I kept my promise :D

Disclaimer: o/ I own a goooat, I own a goooat o/ (music notes XD) But not Hellsing

Look! o.o A plot is forming!

Integral was bored. Or, so it looked. Her eyes kept a constant vigil on Alucard, watching every single little flicker of his eyes, or the cackle of a laugh, and where he put those gloved hands... hand.. hands... Hey! Too low mister, keep it above the bel-- Alright, good.

She told herself it was to just make sure he didn't cause any trouble. And he could make trouble. Someone gets a paper cut around him and its all over. But, really, it was bothering her that he was.. over there... Didn't he invite her to this stupid thing? Yes, he did, and here she was, having listened to him, and was all alone.

Yes, alright, he told me to come over.

But, that didn't matter one damn bit.

HE should be over HERE paying ME attention, the undead jerk. Haha. Laugh it up, yesss, shake that guys hand,

"Would you..."

Take a drink, ignore me, you big,

"... pleasure me..."

... huh?

"... with this dance?"


Integral turned around, blinking. Enrico stood there, leaning slightly, hand outstretched to her, the smile on his face of a cat who just left a present in a corner. She narrowed his eyes up at him, opening her mouth. Many things crossed her mind, but as soon as she heard another guffaw from a few tables over she snatched up his hand, and practically dragged him to the dance floor.

The music was slow, but almost all of the music they were playing was. One hand on his hand outstretched, another one firmly on his hand on her waist, and away they went. Enrico, for the most part, was astounded at his luck, and, all in all, a little disappointed at the same time. He wasn't exactly expecting her to accept, but to laugh, insult, even call her little lap dog over to shoo him away. Not that he could. Oh no. She had her little lap dog, while he had his three armed, blessed, trained... Staring... Oh man they were staring!

Across the dance floor next to the buffet table stood his three comrades, wide eyed in his direction. Enrico was dancing. Not only that, he was dancing with the unholy pig from Hellsing.

"Has Enrico lost his mind?" Hissed Heinkel, narrowing her eyes to see if she was seeing right. Yup. "Anderson, do something!"

Anderson jerked out of his thoughts and looked down at the smaller lady, frowning deeply, "Do WHAT exactly?"

The nun glowered, something pass the man catching her eye, "Well, that, for example."

Anderson turned, looked, and gasped, "Wat vile unholy scum 'as found its way here, and on my vacation tu!"

The nun smiled wickedly, her counterpart frowning worryingly at Anderson as he stomped out towards Enrico. He cleared his throat once he got behind Integral, and crossed his arms. Enrico looked up at once, but it took another throat grumble to get a rise out of Integral. She slooooowly turned her head up, then on the side, small smirk on her face, eyes half lidded in a mocking look, cigar smoke floating up towards him, "Can we help you?"

"Yes you can 'elp me, by letting me have a WORD with Enrico." Anderson said, through clenched teeth. He didn't exactly like Integral, not by a long shot, but he would sooner marry her than be kind to her vampire lackey, which, on closer notice, had disappeared from his ring of fans, making the man more nervous, "Enrico, Sir, stop dancing with the help and luuk aroun'! That monster is here, and you are acting like you are on--"

"Vacation?" The man said, grinding his teeth, "If you would let me remind you, I, no, WE ARE on vacation."

"But, sir, the--"

"I don't want to hear another bloody word about vampires! I don't want to think about them, I don't want to see them, not even smell them! Do you understand me?"

"Oh, I'm sure he does."

The priest jerked and jumped, abandoning Integral in a flash to be beside his whipped Anderson. Alucard stood right behind where Enrico just was, grinning manically. Anderson gave birth to five healthy kittens.


'Master, you are mad at me.'

Alucards voice invaded Integral's mind, blocking out the annoying, heavily accented shouting behind her, thankfully. She didn't answer him, just glowered up at the still smiling figure. He knelt a little, the sound in Anderson's voice going up a few octaves at being ignored, and held out a gloved hand, his mental voice like silk, 'The band is winding up to a nice song. It will be my favorite of all night if you would dance with me.'

She looked to the hand for a few moments, then up to him. Anderson was probably flailing behind her by now, and this thought made her smile. Taking his hand she took lead, as the band started up. It was fast, heated, salsa. High heels and all Integral made it through.

The room glittered in her slightly blurred side view, body pressed up to Alucards. It was comfortable, but a bit odd, the lack of heat making her feel like she was dancing with an inanimate object. It was his eyes. His eyes were always the first thing to remind her that he was very much there, the piercing red eyes more full of life than his laugh, or fangs, or battle lust. His left hand was on her lower back, his right hooked up with her right, her own left on his left shoulder, returning to this position after every spin or kick. The energy flowed, the kind that made you want to throw back your head and laugh, which was exactly what he did a few times, enjoying the moment. She kept stern, only hint she was enjoying was the small, barley concealed smirk on her face.

They soon had an audience, a cleared little circle, just for him. 'He might not be able to carry a tune... But he can dance...' She thought, bemused, as the music came to a fiery end, their audience clapping afterwards. She was leaned back in his hand in the final pose, his own head looming over hers. Ebony hair fell around her face like a curtain, shielding the rest of the world from view. She felt her own heartbeat echo through his chest, short breathes rising and falling quickly, eyes meeting his. They must have stayed that was for a little while, for when he finally leaned up another song had started up.

"Funny... I... I didn't hear them begin this one." She said, smoothening out her dress. Alucard was a little too happy, practically bouncing over towards the balcony, Integral in hot pursuit. She wasn't about to be left with Enrico again.

The balcony was empty, gratefully, leaving the two alone in the biting wind and moonlight. He walked over to the edge, leaning a bit on the railing, "Do you hear that?"

Integral wasn't smiling anymore, he is never this excited. Sure, they danced, but it was an apologetic one. One probably just so he could get rations. But this...

"I said, do you hear them?" He said, turning around on her. He could hear the muffled party going on behind her, and the wind, but nothing else. "What is it you hear, Alucard?"

He didn't say anything, just cackled softly, turning around again, infuriating Integral. "I said, what do you hear?" She stepped forward, frowning up at him. His hair blew a bit in the wind, soft strands mingling with hers a bit, "... I hear many things. But I want you to find out for yourself. It concerns you, you should know..."

She hated when he talked in riddles, but was patient. You couldn't have gotten as far as she was without being patient. Putting her face to the wind she closed her eyes, hearing the small whistle of the wind against the sides of her glasses. What did he hear... Well, of course she wouldn't be able to hear it, maybe smell it? No, the wind was making her nose feel numb, along with the rest of her face, so it was a no go there. See it wasn't a possibility either, she would have already seen it. So... What was...

Her skin prickled, and in her relaxed mind, she tried to draw up a memory of the same time she got the prickled feeling in her skin. Random memory. She was alone, in one of the many hallways of the Hellsing manor. She and Alucard were playing 'hide and seek', without her consent. It was to find him, before he found you, and when you play it by trapping a small girl in a hallway, it wasn't something you forget. Of course, being older now, she knew what he was doing. Trying to train her to be able to sense, to feel... To feel...


"Oh yes."

"How many?"



"Do what they are about to do."

Integral didn't have time to think of what he meant before it presented itself, the frame of the building shuddering dangerously, a deafening boom preceding it. She jerked and held onto the one thing that popped in her mind to steady her, Alucard's waist. He was cackling madly, pulling his gun from his vest, "Oooh I knew that this vacation would be worth it." And slid down, past the tiles of the balcony, past the flooring, and past her grip, leaving her alone. Another boom, another shudder, was when she became aware of the screams inside.

"Damn!" And ran in, sprinting pass frightened party goers. She abandoned her high heels at the elevator, if she had to run she would have to run fast, and they provided just about the same about of protection as she would have going barefoot anyways.

The elevator wouldn't come.

She cursed and flew up the stairs next to the elevator, barley aware of the shouts of the security guards below her, "No! Miss! Come back, someone is bombing the building!"

"GET THE LEAD OUT MEN!" shouted the French mercenary, coming to a screeching halt behind a troop that had gotten there seconds earlier. He pulled out his weapons as the others did the same, getting ready for battle, absentmindedly looking over the hotel. It was tall, polished, very expensive looking. Tennis grounds could juuust be seen beyond the troop's heads.

"Where the hell is all the undead?" He shouted, loading his gun.

"They suspect either inside, or around back." Said Seras businesslike, pulling her own little Walter gift over her head, looking as if it weighted more than the car itself. He stopped a moment, smiling at her, "Look missy, don't go hurting yourself."

"You too." She said with a smirk, nudging him playfully, then marching off with the rest.

Look, two chapters :D

There will be more AxI soon, I promise. I just have never seen them as a 'Skip across a field of flowers into each other's arms' kind of couple.

Maybe even tomorrow ill post :D Broke my middle toe between stories . ;.; So no school. Yay! ouch x.x