Title: Amethyst
Author: Teno Hikari
Rating: PG
Genre: General
Pairing: none really ... well maybe a little Gil/Kira-ish
Word Count: 359 (drabble)
Summary: Gilbert Dullindal reflects on what he was never meant to posses. (drabble written for week #6 of the LJ SeedFicTest community.)


Of all the rare jewels in his collection, he would have once traded them all for the amethyst. For that particular gem bestowed strength, stability, a sense of true peace from it's power to overcome adversity. Gilbert Dullindal truly believed that holding the rarest of the rare in the palm of his hand would have made his past formulated plans into a present reality.

Unfortunately, as soon as he became aware of the brilliance of it's shine, did the amethyst vanish from sight. For two years he had searched for the gem, lost and forgotten among the debris caused by the previous war. Yet patience was a virtue, and if was meant to be, he would someday prevail. The prize would be well worth the wait.

Like any collector, he researched the object of his fascination thouroughly. Even with his Chairman connections, there wasn't much information to be found, especially about the gem's current whereabouts. What he did learn, wasn't entirely new to him. For instance he already knew that the amethyst was imbued with protective qualities, that it could enhance one's understanding of all things.

'There were so many questions I wanted to ask you, so much I wanted to know.'

Yet as the time passed he had acquired other rare jewels with similar qualities. Such as the ruby and the emerald - both harvested from Earth's soil - and Gilbert had been most pleased at finally finding the latter. Everything had began to fall into place faster than he anticipated and as the amethyst glinted back into view... the crimson light that belonged to the ruby was far brighter.

'I'm sorry Kira-kun...'

A new door of opportunity had opened and it wasn't one he couldn't afford to walk passed. Once again, the amethyst slipped through his fingers; but this time it was intentional. More important, it had been necessary. He wouldn't allow that gem, no matter how rare it was, to be used against him and his ideals.

'But if I can't have you...'

"Although the destruction of the Archangel is still unconfirmed, the Freedom was definitely destroyed."

Then it was never meant to be.