I am so destroyed!!!!

The Wind Beneath His Cape pt1.

Disclaimer: **Goten hobbles out with a piece of paper.** Hi!! Nik Nak has asked me to do the disclaimer!! So um, she doesn't own DBZ or any of the co…concepts!! Is that okay?? Bye!!! **Goten walks away**

A/N: Another idea popped into my head!! If this turns out crappy then blame, er, that!! **points to an empty bottle of Fanta** Hehehe!! Just read it!!


Piccolo stared at Goten in disbelief. He could not believe what Goten had just asked him but if Goten kept looking at him like that then he wasn't sure if he could refuse.

"No way kid! There is absolutely no way I'm going to do this! I'd rather die. Again!" Piccolo yelled.

"But Mr Piccolo…" Goten started on the verge of tears.

"No. N-O Goten!" Piccolo said turning away from him. He heard Goten sniffing and his conscience finally gave way.

"Alright! Alright! I'll do the stinking magic show but it had better be for a good reason kid."

"It is!! Mom enrolled me in a new school for two weeks while she and Dad go on holiday. If I don't do something for the talent show I'll get an F! An F would get me an earful of F words from mom if ya know what I mean. They're coming back tomorrow afternoon."

"But you're 9! Don't you go to elementary school?"

"Ya but mom says if she leaves me in a public school for two weeks me and Trunks will start a gang, ransack the city and sell all of her stuff for weed. Although I thought weed grew in your garden, I didn't know people bought it."

"Sounds to me your mom is the one who's been smoking weed but I guess I'll do it. I better not have to wear one of those stupid assistant's dresses like on TV."

"Um, no. You're not going to be my assistant you are the main attraction!" **Piccolo watches TV??!**

"Oh joy (!)"

"Now Mr Piccolo, we need to practice okay?"


"Now let me get my magic wand out of my trunk." Goten said as he lifted a piece of cloth that was covering the trunk. The trunk was old and dusty, it looked as if it would collapse if someone blew on it. He opened it and took out an unbelievably long wand.

"Unbelievable! It's so long!" Piccolo exclaimed.

"Yeah. I got it for a nickel from this gypsy guy."

"Hmm. That sounds familiar."

"Now, turn around!" Goten said. Piccolo turned around and Goten waved the wand. "Alakazzo shabalalim! Freakzoid freakazee! Kablooey!"


"That was the only part you found strange?!"

"Just get on with it! I don't have all year ya know!"

"Ta da!" Goten yelled. Piccolo examined himself and noticed that…


"Of course they're gone Mr Piccolo, that's the whole point of the trick!" Goten said cheerfully. Piccolo's eye ridge started to twitch.

"Put. Them. Back." Piccolo said.

"Okay, shalalside! Heueaiud! Kablamoe!" Goten said and Piccolo's fingers popped back. Piccolo stormed off. "I'll see ya tomorrow Mr Piccolo!" Goten waved.


Goten was standing in front of his audience. As this was a private school most of the kids were acting snobbish towards Goten.

"I hear that he lives in the forest." One girl said.

"Yea. And that his father doesn't have a proper job!" Another boy said. Piccolo heard them from backstage and started to power up an attack but Goten stopped him.

"Piccolo!" Goten hissed.

"They were bad talking you when they have no right to. It's dishonourable!" Piccolo replied.

"Mom says that they lost all honour when they sold their souls. I didn't know that you could sell souls." Goten said. Piccolo smirked at Goten's innocence. "Now are you ready Mr Piccolo?"

"I suppose." Piccolo muttered. The audience started clapping and Goten came out on stage.

"Thank you!! Now I will perform this trick in a matter of seconds so keep your eyes peeled. Now for my assistant." Piccolo stepped out and everyone started cheering.

**Hmm, I could grow to like this.**

"That wasn't my trick!" Goten shouted. A chorus of 'oh's went through the audience as Piccolo scowled. Goten pulled his incredibly long wand out of his shirt pocket and started the trick.

"ALAKABAM SHAZZAM WAHOOEY SHALEYAM!!!" Goten yelled but nothing happened. At least nothing visible. All of a sudden Piccolo let out a girly shriek and flew out of the school. Everyone started clapping. Goten put his hand behind his head and started giggling. After school was let out Goten flew home.

"Hi onii-chan!!" Goten greeted cheerfully. "Are tousan and kaasan home yet?"

"Yeah, they got home an hour ago." Gohan said, who was eating a bowl of Cheetos and watching a football game. Goten tilted his head and looked at his brother confused but shook it off. He walked into the kitchen and got out a piece of cake out of the fridge. Chi-Chi walked in and Goten hid the cake behind his back.

"What have you got behind your back young man?" Chi-Chi asked.

"N…nothing." Goten replied. Chi-Chi walked behind him and saw the cake. "I am really sorry kaasan but I was hungry and I know you said that we shouldn't eat coz it would spoil our appetite for dinner but my appetite is so big and…"

"It's okay dear." Chi-Chi said.

"I am so sorry kaasan and I promise I'll never…did you just say it was okay?" Goten asked bewildered. Chi-Chi just nodded and started to cook. Goten tilted his head in confusion and gobbled up the cake. He walked back to the living room and passed his father.

"Hi tousan!" Goten said.

"Hey son. That thong, thong, thong, thong, thong!!" Goku sang as Goten's mouth hung open in surprise.

"Tousan was singing?! And he sounded good? Something fishy is going on here or my name is Trunks Briefs. And I'm thankful it's not." Goten said as he sat on the floor and tilted his head trying to figure out what had happened.


Piccolo had blindly flown off and when he arrived at his destination he was surprised that it was the Capsule Corp. He knocked on the door and Vegeta answered it. The funny thing was Vegeta had a big goofy grin on his face and he was sucking a lollipop. Piccolo promptly face-faulted.

"Hey!! Why so blue, green man? Hehehe. I made a funny." Vegeta laughed. "Hey there's something different about you!! Did ya get a haircut?"

"No! I…"

"No, no let me guess!! You got contacts!!"

"Vegeta, I don't have time for this!"

"Ooh!! I got it!! That cool wind that blows your cape is gone!" Vegeta said triumphantly. Piccolo's bottom lip started to quaver and then he started to sob. Vegeta put his arm around him. "There, there Pic! Don't cry!"

"But…that's what makes me cool!! That wind only blows my cape and nothing else!! Even when there is no wind at all in the atmosphere my cape still blows majestically. AND NOW IT'S GONE!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!! I AM SO DESTROYED!!!!"

"Don't worry, we'll fix this!!" Vegeta said reassuringly.

**Wait a sec, something isn't right here.** Piccolo thought and indeed he was right.

"VEGETA HONEY!!! DINNER IS READY!!" Bulma yelled from the kitchen.

"Oh boy!!" Vegeta said, leaving Piccolo and skipping off. "I love Bulma's cooking!!"

"Now that's just screwed up man!" Piccolo said as he flew away trying to find some answers.


"I still can't figure out what happened. It can't be the dragonballs coz I got one of 'em so what could have happened." Goten said. "Ah well, I'll be able to figure this out better on a full stomach." Goten grinned and walked into the kitchen. He then saw something that would scar him for the rest of his life. Goku and Chi-Chi kissing, kissing a lot more than they usually do. Goten's eyes widened and he ran from the kitchen.


"What's the matter Goten?" Gohan asked.

"Tousan and kaasan! They were acting like Trunks' parents!! Hands!!! There were hands all over the place and they were being gross!!"

"Oh is that all?" Gohan laughed.

"Huh?!" Goten screeched.

"They're like that all the time!! And since when do Vegeta and Bulma act like that?! Are you sure you're feeling alright bro?" Gohan asked. Goten just sat on the floor and started to cry.


"Don't be silly! Now why don't you go over to Trunks' house and you guys can play?" Gohan said.

"Okay!!" Goten said cheerfully. Goten flew over to Trunks' house and into Trunks' bedroom window and nearly choked on his spit. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"T…Trunks?! Is that you?!" Goten asked, on the verge of tears again. "THE WORLD REALLY IS BROKEN!!"


"Piccolo, would you like some lasagne?" Bulma asked.

"Is it safe?" Piccolo asked but Vegeta merely laughed.

"Don't be silly!! Of course it's safe. But I thought Nameks couldn't eat food!" Vegeta said.

"Well I always thought that you'd never crack a smile." Piccolo muttered and Bulma laughed.

"Oh, you're so funny Mr Piccolo!" Bulma chirped. Suddenly Piccolo cringed in a corner and shouted.

"No!! I AM NOT GETTING IN THE SAME CAR AS YOU!!" Piccolo yelled as Bulma and Vegeta sweat-dropped. "Sorry, bad driving lesson memories. Damn instructor."

"Oh!" Bulma and Vegeta said as they returned to eating their food.

**I have no idea what the hell is going on but…it feels as if the whole universe has been thrown out of whack! Well that proves it, I just said whack. What am I going to do??!**

To be continued…

What is he going to do indeed! What has happened to Trunks??! What else has been effected?! Do you want the next part??! Well I'll leave you to answer that question in your reviews! Bye!!