, He looked around the bathroom again. It was teal/white. The 'bathtub' was more like a hot-spring. How can such a little girl have so much?

He took a nice long bath, and when he dried himself off, there was a light knock on the door.

It was Kagome. "Um, I found you some clothes. I'll leave them outside the door."

After he was sure she was gone, He opened the door and picked up the clothing. It was a white Kimono. Pretty loose. He wasn't sure if it was made for a male or a female. Still, he thought the girl was pretty stupid for bringing him this. He sighed. Beggars can't be choosers.


Ten years later


After about ten years, Kane's mafia had become very famous in Tokyo. Despite all of his work, He still managed to call his daughter every single day. Every day, they would greet each other, and everyday, He would ask her how she's doing and if she's caught up on her work.

"How are things, dear? How's high school?"

"It's fine daddy. We're writing advanced stories now in English, and Teacher says I'm doing a good job."

"Good. I'm proud of you, Kagome."

He can feel her daughter smile on the other line.

Everyday, Sesshomaru would get more experience in gangs and war, and everyday, his aim would be better for killing.

Most of the time, He would be right by the side of Kane while he talked to his daughter.

Everyday, Kagome would ask her dad the same thing.

"Is Sesshomaru with you? Is he healthy? When will he visit? Does he remember me?"

Not knowing why his daughter was so curious about his right hand-man, He would sometimes make Sesshomaru talk to his daughter, via speaker, of course.

Now at the age of twenty, Sesshomaru's already next in line to take over as leader for Kane's gang. Surprisingly, over the past ten years, Kane has treated him exactly like he did his own daughter. He loaded him with gifts, asked him how his day was everyday and if he learned anything new. He would always tell Sesshomaru how proud he was, and even gave him an account, which Kane would send money in every week.

"You're like the son I never had." He would tell Sesshomaru that often, and Sesshomaru would just nod each time, but inside, He felt like the happiest man in the world. He finally had someone that accepted him. He felt grateful towards his adoptive father.

Sesshomaru always accompanied Kane to the visits he had with his daughter. It was only three or four times each year, but even though they were hundreds of miles away, he felt as though he was getting to know her more everyday. She was not the spoiled brat he thought she was. She was just a cheerful girl not knowing what to do with the excess money. She loved her father very much, and he felt as though he actually liked Kagome, not that he would ever admit that. Still, he didn't hate or resent her anymore.

Kagome, on the other hand looked forward to her father's rare visits. Not only because she got to spend time with the one she loved, but also, because Sesshomaru would also accompany him. She had always been amazed by his beauty, even when they first met. She tried countless times to befriend him. It would seem to work sometimes, but then he'd be back to his usual self, ignoring whatever Kagome had to say.

Momo had died, but her dad immediately replaced him with an exact replica. Still named "Momo", He grew up to be a huge Doberman. He liked to bite people that would mess with Kagome. He didn't really like Sesshomaru, but he knew his master did, so he decided to be nice to him, anyways.


It had all happened so fast. Sesshomaru was waiting back at the office for Kane after he went on some meeting with another gang. It was strange that Kane told him to stay, since Sesshomaru always accompanied him everywhere. Still, he had to follow orders.

Hours of waiting soon turned into days, and Sesshomaru had never left that office. After a day and a half of waiting, he got a call from the hospital.

"Hello, is this Sesshomaru? This is the Kyoko Medical Hospital calling. We have a patient by the name of Kane Higurashi. He's been wounded fatally, and it looks like he isn't going to make it. He would like to see you one last time. Please come immediately."

Sesshomaru was already out the door and speeding down the highway.


Kagome put the phone down, with a confused look on her face. Her father had just called her. Just to tell her that he loved her… and to take care of Sesshomaru. He sounded awfully tired. But he told her not to worry and they went on with their usual daily conversations. He should be coming to visit in a few months. And Sesshomaru, too.

She smiled at the thought of seeing Sesshomaru again. During his past visits, they didn't really get along, but she always remained happy and confident. He didn't seem as cold to her as that time when they first met… but he still remained distant. He was polite to her when her father was around.. but other than that, he would mostly ignore her.

Still, she knew that she'll make her way into his heart one day.


Sesshomaru walked into the patients' room. He saw Kane on the bed, bloody all over, and with an oxygen mask over his nose…. But it really did look like he wasn't going to get any better.

Kane opened his eyes slowly and saw his 'son' looking at him with a pained look on his face. "Sessho…maru?"

Sesshomaru pulled over a chair, sat down and nodded. "Who did this to you? Was it Naraku?" He remembered Kane saying that he had a meeting with Naraku that day.. and it was best if he didn't go. Obviously, he knew that Naraku was up to something.

Kane forced a smile. "That's not what's important right now. Can't we just talk?"

Sesshomaru nodded. "So.. how are you holding up?"

Kane kept smiling. "It hurts like hell. They said I lost…. Lots of…blood."

Sesshomaru took his 'fathers' hand in his own. "Don't die on us. The gang needs you. I need you. And especially your daughter…….. Does she know?"

Kane shook his head, obviously in pain. "I called her today….though…. I didn't wa….want her to worry…." Kane closed his eyes. Before Sesshomaru could say anything, Kane interrupted him. "Sess…. Listen… I- I'm glad I found you….that…day. You're..like…that son…….that son…. I never had….." He tried hard to breath. "You….you know?" He chuckled and winced, but he continued anyways. "T…tell the gang…..I love them…. Every one…..everyone of them."

Sesshomaru nodded, knowing that Kane was going to continue. "Tell Kagome….. tell her….tell her I love her…."

Sesshomaru nodded again, trying hard not to cry. He had known this man for ten years… and had never seen him in so much pain.

"Sess… I'm…s….so. proud of you…." Kane opened his eyes slowly.

Sesshomaru lowered his head, trying to hide his face with his bangs. "I know…. I know dad."

Kane smiled… 'dad'….He loved being a dad…. "Do me…..a….a favor?"

Sesshomaru nodded, still hiding his face. "Anything."

"Puh….Please take care of her….. of… of Kagome."

Sesshomaru nodded. "I promise."

Kane hesitated.. and for a moment Sesshomaru thought he was gone… but was surprised to hear his voice again. "I love… both…. Both of you…. So much…. And I want her… Kagome… to be happy."

Sesshomaru nodded.

Kane closed his eyes for the last time. "You're… you're the only person I know…. Besides me, of ….of course…" he chuckled again. "…the only… only person… that can…. No… that WILL…. Make Kagome…….Kagome…. happy……"

Sesshomaru felt Kane's hand getting cold… and his breaths now were practically nonexistent….

He got up and walked out of the room, hearing the nurses and doctor mumble "I'm sorry."s "Best of luck"s.

Me too…. And then he wiped a tear from his face and walked away, head held high.


yeh was it sad?

well next chapter, we'll see more of grown-up Kagome and all the drama.

please review. i need motivation to keep me writing more chaps!