I do not own Harry Potter, JK Rowling does. Although if you you hate my story, don't be hate'n JK Rowling. (Author's lil notes)
Ch 1: Hurt

It was a clear summer day, when Lily Evans walked down Diagon Ally, shopping for her school supplies. Lily Evans, the smartest and wittiest girl attending Hogwarts, and had an attitude to match. Many considered she had a sharp tongue, but most say her stare is more deadly. Although, once you get on her more friendly side, you'd be glad you did. Her kind sensitivity towards others was known throughout the whole school, although some girls could call her a rival, seeing as she stole something from them what she never really wanted. Her enthusiasm for school was inspired by her being muggleborn and she had never heard of magic, until that fateful day she got her Hogwarts letter. She had been waiting a long time for this moment. Her last time to shop for school things, for this year was the last at Hogwarts, for her and her friends. Lily walked over to a window display and gazed upon the items in it. There was a huge gold heart locket with a picture of a couple snogging on the front. The huge letters in the display read:



Lily snorted at the sign.

"Their love will last forever? Nothing can last forever. Not even love." Lily mumbled, to her self.

"None of that, Evans, of course love can last forever." A sickening voice came from behind. Lily had to breathe in deep slowly release the steam from her ears. She narrowed her emerald colored eyes at the shadow on the glass window and frowned.

"I take it back. You're immature attitude will last forever Potter." Lily said coldly, without even looking at boy behind her and stormed off, her fiery red hair whipping against his face. Who else would talk to her about love, than the one and annoying James Potter? Ever since their first year together, he was always the one who could make her blood boil. He always had a wise crack remark, whenever she tried having a serious conversation with him. And yet, this amused him, for she seemed to be the only girl who could hate him. For the whole female population had fallen in love with Potter and his jet black, ruffled hair. He was Captain of the Gryffindor team, and ring leader of a trouble making group that called them the 'Marauders.' Lily just hated the very thought of them, well for one exception, Remus Lupin. Like Lily, Remus was a prefect, but unlike Lily, he hardly made an effort to stop the 'Marauders' where Lily had spent her whole life telling them off. She kept on walking away, only to be stopped by another booming voice.

"Oy, Prongs. Maybe you should buy her that pretty little gizmo she was look'n at."

Lily knew too well who would go and encourage Potter to annoy her more, Sirius Black. He was more of a prat than Potter, so of course they were best friends. It was hard enough to keep Potter in check, without having to worry about his more obnoxious twin. Although, Lily had always made sure she never stooped down to their level of childish behaviors so she simply ignored his suggestion, and kept walking to Florean Fortiscue's Ice Cream Parlor.

"Jeez Evans, how is it you can't stand, standing next to me, when I can't stand standing away from you." James thought to himself, as he watched Evans walk off with her head held high. He ran his hand through his wild black hair, trying to calm his frustrated nerves. It was his famous 'swooning' trade mark, the action that made every girl sighs of amazement, and yet the action that made Evans want to throw up. Beside his amazing hair everything about him could make any girl collapse. His fine facial features, his nicely muscular chest. Being part of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, did him, and his body, some good. Not to mention the-oh-so dazzling smile of his. It could even charm the most foulest of trolls, not that he'd want to anyway. In class he may have seemed a slacker, but it was only because he found his classes all boringly easy. He just had to glance at the stuff, and bam! He knew it all, no questions asked, but it seems his teachers have a hard time believing this. Although on some rare occasions, very, very rare, James would focus and be done with his homework in a flash. Although, it seemed none of these qualities weren't listed for Evan's ideal man, which stumped James enough to fall off his broom.

"No worries, Prongs my friend. Get her this little gadget and I'm sure she'll understand." Sirius said, pointing to the locket, with an expression of a five year old, wanting candy. Sirius was more of the outgoing sort of guy. Did what he pleased, and in the end everyone was pleased. He seemed like nothing more than a bundle of prankster joy. He had his share of swooning girls, but unlike James, he gave them each their own individual attention.

"You really think so, Padfoot? Evans doesn't seem too fond for it." James asked, doubtfully.

"Of course she's not. I mean who would be?" a calm voice noted, walking up to them. It was their old pal, Remus. Seeing as he seemed to be the more sensible one, he was the most logic and practical of the group. And he was also very wise seeing as the other two seemed to hang on his advice. Especially James, seeing as he's asked Remus to put in a good word about him to Evans for the years that they shared being prefect. Although, any good compliments would be wasted for then James would make his compliments completely unbelievable. Remus wasn't as handsome as James or Sirius, but he had an air of mystery to him, which interested girls in a confusing sort of way. Also, he was a real book worm, had his nose in a book every free second. It was a miracle he could walk and read at the same time without bumping or tripping over anything.

All in all, these three were Hogwarts top bachelors, and the most troublesome students, and yet everyone adored them, except a certain red head.

"So Moony, you think the locket's the wrong approach?" James asked his trusty friend.

"Absolutely. Although, any approach from you would be wrong. So I'm not sure what more you could do." Remus admitted. Although, he was smart, he was way too truthful for James' liking. He never passed up a chance to nag James on how wrong he was going at Evans, and in the end he was always the one who'd say, 'I'd hate to tell you Prongs, but I told you.'

"I don't know. I think it's pretty, and you think Evans is pretty, right Prongs?" piped up their smaller, and unattractive friend, Peter Pettigrew. Peter wasn't talented or handsome, or smart like the other three but he did seem to enjoy their company, and they enjoyed his, so they let him join their group, just for the sake of it.

"She's not pretty, Wormtail. She's beautiful. Maybe that locket just isn't enough to impress Evans." James guessed.

"Prongs, you don't need to impress Lily by giving her stuff. I think it's your attitude mate." Remus noted, as if stating the obvious.

"What's that suppose to mean Moony?" Sirius asked.

"It means, you don't want Evans liking the locket, you want Evans to like you, right?" Remus asked, trying to make it clear for them.

"But wouldn't Prongs want Evans to like the locket, so she could like him?" Peter asked, confusion written all over his face. Remus was about to answer, but James did instead.

"That's bribery."

"Exactly Prongs. Good thinking." Remus exclaimed, glad that there was some intelligence.

"Which is why, she'll have to like me." Intelligence gone.

"Prongs, that's not what I meant." Remus tried to explain, but Sirius butted in.

"Oh, I get it. You're going to give her that expensive gizmo. And since she saw how much it costs, she'll feel bad if she turns you down. But isn't that blackmailing?"

"Padfoot, that's not at all-"

"No it isn't. It's just like Moony said. Bribery. I'm sure girls like that lovey dovey stuff."

"But Prongs, that isn't-"

"Then it's settled, I'm buying it." James announced, going into the store with his friends, Remus following reluctantly.

As for Lily, she was sitting at a table, under a large umbrella, eating a mint chocolate ship ice cream, when she heard two friendly voices.

"Lily!" cried three chipper voices. Lily looked up to see three identical looking girls. Their names were April, May, June March and they each had their own style. (My own lil joke w/ the names. Haha.) April was the most outgoing of the group and wasn't afraid to show a little skin. She wasn't the brightest bulb, but she had her moments. May wasn't as spontaneous as April, but she could be noticed when she wanted to be. She was basically the average sister of them all, so many felt easier talking to her. June was the most cautious of the girls, and liked to keep to herself. Although, hanging out with Lily and May weren't so bad, it was just April's open minded opinions that bothered her.

"Hey guys." Lily greeted, as they sat down.

"So how was your vaca?" April asked.

"Vaca?" June asked.

"You know, vacation. VACA. Jeez June," April sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes at her sister.

"So anyway, how have you been?"

"Oh, great, you know the usual."

"Parents adore you and say how proud they are," April recited.

"Petunia fuming at you, for no particular reason," May said, after.

"Potter coming all of a sudden to annoy you," June mumbled.

"Yep those three p's, parents, petunia, and potter." Lily chuckled to herself.

"You called, Evans." A cheery voice greeted from behind. Lily grimaced at what she saw next. She turned around her head around, so her burning green eyes could meet carefree hazel ones.

"Hi James," April greeted happily, giving him a seductive wink. She was probably the most flirtatious girl Lily had ever met, but her attempts to impress James kept him too occupied to annoy Lily, so she let it continue.

"Hey April," James greeted back, just as seductive.

"I think I'm going to vomit." June mumbled loud enough for them to hear.

"Oy Prongs, I thought you were here to talk nicely to Evans. Not to talk nasty to my girl." A holler came, as Sirius laid his hand on the table, as if smashing a bug, and leaned over April.

"Who said I was your girl." April asked, teasingly.

"Go away Potter, I was just going down my what-I've-done-over-the-summer list." Lily scolded.

"But what does my name have to do with that particular list, unless, of course, you were thinking of me?" James asked, hopefully.

"Actually I was thinking of you, just in an off sort of way." Lily admitted, looking straight into his eyes to see surprise in them.

"Really? How so," James asked, hoping for the answer he wanted.

"I was thinking of the many ways I would hex you this year, if you ask me out again." Lily said her voice stern and icy. She flipped back to look at her friends, again her fiery red hair whipped James' face. May giggled at James' attempt, while June smirked.

"Well, on the other hand. I've also been thinking about you." James mentioned proudly, digging into his pocket.

"I'm sure you have." Lily

"No really, he has Evans. And he got you something." Sirius said, taking a moment to stop drooling over April.

"Come on guys, let's just leave. I don't think-" Remus said, suddenly appearing, but May cut him off.

"How's it going Remus?" she asked, as if not noticing the tension. Remus hesitated before answering.

"Oh, fine. Just trying to keep these two in check, that's all," Remus explained.

"Well, for Lily's sake. I hope you do." She giggled, as Remus face turned crimson.

"Well, anyway. Did you give it to her, yet?" Remus asked.

"I was just about to." James noted, looking for Peter. Who appeared behind Lupin.

"If you would be so kind, Padfoot," James asked, in a humble voice.

"Of course, Prongs. I would love to. Ahem. Ladies and Gents, if you could be so kind as to give Prongs your most undivided attention, for he has a special gift he's like to give Miss Evans." Sirius yelled, standing up. Lily felt her face burn, as many turned to see what the commotion was, but she refused to let it show.

"Now, if Moony would like to wrap it up." Sirius announced, holding a hand out to Remus. Remus looked at Lily apologizing, before he cleared his throat.

"Wormtail, drum roll if you please," Remus asked, turning to Peter, who looked ecstatic to be part of the entertainment. Peter walked over to June's side of the table and began drumming his hands against its surface. Lily looked at the other tree girls for help, but both April and May were enjoying themselves, while June occupied herself in a book.

"We are here today to witness a great celebration. For Prongs would like to present this lovely token of love to the one and oh-so charming Miss. Evans." Remus announced, as James slipped the necklace over her head, and snapped it shut. Peter stopped the drum roll, and joined everyone in clapping. At that moment, she could feel the blush rise to her face as everyone at the table began clapping, except June of course.

"So, Evans, what do you think?" James asked proudly, leaning over Evans shoulders.

"Of course you'll have to except it. Seeing as it is quite expensive and seeing as how I'm the generous bloke I am, I'm so kind hearted to give this to you as a gift. So do you like it?"

Lily suddenly flared at him, a burning furry in her eyes. She grabbed the locket and yanked it off her neck in one pull. She stood up tall and stood close enough for him to see the blush in her cheeks and the mixture of emotions in her eyes. But her eyes flickered, and the mixture was gone, only to be replaced by hate.

"Potter, this is the trashiest thing I've ever seen. Just because it's expensive, you think I'll just buy you're lies. Token of love? More like token of lame." She hollered right in his face. Suddenly, he leaned in and kissed her hard on the mouth. Taken by surprise, it took a minute for Lily to realize what he just did. As he straightened, Lily's whole face was red with anger.

"Will that be taken as a token of love?" James asked, giving her a cheesy smile.


It happened so fast almost no one saw it. Lily had brought her hand up to his face and slapped it with all the force she had. A deep handprint was pressed onto James' face, as he stood there shocked.

"God, Potter! Cant' you take a hint. You're the most bastardly person I've ever met! I hate you!" Lily screamed, and stormed off, leaving her bags behind.

"Oy, you alright there Prongs?" Sirius asked his best friend, while everyone else still stood shocked.

"Yeah, just fine Padfoot." James sighed, as he sat in Lily's vacant seat.

"I'd hate to tell you Prongs, but-"

"I know, I know. I told you so." James said, gloomly.

"Don't take it to heart James. She's just being…Lily." May tried to explain, without putting down her friend.

"She'll forget it eventually. Then you can try again." April suggested, cheerfully. James looked at her in disbelief.

"What are you saying? Do you want me dead or something? She'd kill me if I ever did that again." James asked, his voice loosing its cool tone.

"Frankly Prongs, you've kissed her at least once every year we've known each other, and she's forgotten about those times, so cheer up." Sirius said, smiling. Unbelievable as it sounded, Sirius was right. He had kissed her before, but she'd forgotten about those times.

"I'm sure she remembers them now. And she'll remember them forever, and she'll hate me until I die." James sighed.

"James, nothing can last forever." Remus said, reminding James of what Lily had said before.

"Their love will last forever? Nothing can last forever. Not even love." "I take it back. You're immature attitude will last forever Potter."

"You sound just like her. She said nothing can last forever, except my immature behavior. Which I suppose she's right." James sighed, and the group became silenced.

"That wasn't immature." June noted quietly, continuing to read her book.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it takes a lot of courage and maturity to admit your faults no matter how many or how huge they may be. That just shows you're willing to admit you're not perfect, you're just…human. Also, about being human isn't about being without faults, but trying to improve them." She finished, and ignored the stares everyone gave her.

"She's on to something mate, you did have courage enough to say you're immature, but I not sure about improving your faults?" Peter asked, looking at Remus for help.

"She doesn't mean to become better at 'being' at fault. She means try to overcome your faults." Remus said, rolling his eyes at his friend.

"June's right. James. That was mature, and you know what would be even more mature?" May asked.


"To apologize you idiot, and you can be more mature and a gentleman if you go and give Lily her stuff." April suggested, and handed James Lily's abandoned bag.

"The ladies are right, Prongs. Just go, give her a smile and apologize." Sirius encouraged, pushing him out of his seat.

"Just don't smile that cocky smile. Truly smile at her, for once. And make sure you mean to apologize." Remus called out as James walked to Flourish and Blotts. "Prongs wait!" Peter cried as he caught up to James. "Don't forget this." Peter said, stuffing the locket inside of his jean's pocket, and ran back to the group. He was about to walk away, but Evan's words before she left rang in his ears as he looked at the lump in his pocket, 'Nothing can last forever.' "I'll show you Lily Evans, some things can last forever, but it's not going to be my immature behavior.

At 'Flourish and Blotts' Lily was reading an interesting book, until another dark shadow loomed over her, blocking out the light for her to read.

"Listen Potter, I've already told you," Lily started, turning around, but facing the wrong boy.

"Told me what?" a boy, a few feet taller than her, asked kindly. His name was Eric O'Bryan. He was the captain for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, and played the position of seeker. He had handsome turquoise eyes that made Lily melt, and cleanly parted chocolate hair. He was one of the soul reasons Lily tried to hard to accomplish Astronomy, even though she loathed the subject.

"Eric! Hi. Sorry I thought you were..." Lily tried to explain but Eric finished for her.

"You thought I was Potter. And was about to ask you out again?" Eric guessed with a chuckle.

"Yeah," Lily sighed, feeling the blush rise in her cheeks again.

"So what would you say, if I did?" he asked, casually. In a state of shock Lily coulsn't answer.Eric took the moment of silence to look at the book Lily had been reading.

"Pride and Prejudice. That's seems like a nice book."

"It is. So far anyway."

"Really? What's it about?"

"Well, it takes place in time where young ladies are pressured into marrying rich men, or handsome men. The book is based upon the life of Elizabeth Bennet, who doesn't like the idea of marrying for riches, appearances, or title, but of marrying for love. So she tries not to be part of the whole charade."

"That sounds a lot like you."


"Yes, you. I mean in our time, with you-know-who loose…"

"Please Eric, just say his name. It can do any more harm than what he, himself has done already can it."

"That's exactly what I'm talking about. You don't feel pressured to change how you live, just because everyone else thinks it's more, more…"

"Wiser, bolder, sanely, comfortable, appealing… and not to mention realistic?" Lily exclaimed, letting loose strands of her fiery hair sway on the side of her face.

"Yeah, something like that," Eric said, reaching out to tuck the strand behind her ear. Lily froze exactly where she stood, in fear of waking up from this dream. As they walked to the counter, Eric pulled the book out of Lily's hands and paid for it.

"Eric, no I can't let you do that. I'm not sure whether I was going to buy it or not." Lily said frantically, as he gave it to her.

"Look Lily. It's okay. Plus I better get used to doing it right?" Eric chuckled, making Lily confused.

"What do you mean?" Lily asked. Eric looked at her for a moment, in disbelief, then said,

"You don't get what I've been saying do you Lily?" Eric asked his expression looking gentle.

"Sorry, I have a hard time understanding guy talk." Lily confessed.

"Well, there's something I've wanted to ask you, but since this is our last year together, now's a better time than any, right? Lily, will you be my girlfriend?"

Lily's jaw dropped completely, also the book, which landed on Eric's foot. His sudden expression woke Lily up immediately.

"What? I'm sorry. What did you say again?"

"I said. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Um, yes. I'd love to."

"Really? Great, well I should probably do this then." Eric said, linking her arm with his. Lily blushed as she could feel his arm muscle so close to her arm. He led her out of the store, when it began to rain. Eric waved his wand, and suddenly an umbrella, big enough for both of them, appeared.

"Can't have my pretty girlfriend, have her hair messed up, can I?" he teased, holding the umbrella above their heads.

"Oh my god, I'm Eric O'Bryan's girlfriend. I'm Eric O'Bryan's girlfriend." Lily kept chanting to herself, not noticing when she bumped into someone.

"Oh, sorry Evans." A strangely familiar voice came. Lily looked to see James Potter soaking wet, his hazel eyes suddenly loosing their shine as he saw Lily's arm in Eric's.

"Potter, can't wait for this year, huh? I'm sure Gryffindor won't feel too bad when Ravenclaw beats you." Eric teased, lightly, as he saw James gloom expresseion.

"Whatever O'Bryan, just don't get you're hopes up too high." Jame huffed, trying to catch his breath.

"Oh, I'm positive Ravenclaw will have a successful year. My girl Lily here will agree with me." Eric said, moving his arm around Lily's waist. James felt his heart punched, bruised, stabbed, broke to pieces and ripped to shreds.

"Your girl," James asked, not believing what he just heard.

"That's right, no hard feelings, I hope." Eric smirked.

"None at all," James breathed harder and faster. Then, Lily noticed James carrying a heavy bag.

"My stuff, thanks Potter. Are you alright? You look like a mess? Do you need any help?" Lily asked, worried that he'd collapse. Just seeing the concern in her eyes, gave James the most hurtful blow he'd ever felt.

"Nah, don't worry about him, Lily. He's Potter, not to mention Quidditch captain. He's used to this stuff." Eric assured her.

"Yeah… sort of like…training. I came to give you these?" James lied, not looking Lily in the eyes, handing her the bags. He had placed a charm on them so they wouldn't get wet, but he couldn't place it around himself.

"Oh, thanks a lot. Are you sure you're alright?" Lily asked, trying to glance into James' eyes, but he wouldn't let her.

"I'm fine." He snapped. Lily was taken back at the sudden tension.

"Well, we best be off. We'll see you on the train then Potter?" Eric asked, tightening his grip on Lily, wanting to show James, how much she was his.

"Yeah, sure then. Bye." James snapped again.

"Bye then Potter." Eric said, leading Lily away, but she still felt uncomfortable, so she tried again.

"Are you sure you're alright, James?" she asked, finally catching his eyes by surprise. James was taken back but her worry, he just starred into her pools of green. She used his first name without any harsh tone or scolding. He knew she had the right to date other guys, but why couldn't she just wait a little longer. Although she seemed happy and if Lily was happy James felt he should be happy too.

"Yeah, I'm fine Lily. Thanks." James answered, using her first name just like she did.

"Well, I'll see you on the train too. Bye James." Lily said, leaving him to stand in the rain. James looked at her and watched her leave. Although, when he made his way back to the 'Leaky Cauldron,' he didn't notice a pair of beautiful emerald eyes following him, until he was out of view.

"Oy, I wonder where Prongs went off to." Sirius asked, as he, Remus and Peter ran through the rain.

"I don't know Padfoot. The girls said Lily called them and said she left already. So he could be with her." Remus guessed.

"They said, Lily saw James before she left, but he didn't' leave with her." Peter noted, just as Sirius saw a figure in the rain.

"There he is!" he yelled. And there he was, standing there, stiff as a statue. His wild hair drenched in rain. His face looked tired, and weak. His body was as lifeless as stone. And yet the worst of it all was his handsome hazel eyes. They had tired into a puffy red, and, if what they say is true, about eyes being the door into someone's soul, then his soul was empty.

"Oy, Prongs. Why are you standing out here in the rain? Hope to become the first human statue?" Sirius asked teasingly, but stopped at seeing his friend's emotionless expression.

"James, what's wrong?" Remus asked. They had never called each other by their first names, except on rare occasions. And this seemed to be one.

"It's funny, really." James sighed deeply, looking straight up into the dark think clouds. "I know I'm alive, but I feel dead." James said, weakly. Suddenly, his body shook and all the effort to stand up was gone, so he collapsed. The three boys, rushed to hold him up. Sirius, being the strongest, hoisted him up and carried him to the 'Leaky Cauldron.'

"He's got a high fever. And his body's weak from exhaustion." Remus explained.

"But what do you think happened?" Peter asked, trying to keep up with their quick dash.

"I don't know, Wormtail. But I know it's not going to be good." Sirius said, looking at his best friend with corncern.

"What did you do, Evans? What did you do?" he thought, to himself.