A/N This is going to be a Win/Ed fic but bare with me for when Ed talks about other women. This is in Ed's point of view.

Disclaimer: If I owned Fullmetal Alchemist I wouldn't be writing a fanfic about it now would I!

I was sitting there for minutes on top of minutes. The pressure was excruciating knowing that as soon as I got in there Colonel Bast- I mean Mustang would be telling me about my "Lack in performance" and my "Slip ups" and my Blah blah blah blah……

I was tapping my left hand against the couch armchair in the waiting room with Al right next to me. He was being really still thinking. Or sleeping. Sometimes I can't tell. I look at the door and start tapping more rapidly. I know he's just waiting to get me on edge, so I'll be goaded into a fight.

It's working.

I'm just about to jump and blast the door open when suddenly Hawkeye comes out. "The Colonel will see you now Edward." she said in her monotone voice.

I get up gesturing for Al to stay here. I walk in as suddenly the sun hits me in the eyes from the window behind his desk. When my eyes adjust I see him looking at me with folded hands at his chin. I notice Hawkeye standing next to him with her jacket off ( that's rare) with sweat coming down from her neck slipping down her chest and…

"So Fullmetal, I'm wondering why you can't catch this mysterious bomber when he seems so low-class to me." He said calmly which goes against his stupid smug grin.

"Ummm….." I mutter pathetically slightly dazed.

"Yeah well, he's kind of tricky…." I mutter again snapping out of it.

"I see you caused a lot damage last time you tried to catch him. The bill is pretty big, for such a short guy." he said trying to goad me into a frenzy.

I was about to say something when all of a sudden I see through the corner of my eye movement. I take a slight glance and see Hawkeye straightening some papers she's holding and I see as she does this her papers flick against her breasts. Her nipple suddenly hardens and I can see it through her slightly tight shirt.

My stare feels like minutes but I know it's merely a few seconds and I suddenly feel the heat in the room as I shift my head around moving my collar around absentmindedly. I look up at her eyes and she's been watching me stare at her chest. I quickly look at Mustang and try to remember what he said.

"Well, I'll try better next time…." I trail off only partly remembering what he said.

Mustang looks at me suddenly with his grin's gone and he looks at mea little more quizzically. He sits up a little looking me in the eye with (I couldn't recognize it at first, it surprised me) genuine concern.

"Edward are you alright?" he asked liberally like a doctor would ask a patient.

"I'm fine." I said defiantly.

For a moment he seemed to looking at me like he could see through me or with a microscope or something. He sits up a little higher and instead looks to his left to Hawkeye. For a moment I thought he noticed her breasts but then looks her in the eye and back to me. Shit.

"Maybe…….." he wondered off here as if weighing his options of what to do with me.

"……..you need a break." he finished after giving Hawkeye one last look.

Suddenly I froze in surprise and just stared at him like he was made of rhubarb or something. I lower my head getting ready for the catch or the good part for him orsomething. When nothing comes I look up and start to think someone's impersonating himand if I'm lucky they killed him for a permanent replacement.

"HUH!" is all that comes out of my gaping mouth.

"Fullmetal. I think the Colonel simply wants you to take a break from your job and relax so that your performance will no longer be affected by distractions." Hawkeye says in her strong voice.

Mustang looks like he wants to saysomething but Hawkeye pretty much summed it up and he shrugs.

"Think about it. You don't need to answer just yet." he said going back to his smug grin.

I looked between the two of them and simply turned around walk out without a word.

When I got out of there Al got up and looked at me expectantly.

"Well?" he asked with his voice sounding extremely anxious.

"He wants us to…. take a vacation." I said still realizing my own words.

Al looked flabbergasted by these news.

"Look, could you just um… I'm gonna get some lunch at the cafeteria so I need you to do me a favor."


"Just stop by the library and grab me a book. Anything, I just need something to read for later." when the truth was I just wanted to be left alone to think.

"Oh sure…" he said a little confused and walked off.

I walked over to the cafeteria to grab some food and think along the way.

Why would Mustang want to give me a break? I thought he liked to work me like a dog and push me over the brink just to annoy me. Now he wants me to take a break? The only reason I can think that he would do this is that he's gonna send me to some place where a whole lot of stuff is going on he wants me to take care of but then he would just send me there as a mission wouldn't he?

Then I though t about that look he gave Hawkeye. First at her breasts and then her eyes like I did. Like he was following my gaze. Or maybe he always does that. She does have nice….

Then I thought about what Hawkeye said: "I think the Colonel simply wants you to take a break from your job and relax so that your performance will no longer be affected by distractions." DISTRACTIONS. Was she already sharp to my embarrassing problem? Then the thought hit me.

OH GOD! Mustang and Hawkeye talk about everything. Everything. Maybe even my problem! No! If Mustang knew, I would never hear the end of it! NOOOOOOO!

I grabbed a tray with some soup and bread. I walked over to the table without any people and sit by myself. I picked up the bread and started to take giant bites and slurping as much soup as possible.

"Fullmetal, we need to talk."

I choked a little and looked up. Hawkeye was staring at me with a stern look and dark eyes. I noticed she had her jacket back on and she somehow got rid of all the sweat from earlier. She sat down next to me and stayed perfectly still.

Not knowing what to do (since I've never actually talked to Hawkeye before) I cram some more food into my mouth. I tried not to look at her and she wasn't making a move either.

"Edward we should talk about your problem." she says her tone a little softer.

I stayed still, resolute not to look at her. "There's no problem." I said gruffly.

"There's no denying it Edward. I know for a fact this bomber you've been trying to catch is a woman with a taste in skimpy outfits. I also saw you look at me in the office just now." she said like this kind of conversation happened all the time.

I freeze knowing she hit the problem on the mark even though I would never admit to anyone. Let alone Hawkeye.

I turn around slowly to look at her and making sure to keep my vision on her eyes. She looked at me not in scorn but like this was some entertaining show she happened to spot on the street. I think she did this to calm me.

I tensed up staring away from her again.

"It's alright, I understand. You're fifteen years old now. It's natural for you to be easily aroused by the opposite sex. But you shouldn't let it distract you from your job, and you should stop staring at me whenever you happen to glance in my direction or I will shoot you." she said it in a soothing way but slightly stern like she was teaching me a lesson.

Suddenly I turn around enraged but keep my voice low so no one hears and don't stand up. I don't want anyone else hearing this.

"Listen! I'll get over this and you need to shut up about this!" I stage whispered to her.

She looked at me for a moment like she was trying to bore right into my head and didn't keep her gaze off of me. Suddenly she reached her hand out and touched my cheek for a second and rubbed my nose with her thumb.

Then I realized I had food there and she pulls her hand back and wipes it on a napkin.

"If you couldn't handle that then you'll be made an easy target." she said quietly as she wiped her hand.

It's then that I notice my hand gripped tightly on the table and myself holding my breath. I breathe again and let go of the table to see my spoon with finger imprints where my automail hand grabbed. I also notice my heated erection and blush furiously.

"Listen Edward. The best thing to do is to just let yourself go."

I looked at her alarmed and suddenly scooted away as far as I could go.

"Not like that." she said unnervingly calmly.

"I mean that you should go out. Date. Have fun. I'm sure Colonel Mustang would say you should go for a 'Good Lay' but really the best thing is just to date and see women are more then breasts and legs. Maybe get yourself a little girlfriend." she said with a smile like it would be funny to see me walking around with a girlfriend on my arm.

"I… it's just…." I stuttered totally thrown because of the situation.

"Look, at the very least you should take a break. Everyone makes mistakes but you will lose your rank a s a State Alchemist unless your performance comes back to scratch. Just relax. Take some time to get back into your groove." with that she got up and took the rest of my bread and was leaving back to her office with Mustang.

I was outside of the office again just sitting in the chair again. Waiting. Again. Al was sitting there next to me completely silent again. I felt like this was some sort of cosmic joke. I was just sitting there an hour ago and now all of a sudden I was back waiting and still that damn bastard was making me wait outside his office. And waiting, and waiting, and waiting……

It was ridiculous really. The whole reason I was there was to tell the Colonel that I made my decision about taking a vacation. I did have to admit though. My performance had lacked with the whole "Bomber" situation. The problem was when I finally got a lead and tracked him down, he turned out to be a she.

Even before that I was having a problem with….. well…. women. You see my knowledge and experience was very very bad. The only women in my life were the Rockbell women and…. Mom.

So one day I just started to, notice. Walking across the streets of Central I just happened to notice them. Skirts, blouses, I just started to look at them. Attractive girls, busty girls, nice girls, bad girls, blondes, brunettes, red-heads. I just couldn't stop noticing, staring, glancing, looking!

Not that I had become a voyeur or a lecher or anything but I did happen to be distracted a few times. I would glance and stare, one time I even drooled! I knew it was just hormones though, I mean I looked at Hawkeye! So I knew it wasn't a problem. It would go away.

Then when I had to track this bomber character I found her and found out she was this busty, long-legged, red-head who wore this skimpy outfit. Bombs, skimpy outfit, gyrations, my alchemy didn't get my full attention and was hazardous. There were at least twenty times I could have caught her but didn't. I got distracted.

So here I was, out side of Mustang's office. Being forced to take a vacation so I wouldn't be distracted by my horny urges while on the job.


"You can come in now Edward." Riza's voice emanated from the other side of the door.

I quickly rushed in and was blinded again but kept walking until I was in front of the desk standing straight looking at Mustang with his smug grin in his folded hands. Hawkeye next to him who I noticed was wearing her jacket so I wouldn't stare.

He sat there for a moment wondering if I would speak first but I knew I couldn't give him the satisfaction. We stared at each other resolutely. A battle going on between us on who would speak first. Finally he gave in.

"So Ed, have you made a decision?" he asked unmovingly.

"I have." I said keeping my tone neutral.

"And?" this time Hawkeye spoke looking at me like she could tell my choice just by looking me in the eye.

"Yes, I'll take that vacation," I admitted after careful deliberation. Maybe a vacation would do me good. Get my mind out of the gutter.

He looked like the cat that ate the canary. He probably had laughed but I couldn't hear him at the moment. I looked at Hawkeye and she too was smiling but it looked more like it was in relief then smugness.

"Good, I'll give you two weeks paid vacation. I'm sure you'll want to go somewhere with plenty of, uh, options." he commented moving his hands away from his face to show a smug smile.

At these words I knew immediately that he knew. I was infuriated. I didn't exactly tell Hawkeye to keep it secret but I thought she would at least keep it secret. I meediately turned around and started to leave.

As I left he made a last comment, "Make sure it's a good lay Fullmetal. It'll have to last."

I left his office capable of murder as I heard him laughing behind me. Al stood up to look at me.

"Brother?" he asked timidly.

"Come on, we're going home!" I murmured gruffly as I set off for my adve- I mean vacation.

Please review! Be gentle, this is my first fanfic ever!