A/N: OK, after I finish this, do you guys want a sequel, prequel (Jessie's life), or should I do a parody of The Lion King?

Jessie sighed as she watched Andie heal her niece. It was too dangerous to give Des a potion, as it could go into her lungs. "C'mon, sis…." Syd whispered. Des had to pull through. "You've….you can't leave me behind, Des, please." Syd cried. "Please…don't…" The teenager wept pitifully by her sister's side.

"It's done," Andie spoke. "But she won't wake up for a while."

"Thank Ayan…" Syd mumbled. "She's going to be okay."

"I'm not risking this again." Jessie looked at Syd. "You two aren't leaving this house again."

"Aunt Jessie, that's not…"

"I don't care, Syd. I almost lost Des."

"YOU almost lost Des!" Syd roared thunderously. "DES IS MY TWIN SISTER! I'M A HECK OF A LOT CLOSER TO HER THAN YOU ARE!" With that, Syd slapped Jessie across the face. She slung Des' body over her shoulders and ran off. Andie started after her, but Jessie put a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"No, let them go." The demon explained. "They'll be back."

Meanwhile, Des had awakened. "Where am I?" She mumbled.

"Away from Aunt Jessie, that's for sure."


"Because she's a control freak." Syd explained. She started a fire, rubbing two of her claws together. "She wants us to forget our true heritage."

"She wants us to be safe, Syd."

"She should know by now that we're capable of fighting!" Syd countered. "She doesn't want to be a demon…" The teenager flipped through a few spell books that she had pilfered from her aunt. "Yeah, I'll set her straight…." She mumbled.

"Syd, what are you doing!" Des cried. "You're going to do something stupid, aren't you?"

Syd ignored her sister and her eyes glowed a violent white as she cast a spell. An astral image of their aunt appeared in front of them. The image wrapped her arms around herself and crouched down.

It perfectly mimicked what was happening to Jessie just then. "Jessie!" Andie asked frantically. "What's wrong!"

"S-someone…..is…r-revoking…." Jessie didn't finish her sentence, as the pain was too great to speak. Her tail flowed back into her body and her horns disappeared, along with her wings. "…my powers…" she finished as her color reverted to human form.

"You can't transform anymore!" Andie cried. "Who would have done this!"

"I don't know…" Jessie whispered.

Des stared at Syd in disbelief. "WHAT DID YOU JUST DO!"

"She doesn't deserve to be one of us, Des. She isn't worthy."

Des' wings flapped a few times before she stood up and glided toward her sister, punching her in the face. "CHANGE. HER. BACK!" Des roared.

The purple demon growled and stared at her sister, her eyes still glowing white. "No," she said icily. "No. Absolutely not."

Daemon snickered, waving his hand over the crystal ball that illustrated the twins' argument. "Yes, Sydney….all you need to do now is murder Destiny…"