The beginning of the End

By: Kioko the pirate

Chapter 10: Sacrifice

The 6 hours passed by rather quickly, Kioko showed Angel basically all of the systems in the ship. She learned enough to probably fly it for a short distance; they dropped out of vortex space. In the distance was a wonderful sight, the blue and green orb that was Earth. A couple more minutes pass before Angel wakes everybody up, a few moments later they entered the planets atmosphere.

Red and yellow flames licked at the ship's canopy as it neared the planet. They dropped down above the clear blue ocean; it would be about 15 minutes before they reached Kauai.

Angel gave a refreshed sigh. "It feels so good to be home." Said Angel happily.

Stitch walks up next to her. "And it feels good to have you safe again." Angel just sighs and rests her head on his shoulder.

"The kids are going to be happy to have their mom back." Said Lilo.

Angel smiled. "I can't wait to see their faces again, I was afraid that I would never see them again."

"You two have kids?" asked Bonnie.

Angel nodded. "Yes, we have three wonderful kids. Their names are Oki, Kina and Ashley."

Bonnie smiled. "Those are nice names."

"Thank you, Bonnie." Said Angel.

"Glad to see you two getting along." Said Kioko as he looked at the two experiments.

The two experiments just smile, a couple minutes later the small island appeared on the horizon. Everyone seemed to give a sigh of relief as the island grew larger and larger. Finally the ship slowed to a stop above the old warehouse, it slowly descended into the building. The ship made a soft landing and Kioko quickly opened up the canopy, there was a hiss as the pressurized air escapes.

Everyone climbs out of the ship, except for Bonnie and Clyde who were carried out by Kioko. They made their way back through the maze of dust covered boxes and finally got out to the buggy. Which was in the same exact spot as when they left.

"I love the Hawaiian breeze, it's so comforting." Said Angel as she took a deep breathe.

"I just can't wait to get home, to sleep in my own bed." Said Lilo as she climbed into the buggy.

"All of use can't wait to get home." Added Stitch as he climbed in.

"Yeah, except for use." Said Bonnie.

"Well, stay on your best behavior and maybe they'll let you out early." Said Kioko as he lifted the two experiments into the buggy.

They quickly got on their way, the wind blowing through their hair. Time seemed to pass by slowly as they sped towards Kokoua town, it all seemed so perfect. Like the world had finally come to peace, after about 20 minutes they reached the town. A couple more minutes later they reached the town prison; they dropped Bonnie and Clyde off with the prison guards and once again got on their way.

No one talked for the rest of the ride home, they were all too busy taking in the familiar feel of their nice little town. They finally reached the long winding trail that led up to the house, before long the house came into view. The sight filled every ones hearts with warmth; they came to a stop in front of the house. Every one leapt out of the buggy and made their way up the steps. They reached the front door; their excitement was nearly unbearable as Lilo slowly opened the door.

They all walked in to find Jumba, Pleakly and the kids all watching TV. The kids looked over and instantly saw their mother, the sprung up and ran over to her.

"Mommy!" cried the kids as they hugged their mom.

"My babies." Said Angel quietly as she hugged them back.

"So you were being successful at getting 6-2-4 back, huh?" asked Jumba as he got up off the couch.

"It was a little tough, but we did it." Said Kioko.

"Wonderful, our ohana is whole again!" yelled Pleakly happily.

Lilo gave him a weird look. "What happened to 'let's just forget about her'?"

"Well after seeing the kids so upset about Angel being taken I came to my senses." Explained Pleakly.

"It's a good thing you did, otherwise I was going to have to beat them into you." Threatened Stitch.

At that moment Nani walked into the room, she had a tired and worn out expression on her face. "Lilo, your back. Thank god your safe." Said Nani as she ran over and gave Lilo a big hug.

She hugged Lilo so tight that Lilo could hardly breathe. "Well, I'm glad to be back." Said Lilo weakly.

Nani let go of her sister and took a few steps back. "We managed to save Angel, as you can probably see." Said Kioko as he pointed to Angel, who still had all the kids hugging her.

A solemn look came over Nani's face. "Lilo, I have to tell you something." Said Nani quietly.

"What is it?" asked Lilo, getting a little confused by the look on her sisters' face.

There was a moment of silence before Nani spoke. "Lilo, I'm afraid that we have come to a difficult decision."

"Who's we?" asked Lilo.

"She is referring to me." Said Cobra as he came into the room.

Every ones eyes went wide, excluding Jumba, Pleakly and the kids. "Cobra Bubbles! What are you doing here?" asked Lilo in shock.

"Your sister contacted me after you left." Said Cobra in his usual calm voice.

"But why did she call you?" asked Lilo.

Nani gave a big sigh. "Lilo, I called him because I wanted something done."

"Something, what something?" asked Lilo, raising her voice a little.

"Lilo, me and Bubbles have come to a difficult decision. It will most likely upset you, but please understand why I have decided this."

Nani stopped for a moment, leaving Lilo and everyone else with a look of confusion. "Lilo, I'm afraid that your sister and myself have decided that the aliens must leave the planet."

Everyone gasped. "What!" yelled Stitch and Kioko in unison.

"What do you mean they have to leave?" yelled Lilo angrily.

"They are too much of a risk to your safety. That is why we have made this difficult decision." Said Cobra.

"What do you mean risk? If it wasn't for us she would be in more danger then if we weren't here!" yelled Kioko as he stepped forward.

"How do you come to that conclusion? If it wasn't for you aliens, she wouldn't be out chasing after dangerous villains." Growled Cobra.

"She does that by her own choice!" growls Kioko.

"No, she does it because she wants to be around dangerous and unpredictable criminals like you!" argued Cobra.

Kioko bared his teeth and clenched his fist, in the next instant his fist slams into Cobras cheek. The former CIA agent stumbles across the room, his sun glasses go flying into the wall. He stands back up while holding his cheek.

"I can't believe this, we go to save Angel from certain death to make sure that our family stays together and we come back to find you kicking us off the planet!" growls Kioko as he glared at Cobra.

"Yeah, Earth is our home. We can't just get up and leave." Said Stitch Angrily.

"Actually if it's any constellation, you don't have to leave immediately. You have till the end of the holiday season." Said Nani.

"Oh, how kind of you." Growled Lilo in a sarcastic tone.

"Tell me something? Where are they supposed to go?" asked Kioko as he pointed at all of the other aliens. "Where in this galaxy are they supposed to go, Jumba and his creations aren't allowed back on his home world. Pleakly… well, I don't know about him but where do you expect them to go?"

"The federation has chosen a location for them to move to." Stated Cobra.

"Yeah, it's most likely a galactic ces pool, where they put all the other people who have no where to go." Said Kioko.

"What about the kids? Earth is their birth place, this place is their home. You can't just send them to a new planet and expect them to go on living." Said Lilo.

"I assure you Lilo, they will be fine. They will grow into healthy and strong beings, and they will be happy." Said Cobra.

There was a short moment of silence before Kioko spoke up. "Your right, they will be happy… because they are not going anywhere. None of them are, if anyone here has to leave then it will be me." Kioko had a confident tone in his voice.

"Why should you be the only one to leave?" asked Nani.

Kioko gave her a cold stare. "Because you know as well as I that I' am the biggest threat to Lilo's safety."

Everyone looked at Kioko with a speechless expression; they then looked back at Cobra. "What makes you think that 6-2-6 is not as much of a threat?" asked Cobra.

"Because, if he were to do something Jumba would be able to stop him. Me on the other hand, I'm am unpredictable and no one on this planet could stop me. That is why I should be the only one to leave."

Cobra seemed to think about this, his gaze moving between Kioko and the other aliens. Nobody said a word, but their expressions said it all. Nobody could believe that Kioko was doing this; the kids didn't really understand what was going on. But it would later become very clear.

The silence was finally broken by Cobras strong voice. "Well, I have considered your offer. I have considered the consequences and all the other aspects of this that I can think of. So I have decided to take you up on your offer, Kioko shall be the only one to leave."

"What, what about all those documents that I signed? Didn't they say that all of the aliens had to leave?" yelled Nani angrily.

"You did not read them did you? They did say that the aliens had to leave, but it never stated how many or which ones. Also, they stated that after one full year the said alien or aliens could return if it was to there liking." Stated Cobra.

"Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose? I wanted to get ride of the aliens, not send them away for a year."

"You should be glad that it's not forever, because where I come from it's alright to hit a woman as long as she can move." Growled Kioko as he gave Nani a cold stare and cracked his knuckles.

"Then it's settled, Kioko shall be the only one to leave. Now you do know how long you have correct?" asked Cobra.

"Yes, until the end of the holiday season. Got it." Said Kioko.

"I will go and inform the federation." Said Cobra as he put on his sunglasses and walked out the door.

Nani gave a frustrated growl and chased after the agent, meanwhile Kioko walked towards the stairs without a word. Everyone left in the room looked at each other, not believing what had just happened.

Ashley looked at her mother. "Mommy, what just happened?"

"Yeah, why did uncle Kioko hit that man?" asked Oki.

Angel looked down at them, tears building in her eyes. Stitch saw this and wrapped his arm around her as sobs began to escape her lips. "I'll explain it to you later." Said Stitch as he held Angel.

"I can't believe this, my own sister wanted to get ride of you guys. I knew she didn't really like you guys but still." Said Lilo as she sat down on the soft blue couch.

"And now Kioko is for to be leaving in place of us." Added Jumba as he sat down next to her.

"What do you think would make him do that?" asked Lilo as she looked at Jumba.

Jumba just shrugs, before they new it night had fallen. Nobody had said much; Lilo kept shooting Nani angry looks the rest of the night. But nobody saw Kioko; he wasn't anywhere to be found. Finally it was time for dinner, as everyone was slowly making their way to the table; Stitch decided to look one last time for Kioko. His search led him to Lilo's room; an open window caught his eye.

He climbed out of the window and got up to the roof, he looked across the roof. There he saw Kioko; he was lying down with his hands behind his head and his right knee raised into the air. He was starring up at the clear star filled sky, a look of deep thought on his face. Stitch crawled across the roof and sat down next to the boy.

"You should be relieved that I'm leaving Stitch." Said Kioko as he continued to stare up into the sky.

Stitch was taken back by this statement. "What makes you say that?"

"Oh come on Stitch, I know that you feel like I'm replacing you here. Like I'm kicking you out of your number one hero's spot." Said Kioko as he looked over at Stitch.

Stitch laughed a little and rubbed the back of his head. "Well, sort of."

"And that's why it's good that I'm leaving. I don't want to be considered a hero; I couldn't be further from it."

"That's not a good enough reason for you to leave. You have people here who care about you, like Lilo and the Kids. Angel also cares a lot about you… I care about you." Said Stitch

Kioko smiles and places his hand on Stitch's head. "I know; I care about you guys too but…" says Kioko as he rubs Stitch's head.

"But what?"

"But, I need some time to myself." Kioko removes his hand from Stitch's head and balled it into fist. "That fight with Hashi showed me that I've let myself slip too far. I need to start training again, get my strength back up to where it was when I first came to this planet. No offense but being around you guys so much has made me soft, I need to get my edge back."

"Your edge?" asked Stitch with a smile.

"Yeah, my edge. I used to be ruthless in a fight, but since I meet you… I've become too nice. I made too many mistakes in that fight, I also kind of want to um…" said Kioko as he began to blush a little.

Stitch got a fiendish smile on his face. "You want to find lieutenant Shemata, don't you?"

"What makes you say that?" asked Kioko as he looked away quickly.

"I saw the way you smiled at her, that was the same smile that I had when I gave Angel those flowers for the first time. You like her don't you?"

"I can't really say that, I mean we only meet for a little while. But there was something about her that just fascinated me, she had a quality that I've never seen in a woman before." Said Kioko as he once again looked up.

"Uh huh, I knew it. Kioko the most evil space pirate in the galaxy has a little crush." Said Stitch in a sly tone.

"It's not a crush… it's an interest." Said Kioko defensively.

"Sure, anyway dinner is ready if you want to come on in." said Stitch as he crawled towards the window.

"No, I think I'll just sit out here for a little longer."

"Ok Kioko." Said Stitch as he disappeared into the window.

For hours Kioko laid on top of the roof, gazing out into the endless abyss of stars. Where his home lay, waiting for his return. But he felt uneasy, something about returning to his home made him feel nervous, if not a little frightened. But he did not know why, maybe it was the memories that it held; all of those painful memories. But he had to go, it was for Stitch and Angel and all of the others. But he wasn't going to let this year pass by; he was going to enjoy his time with his family.

"Family, I actually have a family… who would have guessed." Said Kioko with a smile.

The night passed by and Kioko soon awoke to find himself still on the roof. He got to his feet, his back cracking as he straightened up. He leapt down to the drive way and began to make his way home, he stopped for a moment and looked back over his shoulder at the house. He smiled and once again began to walk away without a word.

Well that's the end; the next story to be posted is "The Black Book", its part of the Tejina chronicles. The next story of this series is "Apologies"; it's a Stitch/Angel romance story. Basically Stitch sets up a romantic dinner in order to apologize to Angel. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story and please review. Later.