Disclaimer: The usual 'don't own' thing.

A/N: Guys I know its been a long time but I had my exams. Then there was Christmas and the New Year, so I couldn't get any free time. Now maybe I'll get it but I won't promise. I will also like to take this opportunity to wish all the readers a belated Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. I got a very big gift from you all. I saw that I had more than a thousand hits for this story. Thank you so much. But I would appreciate it if everyone reviewed. Thanks again.

Now on with the story…

Chapter 7

Today. It's going to happen today. This was the first thought I had as I woke on Sunday morning. The plan was all set to unfold. Harry and I had been going over it for a few times since I invited him. We worked out all the loopholes. But we didn't only work, mind it. Lets just say we now know each other a lot better because of last few days than all those years. The plan was not all that complex because the event itself was going to shock them. We just wanted it to be a bit more shocking.

Mum had been busy making so many dishes that I was beginning to doubt whether the dining table would be able to hold it. She wasn't allowing anyone into the kitchen and warned everyone to stay out of her way. If you could, by chance, get close to her you might hear her muttering something along the lines "…such a sweet girl…" "…always wished she would be a part of this family…" "…dream finally comes true…" "…I can't believe Ron's getting married…" "…if only Harry was here…" etc. etc. The last one especially touched my heart. No matter how much time passed by, still Harry continued to be in our hearts. Now you'd say 'but whole Wizarding world remembers him'. And my answer to that will be: yes, the world does remember him but as Boy-who-lived-again but we remember and love him as Harry, the small scrawny boy who first arrived in this house, the one who was shoddy in chess and Potions but best in DADA, the one with the golden heart and best mate anyone could ever ask for.

Anyway I have to go and get dressed. Mum has finished her cooking and I have to set the table and get the show on the roll.

"Mum, don't worry, I'll set the table. You go and freshen up. Everyone will be arriving soon." I said. Go Mum. I don't want you near the clock. You'll spoil the whole surprise. Because our clock has Harry's name on it, which has been pointing to 'missing' for last five years with an occasional 'mortal peril'.

" OK dear. But don't set the dishes yet. Ron's going to announce first in the living room."

Now this is going better than I thought. Yippee!

Ron and Hermione were the first to arrive, followed by Bill and Fleur (I think they are an item.), Charlie, Twins and Remus who was accompanied by Tonks. I greeted everyone with a hug and requested him or her to be seated in the living room. Soon Percy, Mum and Dad entered and we were all catching up with each other. Ron asked me where my boyfriend was, which pricked all my brothers' ears.

"Ginny, when did you get a boyfriend?" Bill asked.

"Who is he? Can we use him as a test subject." The twins asked excitedly.

"Yes, you all know him and no, you cannot use him as your guinea pig. He will be a little late but he will be coming so you all can meet him then." I replied calmly. I wasn't too surprised with their reactions but I sure was getting very impatient. Only when Ron gets his act together, can I get the show on the road.

I was busy talking to Charlie when Ron got up along with Hermione and cleared his throat. Finally.

"Now that we have your attention, we have an announcement to make." Ron said nervously.

"We i.e. Hermione and I have just got engaged."

Everyone was just staring at them when suddenly one of the twins exclaimed, "About time!" This got everyone moving and soon there were lot of congratulations going about. After a long time, everyone was calm enough to settle down. Then the questions started pouring.

"How did he propose you?" Fleur asked.

"Hermione show us the ring." Mum requested.

"When are you planning on getting married?" Someone asked which drew us all into the conversation.

"Well, Ron and I were thinking of waiting for Harry. We don't want to get married without him on our side." Hermione answered.

"Yes, I want him to be my best man and Ginny will be the maid of honor." Ron continued.

"Good for you." Percy said.

"But guys, Harry has been missing for five years now. We don't know where he is. We don't even know if he would want to come back." Charlie said.

"I agree with Charlie. We know clock shows him as missing but after so many years I don't know if he is even alive." Bill added.

"Though we want Harry to be here for you, we don't think you should wait for any longer." The twins said together.

"Maybe the boys are right. Your Mum and I understand your feelings but maybe its time to move on." Dad added his own bit with Mum nodding slightly.

I watched Ron and Hermione the whole time to see their reactions to these comments. Their answer to this would decide the outcome of this 'about to be more eventful' evening.

Ron and Hermione looked at each other and together shook their heads.

"Guys we know how you feel but we want Harry here for this." Hermione said.

"Yes. We do appreciate your opinions but we want Harry here." Ron reiterated.

I had never been so proud of Ron in my life. I smiled warmly when Ron looked at me to show him my support. But others were not so easy to convince. They all started arguing but I could see that Ron and Hermione were going to be adamant. After a few minutes of chaos, I decided that it was time to stop. With a few shouts I got everyone to hear me.

"People, listen. I know you all want the best for them and they know it too. But you've got to understand their feelings. They want their brother and best friend to be with them." I said.

"But Ginny…" Charlie interjected.

"No buts. It's their wedding and they have the right to decide the date. So just be happy for them that they finally took this step and let them be." Everyone nodded finally.

"Thanks Ginny." Ron said relieved.

"Welcome brother. And now I have surprise for both Ron and Hermione on this happy occasion. I would like you to meet my boyfriend." I said waving my hand towards a bare wall.

"Who? There is no one there…" Ron trailed away when a hand appeared out of nowhere. Soon the raven-haired man was standing before us with unshed tears in his eyes. I smiled happily.

Everyone was stock still when Hermione's tremulous voice was heard.


A/N: I know it's sort of a cliffhanger but then again how am I supposed to keep your interest alive. Now all you have to do is give me at least 20 reviews. Thank you :-)

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