So this is my first story and I hope you will like it so please read it and leave a review!

"Have you talked to your sister today?" I asked pushing him away from me making him stop kissing my neck, I couldn't think straight with his hot lips touching my skin like that. He huffed annoyed at being pushed away and mumbled;

"Angel? No, why?" he bent down and put his lips to my neck once more kissing it softly, I knew him, he didn't take no for an answer and there was no pushing him away. I couldn't help a small giggle escape as his warm breath tickled me making all the small hairs on my neck rise.

"She seems strange, as if she's sad or something" I managed to get out before pushing him of again, this time a bit harder. I mean I loved the way he touched me but sometimes I just wanted him to listen to me. He sighed and ran a hand through his greasy hair; I could tell he was slightly frustrated now.

"Why don't ya talk to her then, probably some girly thing anyway" he said and got up of the bed pulling his t-shirt back on. He was really irritated now almost angry.

I sighed knowing he would get his way as always and knowing I would be glad to make it happen. I stood up and walked over to him sneaking my arms around his waist from behind, I felt him draw a breath shakily and I knew he would give in to me. He turned around and put his big rough hands on either side of my head leaning down to kiss me.

An hour later I stood outside Angela's room knocking softly on it, I could hear a Beatles record playing silently from inside.

"What ya want?" I heard her somewhat shrill voice call to me.

She certainly had her brother's polite ways, I smiled slightly. She was actually a really nice girl once you got to know her, she was hard and cold like her brother but underneath she was just a normal teenage girl growing up in a bad environment. She was like a little sister to me, I never had any siblings so I loved spending time with her and helping her.

"Angel it's me" I said "Can I come in?"

I heard her getting up and walk around and then the lock clicked and the door opened. She was sitting on her floor leaning against the bed, the record player next to her and a magazine in her hands. She looked so young sitting there like that; I could suddenly see who she must have looked as a little girl. She looked up at me, her eyes big and blue, her black eyelashes bashing at me.

"How're ya doing?" I asked sitting down across from her pulling back my dark blond hair from my face. I saw a small smile forming on her beautiful doll like face.

"Ok I guess, I broke up with Jack today" she said her smile fading away, her eyes getting bigger and sadder and I wanted to hug her and comfort her. "Found out he had messed around with that whore Banning" she added her eyes getting harder and her lips forming a sneer as her hands holding the magazine gripped it harder wrinkling it.

I felt my heart twitched for her, I didn't want her to turn out like all us other greaser girl, I didn't want her to swallow being mistreated or act like she didn't care, I wanted her to be happy and careless like she should be.

I didn't like the fact that she dated to begin with, she was only fourteen, way to young in my opinion, I remembered myself at fourteen and I wasn't all that innocent or happy for that matter, I just didn't want Angel to become like that. But looking at the hardness of her face and the anger in her eyes I knew it was to late but at least I could let her know she always had me to talk to that was better then I had had and maybe that could make a small difference at least.

"There's other fish in the sea" I said smiling at her knowing I did exactly the opposite of what I really wanted, I wanted her to show her feelings and I just helped her to mask them even more.

"I always thought Jack was an asshole anyway, you can do better then him" I saw a spark of hope in her eyes and then they turned determined and cunning and my heart ached for her lost innocent.

The next evening me and Curly were sitting in the living room couch watching some late night game show on the TV when Angela walked in her face glowing and her eyes glittering. I felt Curly tense up at the sight of her and he called out to her;

"Where the fuck've ya been?" he sounded really angry and I saw Angel's face turn sour and hard. I sighed wondering why he always did that, every time Angela was slightly happy Curly yelled at her but I knew by looking at his face as he got up of the couch that he was worried sick about her, it was written all over his face and in every word he spoke.

"None of your business bro" she answered and I could see Curly ball up his fist and clench his jaw.

"It's my fucking business bitch" he spat out and Angela flinched a little at his harsh words "It's one o'clock in the morning!" He was too angry to continue and I saw a tear find its way down Angela's cheek silently.

"Fuck of Curly, you're not my father!" she screamed at him her face turning red from anger "You're not even Tim!" she added as she ran up the stairs.

Curly stood glued to his spot not even watching her run of, his fists still clenched his back almost shivering with anger but I could also detect some hurt in the way his back was slightly hunched and the way he held his head a bit to high. I knew he hated being compared to his brother and I knew hated being forced to take his place.

He hated the fact that the gang didn't respect him as they did Tim and not even his own sister would listen to him, he hadn't asked to be in that position in the first place but he couldn't turn his brother down, he had to hold everything together until Tim returned to take over again.

Curly drew a sharp breath that made me want to break down the walls around him and force him to talk to me about it, but I knew he wouldn't. To him it would have been like betraying his brother's trust.

He walked over to a chair that served as a coat rack and picked up his leather jacket and without a word he walked out.

I didn't stop him and that made me feel shame about my own cowardice, I wasn't actually afraid of him, I knew he wouldn't hurt me but maybe I was a bit afraid about what would happen if he really would open up to me. I wasn't really sure I wanted to know everything about him.

Suddenly I came to think about Angela and I walked up the stairs to her room and walked in to find her lying on the bed crying while hugging her pillow. I walked over and when she noticed me she stopped bawling and tried to wipe her eyes and sit up. I sat down next to her throwing an arm around her tiny shoulders.

"He didn't mean any of it, he was just angry" I said not really knowing why she was crying.

"I don't care, I hate him" she sobbed furiously wiping the flowing tears from her eyes. "I want Tim back!" I felt a flicker of hurt on Curly's account knowing he wanted nothing but his brother to return but tried his hardest to kept things together.

"Curly wants that to ya know" I said a bit harsh "He was just worried about ya, it's a brother's job ya know?" I added softly trying to cover my little outburst.

"Tim never yells" she mumbled weakly blinking away the last of her falling tears. I sighed at that wondering why Curly and her just couldn't get along, wondering if it had always been like that or if it started when Tim left.

"Curly ain't Tim Angel, everybody's different, reacts differently" I said slowly as if explaining things to a small child, but Angela was too occupied with thinking to notice. Had it been an other time she would've bitten my head off.

I gave her shoulder a finally little squeeze and left her to her thought.