HI PEOPLES! I love this website. I love camp. I love everything right now.

Disclaimer: I own nothing Peter Pan...nor ever will...
Dedication: Jen711, and a heck of a bunch of people from my camp that I met! Like Mariah, Kelly, Lizzie, Mario, Mallory, and Danny! And Stephanie! And Cassie!
Kelly sighed with boredom. She didn't know how long she had been in the brig, but she was really getting bored. She had already sung "A Million Bottles of Coke on the Wall" but she had stopped about ¼ of the way in, because it got too repetitive, she had sung all sorts of Disney songs, lots of Broadway fanfare and she had played "Under the Sea" on the bars.

"Hey…Friday…?" she called to her guard. A nice looking man, obviously Native American born, with kind eyes came up to her cell. He was one of the only clean ones aboard the ship. He had been…uh…volunteered by Little John. He preferred to spend his days fishing with his little sister, a twelve year old girl with big brown eyes and a sense of fun that only could be matched by Peter Pan and his Lost Boys.

"Yes, Kelly?" he asked with a small smile. He was impressed that Kelly was very unimpressed by the show of force on this ship and he thought that she was exceptionally brave to keep up the noise that she had been making for the last 4 hours.

"I'm bored. I mean, really bored. How much longer do I have to be here?" she said, looking up at him, upside-down from her spot on the bench that was located in her cell. It had been her stage, her drum and now it was just a bench.

"Until we reach Neverland of course." He replied, shaking his head. "I'm sorry that you're bored, though." He suddenly got a sparkle in his eyes. He took out the key and purposefully dropped it on the ground. "Oopps…it slipped. Now where is that key?" He scratched his head in mock puzzlement.

Kelly caught onto his game and quickly scooped up the key and shoved it into the lock.

"Oh, no…she's escaping!" said Friday with mock horror, not doing a thing to stop her. He smiled at her, and Kelly grinned evilly. Then she opened the door.

"Oh-no, she has escaped!" he said, a smile playing on his face. "I won't say a word." he whispered.

"Yay! Now I can go wreak havoc!" And she did.

"Get back here, you little witch!" shouted Little John, chasing Kelly along the deck.

"Oh, MAN!" she thought, skidding along the deck slick with cloud dew. "How did I get myself into this? And how did they see me?"

"Hmmm...Hanging upside down from the ceiling rafters, taunting the pirates with, "Nyah, nyah, you can't catch me cause I'm so cool and you're so not, nyahnyahnyah!" then jumping down and spraying them all with the contents of a pitcher of rum then smashing a plate of food into Ass-tor's face might have had something to do with that." said her conscience, sarcastically.

"Shut up and help me find a way out of this!"

Her conscience sighed. "Head for the crows nest."

"THANK you!" thought Kelly, veering off course and leaping into the rigging. Little John's fist barely caught onto her ankle before she managed to kick him away and scramble up the lines toward the crows nest.

"TWO TON! SHE'S HEADED YOUR WAY!" shouted Little John as a thin face peeked out from the crows nest.

"THAT'S Two Ton? Boy, he look's scrawny." Kelly continued up the rigging, only to see a giant fist emerge from the crows nest, followed by a huge arm, and a huge person. "Okay...I think that's Two Ton. Crap." thought Kelly, instantly stopping, and watching as Two Ton turned to the person next to him.

"Rip out rigging?" asked Two Ton, grabbing ahold of it.

"No, I'm thinking more of you climbing down, then kicking her off." said the scrawny dude next to him. Two Ton grunted, then started down.

"Crrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppppppppp." said Kelly, looking down, and noticing that they were above the cloud level, so she couldn't jump down without breaking several hundred bones or just instantly dying when she hit the ground who-knows-how-many-thousands-of-miles-below. "I'm wishing for a miracle..." she muttered, her eyes darting back and forth, trying to find an escape route.

"You sure you got everything?" asked Peter, looking dubiously at the giant duffel bag being shoved out of Robert's bedroom window. A second later it fell to the ground with a soft thud and Robert popped out after it.

"Yep!" said Robert. "All my guns, a heck of a lot of ammo, and protective face masks." He grinned, then tried to heave the bag onto his shoulder. He failed utterly. He tried again. He failed again. Peter sighed. If only Tinkerbell were with me... he thought. We'd soon be in the air. Or even Star-Stuff... He sighed, then tried to help him. Dang, that bag was heavy! He lifted into the air, managing to lift it a few feet off the ground before giving up.

"Dang! We're gonna need Star-Stuff or something, I can't lift it."

"What're we gonna do?" asked Robert, looking at the bag with defeat in his eyes. Then, they heard the door in Robert's room open.

"Uh-oh..." whispered Robert, his cheeks flushing. "I think it's David..."

"Robert? You woke me up again, you little dweeb! Where are you? You are so gonna pay for-" He had looked out of the window. He stood there for a few seconds, then silently slid out. "Bobby? What's goin' on? Who the heck is that?"

"Ummm..." Robert bit his lip. He didn't know how to explain this. Fortunately, Peter intervened.

"I'm Peter Pan, and he's gonna help me rescue Kelly." he said, looking straight into David's eyes. David looked suspicious and less amused than Robert had been.

"You're Peter Pan?" he asked, an eyebrow raised. Peter nodded firmly. "Prove it." he said, his voice hard. Obviously, David became a bitter person when Kelly had vanished.

Peter stood up and, looking straight at David, began to rise into the air. David gave a strangled yelp and fell backwards. "It's a trick, it has to be a trick."

Kelly gulped as Two Ton came down the rigging, his mind set on murder. Her eyes darted to and fro, desperately trying to find a means of escape. Her eyes lit upon a spar just a few feet below her. It was quite a distance from the rigging, but close enough that someone as light as herself could make it. She quickly scuttled over to the other side of the rigging, then, taking a deep breath, she leaped into the air.

For a second, she thought she wasn't gonna make it. Then her body crashed into the spar, and she grasped it as the breath left her body with a dull whoosh. Gasping, she scrambled to climb on top of it. Two Ton was staring at her and everyone down below was totally silent, for once. Kelly allowed herself a small smile, then she clung to the spar, aware that it wasn't much bigger than a telephone pole. Somehow she managed to stand on it.

Two Ton narrowed his eyes in disbelief and anger. Then he felt in his pants pocket for the belaying pin that he had taken for smashing rats in his bunk. He grasped it, then taking it out, he heaved it at Kelly, hoping to knock her out of the air.

Kelly saw the pin coming towards her, in slow-motion, which was odd. Then she did what Peter would have done. She reached up, grabbed the pin, and, still keeping the momentum up, she spun in a half-circle, then let the pin go. It sped back at Two Ton faster than he had thrown it. He didn't have a chance. It smacked him right between the eyes, and with a small groan, his eyes rolled up into his head. He swayed on the rigging for a few seconds, then fell. He landed on the deck several stories below with a bone-jarring BAM, and the sound of splintering wood.

Astor looked at the fallen giant and at the girl still hanging onto the spar, looking slightly confused. Reb looked down over the side of the crows nest and caught Astors eye. Astor nodded. Reb smiled wickedly, then drew his pistol.

Kelly heard the metallic click of a pistol getting loaded. She looked up. She was looking down a gun barrel, that Reb was now pointing at her head. She froze, her mind racing. "Jump, run, grab it away from him? Do SOMETHING!"

Without thinking, she began to blow...

"It's a trick, it has to be a trick." David mumbled, staring at Peter who was continuously rising into the air, a smug look of triumph on his face.

"Strings, something." said David, his eyes wide and scared looking. He suddenly stood up, then jumped, trying to catch hold of the strings holding Peter up in the air. His hands snagged on nothing. He sagged to the ground. "It's real..." he muttered. "Kelly was right all along..."

Peter floated back down to the ground. Now that he had David's belief, he needed to convince him to come to Neverland. Wait...how were they going to get there? Tinkerbell was human, and Kelly was the only one who could sense Star-Stuff.

"How're we gonna get that bag to Neverland?" asked Peter, kicking it slightly with his foot. "It's too heavy to carry and I got no more pixie-dust."

"Well, instead of carrying that giant bag, each of us will carry two guns and some ammo with us, and wear the face-masks." said David.

"Didn't I just say that?" asked Peter, already holding two guns with a mask on. David smirked and picked up two more. Robert wasn't there.

"Bobby?" David called softly. "Where're ya?"

"Here." said Robert from behind the tree. He came back with a small amount of gold dust clutched in his fist. "The gold-covered people left this small amount behind the tree. I left it alone, but I think we might need it now."

Peter grinned. Soon they were in the air.

I hope that was long enough for you guys.