The Sequel to the Sequel 'Trapped'.

Is there such a thing as a threequel? Probably not so much, but two years later without so much as a plan or plot in mind she posts it. For better or worse, here it is. Is it technically a second or a third chapter? Third, I guess, if you consider Pinned to be chapter 1, though it was originally meant to be a one shot. Anyway, I'm posting it as chapter two to Trapped since a few reviewers thought I should have posted Trapped as the chapter two of Pinned. Whatever. In any case, it picks up after Trapped.

I don't have a fully developed storyline for this one…I'm flying by the seat of my pants and have no idea what I'll end up with. And I have no idea how long this will go on or how often I will update. But if it took two years to post this chapter, don't check every week for an update. If I'm marked as a favorite author or if this is a favorite story, you'll probably get some kind of notice when I post the next part. As always, I will do my best to try and make it original and worthy of your time. Review if you feel compelled.

And, sadly…I own nothing...just playing with JKR's brilliant cast of characters.



Saturday was turning out to be one of the longest days of Hermione Granger's life. All she wanted to do was finish her homework and have the rest of the weekend to herself. Unfortunately, a certain blond boy wouldn't give her a break. First there was the incident in the library, then down by the lake and now…he was standing at the opposite end of Astronomy tower and seemed to be waiting for her. He knew she had rounds tonight, knew where she'd be…damn it.

"Granger," he acknowledged.

"And so my day is now complete."

"You finally showed."

Hermione walked to the railing a good distance away from Malfoy and looked towards the Quidditch pitch, composing herself before answering. "I didn't know I was expected. Sorry," she said flippantly, "little busy actually doing stuff."

Malfoy came to stand behind her purposely invading her personal space. She shivered involuntarily and leaned even closer into the tower's railing attempting to recover some space between them. He countered by placing his hands on the railing, enclosing her within and leaning directly against her: his front fitting like a glove against the curves of her back. She was trapped again, pinned to the railing…cornered.

"Like avoiding me?" His soft whisper sent another round of shivers up and down her spine.

"Yes, as a matter of fact."

"Really. Why is that Granger?"

"I think we had enough quality time for one day, don't you?" She was trying desperately to keep her cool. It took everything she had to stop herself from looking for him this afternoon. She had wanted so badly to kiss him out by the lake.

"You shouldn't be so flip, luv. But if you think that was quality…" he leaned closer and nuzzled against her neck, "you really do need a few lessons."

She looked over her shoulder at him. "What are you gonna do, stand behind me to death?"

"I'll do much more than just stand behind you, that's a promise," and as if to clear up any misconceptions he slowly rubbed himself against her.

She spun in his arms and faced him. "Don't even think to try and corner and coerce me Malfoy. I was on patrol tonight and I am armed."

"Still mad about this afternoon, I see. Come off it Granger, the mark will go away in a couple of days."

"Yeah, and in the mean time, I'm the one who'll have to hide it from everyone."

He sighed. "Okay, take your best shot."

"You can't be serious. I never imagined you with a death wish."

"Good Lord, not with your wand."

She looked at him in confusion.

"Go ahead. I'll let you do whatever you want to me. I'm yours to explore. I'll just stand here, like a good little boy waiting for his…punishment. I won't so much as lay a finger on you without your direction."

With an evil little smirk of her own, Hermione switched their position. He was now caught between her arms backed up against the balcony railing. She leaned in, loosened his tie and unbuttoned his top button. "Hold onto something," she whispered. With a knowing smile, he wrapped his arms around her. She had been thinking more along the lines of the railing, but she let it go – he wasn't groping her, just holding her comfortably. And it wasn't unpleasant being in his arms; truth be told, she did say to hold onto something. Without another thought, she took his neck as he had done to her out by the lake. When she was done with him, they both had matching marks. Hermione looked at him with a fully satisfied smile.

"Oooh, very good, Granger. Feel better?"

"A little."

"Marking me, like I did you…nice one. I suppose for a first attempt at revenge it wasn't too bad. Careful Granger, seems like my influence is starting to show in you.

"Careful of what? You?" Hermione shook her head. "Enough." She moved to walk away from him, but he took hold of her wrist. "Let go of me," she demanded.

"Not so fast. Don't I get a proper thank you?" he said.

"For what? Stalking me?"

"No, for returning your things. You left me so abruptly this afternoon, you forgot your book and your blanket." He gestured to the opposite end of the tower and her eyes followed. There in the corner, her blanket was spread out neatly and her book was sitting on it.

She walked past him murmuring her thanks.

"What was that, Granger?"

She sighed heavily and turned to face him. "Thank you Malfoy for returning my things. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to finish patrol."

"You're not going anywhere."

"Excuse me?" she said reaching down to retrieve her book.

"You're done with patrol, this is your last stop," he said walking over to her and the strategically placed blanket.

"You don't know what you're talking about, I still have to check the northern…"

"Liar," he said casually. He now stood in front of her. He took the book from her and tossed it back on the blanket. "You always do the Astronomy tower last." He backed her up and now they were both standing on the blanket. "You like to finish with a nice view of the grounds before going to bed. On a clear night, like tonight, the lake gives a serene reflection of the moon and stars…you like to see that before bed…it relaxes your mind after a long day, of thinking too much. I thought tonight, we could, perhaps, take in the sight together," he finished with a little wave of his hand motioning for her to sit on the blanket.

"How did you…? Never mind, it doesn't matter." She bent down and snatched up her book again, stepped off the blanket, picked up a corner and started tugging at it.

"Oh, yes Granger. I had someone make some discrete inquiries about you. If we're going to have a successful teacher/student relationship, I thought it best to have some additional background information so I could best know how to educate you."

Grunting and tugging at the blanket she said, "wow. It wasn't until this very moment," tug, "that I really understood just how much of a pompous," tug, "ass you really are." In between each tug he was forced to take a steps backwards. "You're confidence amazes me Malfoy. What makes you think you'll be teaching me anything…especially tonight?"

"Come now, Granger. You don't really believe that when you stormed off this afternoon that that was really the end of all this? I crossed my heart and hoped to die, remember? I can't hurt you without hurting myself…what are you so afraid of?"

"Well, I'm certainly not afraid of you."

"Really? Prove it."

"Arrrr" she growled in frustration, the majority of the blanket bunched in her arms between them. "Get off Malfoy," she demanded as she tugged in vein, leaving Malfoy standing just on the edge of the blanket.

A devilish smile appeared on his face. "Spread that blanket back out and I'm sure with some guidance, you can certainly make that happen for me," he said tucking a lock of loose hair behind her ear. He leaned in and whispered, "I have every confidence in you."

Disgusted at his forwardness, Hermione gave one final tug on the blanket as hard as she could. Malfoy slipped back but grabbed onto her taking her toppling to the floor with him. They landed once again in a jumble of arms and legs, this time Hermione on top with the blanket bunched between them.

He snaked his arms around her preventing escape. "mmmm very nice," he growled. "Now let's just get this blanket out of the way and your first lesson can begin." He quickly pulled out the blanket and tossed it aside. Before she could even react, his arms were back around her, holding her firmly but comfortably.

"Let go of me Malfoy," she said struggling to get free from him. "I said I would seek you out, when and if I wanted to go though with this…this – I can't even clearly define what this is." She sighed heavily in aggravation and tried again to explain, "I was on prefects patrol tonight, not out looking for…"

"Granger," he said in an almost amused sigh. "It's not in a Gryffindor's nature to lie. And you're extraordinarily bad at it."

That did it. She pushed herself away from him and quickly stood up. He knew. 'Damn it, how the hell can he know that I'm lying?'

For she was, indeed, lying through her teeth. Since returning to the castle in the afternoon, she hid away in the Gryffindor common room avoiding any contact with Malfoy while inwardly yearning to seek him out. But she held herself in check by keeping busy helping Harry and Ron with their assignments. She managed to get them all caught up on their homework and even gotten them started on next week's essays. After all her help, they didn't mind in the least that she decided to skip dinner. She took a hot shower hoping to wash away the memories of her afternoon encounters with Malfoy, but it didn't help. As she dressed for patrol, she unconsciously dressed a little more stylishly than normal in secret hope of running into Malfoy.

She took a cleansing breath as she watched Malfoy get up off the floor and turn toward her. She tried again, "I said I would find you when I needed you."

"And so you have." He took a step towards her.

She struggled for control and took a step back, "I…I don't need you Malfoy and I wasn't trying to find you. You were… waiting for me."

He took a step closer. "Indeed I was, but make no mistake, you do need me Granger…"

At her intake of breath, the sure start of a protest, he cut her off.

"…and don't try and deny it."

He stood there, arms crossed over his chest with that blasted smirk firmly in place, shaking his head slowly from side to side.

"You think I wouldn't notice now? After what happened today? Do you really think I would just let you forget about it? You said yourself, I'm typically dominant – what makes you think I would just wait around for you? What makes you think that I wouldn't pursue this?"

"There's nothing to pursue. I said I would come to you if I…maybe I'm not ready for this, Malfoy…maybe I changed my mind."

"Stop lying Granger. Just admit it. You wanted me in the Library, you wanted me out by the lake and you wanted me all afternoon, but have been too cowardly to take the first step; very unlike a Gryffindor, really. It must have killed you to hide from me in your common room all afternoon. So, I'm making the first step for you. You crossed a very specific line then quickly withdrew, let me pull you back over it again."

He swiftly took her in his arms and before she had a chance to react, he nuzzled into her neck and gently sucked her earlobe into his mouth then punctuated it with a soft slow lick. A throaty moan escaped her lips and she sagged against him. He wrapped one arm around her waist and held her against him before he turned her so that she fully faced him. Her back was now pressed into the railing while her front was fully pressed against his. His hand came up to possessively hold the back of her neck while his other sat comfortably on her hip. He looked directly into her eyes to make sure he had her undivided attention before saying, "we're both here, now. Let's take advantage of this time together Granger. It couldn't get any more romantic than a few hours alone in the moonlight, could it?"

Hermione held back a sudden urge to sigh in delight. She reminded herself that this was Malfoy standing seductively in front of her talking of moonlight and…hours?

"Who are you?" she said almost to herself. "A Malfoy suddenly speaking of romance? Unheard of."

"Well, we could get right down to business I suppose, but I didn't think you were that kind of a girl…always figured you as the type to go in for a lot of foreplay, and not one of those 'do me now' types."

"And since when do you take into account the girl's feelings? I thought you got what you wanted when you wanted it, no apologies."

"True that is sometimes the case, but terms are agreed to before hand, by myself and the girl. I give her exactly what she asks for – nothing more, nothing less."

"A business arrangement," she said flatly. Like he would have any other agenda.

"Exactly. We'll each get something we want. You get experience, and I get satisfied, plain and simple. Anything deeper is taken out of the equation from the start of the endeavor."

"I'm not a total prude Malfoy. I have kissed a few boys you know. And I can get a favorable reaction out of them. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Clearly," he agreed thinking back to his unexpected comeuppance in the library. "But, be that as it may, we do have to set a few ground rules."

"Such as?"

"You need to tell me how you want this to go…soft and sweet? Hard and fast?"

She couldn't believe how easily he could turn something so personal into a business agreement. She was shocked by what he said and she questioned in a whisper, "soft and sweet?" Then had to stop from quivering in delight at the mere thought of it.

"To be fair we did have a bit of the hard and fast in the library, you saw to that. I supposed we could have this agreement include a combination of both. At the beginning of each session, you'll have to instruct me how you want to proceed or I could just follow your lead…"

"Follow my…?" And she thought a moment. 'What could it possibly hurt to have a quick dalliance with Malfoy? Besides the fact that Harry and Ron would probably be disgusted, who would it hurt? But what if something deeper developed between them. No. That can never happen. It would be utterly insane.' She looked at him as he patiently awaited her reply.

Finally she found the words, "okay. Fine. But I have a rule too."

"And that is?"

"Don't fall in love with me."

"I don't think we'll have to worry about that, Granger."

"Just promise me," she said softly.

"Fine, I promise. Now, do we have an accord?" He leaned in a little closer and stole a quick kiss at the corner of her mouth.

"Yes, Malfoy. We have an accord."

"Good. Shall we begin then? How would you like to proceed tonight?"

He waited patiently for instruction. "Kiss me," she said after looking at him for a few moments. He leaned in to take her mouth, but before he could she added, "softly." Her innocent demand allowed a throaty growl to escape his lips. He did as he was told and gently kissed her lips. As promised, Malfoy let her lead. She kissed him with sweet closed mouth kisses, while caressing his face. She lazily licked his lips asking without words to let her in. He complied without hesitation. Hermione explored his mouth slowly, not wanting another bruising kiss like they shared in the library. She wanted to see what Malfoy was like in a tender moment – not that any of his intentions were the least bit tender – but still, she could pretend. After all, she was the one in control. She ran a hand through his hair and as the kiss progressed, she grasped the back of his head and held him to her. The kiss deepened, and he matched the movement of her tongue stroke for every blessedly deep stroke.

When she ended the kiss, they were both breathless. Staring into each other's eyes, neither spoke. Hermione bit on her bottom lip waiting for a comment…any comment. She couldn't take his silence. "Well? How was that?" she asked.

Malfoy was trying desperately to stay in control. If it was even possible, that kiss was even hotter than the kisses they shared in the library. He took a breath and cleared his throat, "do you really want to know?" he asked quietly glancing away from her to examine the stone beneath their feet.

Her heart sank. "It was terrible, then?" she said. His head shot up. "Well, thanks for not bothering to spare my feelings, Malfoy. I knew this was a mistake."

"Huh?" was all he could get out before she continued.

She stepped away from him, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm so stupid for trusting you."

"Wait, Granger…no. You don't understand."

"Oh I understand plenty. This afternoon I admitted I wasn't as experienced as you, but you said you would teach… good lord what was I thinking? Considering trusting the great Malfoy, professional snogger. I can just imagine what you thought of my kiss in the library. Ugh! How could I have been so stupid?" She stomped away from him.

"Will you wait a minute!"

"No! Leave me alone Malfoy. I should have followed my instincts and left when I realized you were up here waiting for me." She turned and ran down the stairs, tears threatening to spill down her face.

Malfoy pushed away from the railing. 'What the bloody hell was that all about? I was only trying to tell her…' He began to follow her, but tripped over something. It was the book he had tried to return to her. Malfoy picked it up then found and gathered the blanket. 'She'll want these back, Merlin knows she can't go that long without her books. I'll just wait for the opportune moment and then… give it to her.'


Borrowed a few more lines from Buffy….had to do it….they fit way too nicely. All hail to the Jossverse and his brilliance. And there is another one from a movie: 10 points to your house if you can name the movie and the line.