This is it people, the epic conclusion you will remember for a week.

DivineGuardian: It's good to know I keep my readers happy, and I have a few more up my sleeves.

Shark: I know, but he still has to be stopped.

Cooper fan: Thanks, and I tried to hurry, sorry if I was a little slow.

For the last time, I do not own Sly (Sucker Punch). Wahoo, the last disclaimer of the story is over!

Chapter 20 Good Bye, Love

Carmelita sat on top of Robert, strangling him in pure rage. Robert grabbed her head, and head butted her off him. He then grabbed and twisted her arm as he snarled "Give it up."


"I'm giving you the nice option; I can always do the hard."

"You won't be able to do either when I'm done with you."

"Feisty, I like that."

"I'll kill you!" Carmelita roared as she knocked Robert back, practically off the roof, with her injured arm. She ran at him, but he grabbed her throat again. She pushed at him but he stood his ground as he pushed her back down to the wet roof.

Robert walked towards her, and kneeled next to her. "If you come with me, I'll spare Cooper."

"How are you going to kill him without your gun?"

"You continue to attract me with your defiance, and I have this." Robert said as he pulled a long knife out of his coat. "And I'm not new to them."

Robert stood up, and with expert precision threw the knife into the chimney on the end of the building. All of the little pieces of brick were washed away by the pouring rain. Robert went to go get the knife, while Carmelita looked around frantically.

Carmelita saw it, her last hope. Robert's silenced pistol lay at the far end of the roof. She was between it and Robert, so she got up and made a run for it.

Robert pulled his knife from the chimney. He heard footsteps and turned around to see Carmelita running for something. He didn't know what it was, but he knew he had to stop her, so he threw is knife. It made a deadly whir as it headed for Carmelita.

Carmelita gasped in pain as the knife tore into her unprotected leg. She fell over, but crawled to her target, which was only an arm's length away. She struggled to continue, hearing Robert walk toward her at a regular pace. Her hand reached it, and she picked it up and turned around.

Robert stopped; he didn't know what she had, but he knew it was important. He thought about slowly walking to her, or just swiftly knocking her to the roof in a tackle.

Carmelita grinned as she brought the pistol to face Robert. She pointed it right between his eyes, and waited for him to move. She grew frustrated when he didn't move, and asked "Who's weak and pathetic now?" savoring the moment she could arrest this no-good piece of trash.

"You've got me, but the gun is empty."

"No, it's not."

"Yes, it is."

"Then you wouldn't mind if I were to pull the trigger?"

"Not at all"

Carmelita started to worry as the creepy grin crept back onto Robert's face. He wasn't scared, nor did he even seem to care that she had a gun pointed at him. She couldn't stand it, she pulled the trigger.

Nothing happened, he was telling the truth. The gun was empty, or so it seemed.

You know what; I'll tell you in a short flashback rather than explaining it.

Robert fell from the roof, and heard Cooper's yell of agony. "Victory" he thought, but he likes to play with his victims heads a little bit before killing them if you didn't notice. He changed the round on the firing range so he had one shot before hitting the blank spot he had just made by shooting Cooper. He could shoot one bullet before he somehow changed weapons to his knife. Then everything would come together, he and Carmelita, Sly would be dead, and then Robert could hunt Sly's gang down too.

Fast-forwarding just a tad

Carmelita tackled Robert to the ground. Robert smirked as he purposely threw his pistol up in the air. If Carmelita found it, she would think it was empty. If Carmelita didn't find it, he could just kill Cooper with the knife, and drag Carmelita back to his car, where he probably had another knife. His plan was coming perfectly together; there was no one who could stop him.

Last flashback is over

Robert laughed as he grabbed Carmelita by the collar of her jacket, and threw her across the roof again. He began walking toward her, but stopped when he noticed she still had the gun. There was only one blank spot, so if she tried it again, he was dead. Robert quickened his walk, but Carmelita had drawn herself up. Robert grabbed her by the arms, but she kicked him off her. Robert sprang up to get her again, but was stopped.

Carmelita sat, with the pistol aimed at Robert. She had a cop's sense, like Sly's thief senses, and she knew Robert had done something with the pistol. After he stopped, she knew she was right. "Good bye, Love" she said, her voice filled with anger and sorrow. Then she fired a bullet clean through Robert's head. Tears mingled with the rain running down her face as a body that held a friend, lover, and enemy rolled off the roof.

Carmelita sat there crying until she heard a nasally voice yell "Oh my god, Sly!" She struggled over to the end of the roof and looked down to see a familiar ringed tail slip into a familiar van that drove into a new but all too familiar Paris night.

That's it, it's done. I finished my first Slyfic. I want to fondly thank all my reviewers, you guys are great. I need you all to cast a vote in this review. Do you want me to begin "Survival" next, or would you like me to begin in my story "7 Days of Christmas" then do "Christmas Party"? The summaries are in my profile. Write on, and I'll see ya'll as the Dragon flies in his next fic.