The Beginning of the End

By: Kioko the pirate

Chapter 1: Jail Break

Ok, before this begins I must tell you that this story will be filled with violence of varying degrees. In other words it gets worse as it goes along, there will be some suggestive themes in the later chapters as well. Now let the story begin.

It was about mid summer and the prom was a month behind them, Kioko and Lilo had decided to forget about what had happened. They felt that it would create too much tension between them, but tension would be the least of their family's worries. As their lives were about to be shaken.

Up in space a medium sized ship approached the Earth's atmosphere; it looked like a cross between Gantu's ship and a star destroyer. Up on the bridge two men were standing and gazing out at the planet. One of them had green scaly skin and triangular teeth; he was wearing a blue and green skin tight suit of some sort.

Next to him was a man that looked human, he was very muscular and had a straight face. He wore a black sleeveless t-shirt and camo pants, along with military style boots. He stood a few inches taller than the first man and had his arms folded across his chest. He also had black, narrow piercing eyes.

"Are you sure that this is the planet that has the one of a kind fur's?" asked the tallest man in a deep and strong voice.

"I'm positive, they said that some one of a kind creatures were on this planet. One of a kind means their worth a great deal." Said the green man as he rubbed his hands together.

"Where are they located?" asked the man as he looked at his boss.

"I think their located in a penitentiary of some sort." Said the man as he shrugged his shoulders.

"You mean they actually have intelligent life forms on this pathetic mud ball." Asked the man as he raised his eyebrow.

"Surprisingly yes, I think their called Humons or something close to that."

"What ever their called I can already tell that their much weaker then myself. They should not pose any threat."

The green man nodded and then turned towards the men at the controls. They were all dressed in orange and red skin tight clothing and were the same species as he was. "Bring us into the atmosphere and prepare landing procedures." Ordered the man.

"Yes sir." Responded the crew.

The man turned back towards the window with a fiendish smile. "Soon those one of a kind pelts will be mine." Said the man as he began to laugh evilly.

A little while later at the Kokoua town prison, Bonnie and Clyde were being placed back in their cell after their morning exercise. Clyde walked over and immediately flopped onto the cot in the corner. Bonnie just stopped and began stretching as she looked around her tiny, cold cell.

"Ah, notin likes a good mornin workout huh?" asked Bonnie as she flexed.

"Yeah… sos when's are wes going to break outta dis joint?" asked Clyde as he looked at Bonnie.

"Soon, very soon." Said Bonnie as she looked angrily at a picture of Lilo and Stitch in the newspaper

"That may be sooner then you think, my precious little creatures." Said a green scaly man as he stepped out of the darkest corner of the cell

Bonnie took a step back and Clyde leaped off of the cot as the man approached them. "whose are you and how didja get's in here?" asked bonnie as she stared at the man.

"Oh, how rude of me. I'm the great and powerful Yampi Pantucka, the greatest fur and pelt collector in the universe. I've traveled a great distance in order to add your marvelous pelts to my collection." Said Pantucka as he picked up Bonnie and stroked her head.

"Hey, hey get your filthy green hands offa me!" yells Bonnie as she wriggles out of his clutches. "I likes my fur and you's can't have it."

Pantucka just shrugged. "I knew this wasn't going to be easy, Hashi." Said Pantucka as he clicked his fingers.

Suddenly the large man appeared behind Bonnie as if out of no where, he reached down and grabbed Bonnie by the scruff of the neck. In a blink of an eye he had Clyde too; Pantucka reached into his pocket and pulled out a rather large knife.

"Since you aren't going to hand over your beautiful furs willingly…" Pantucka held the blade in front of Bonnie's nose. "We'll just have to take them."

Pantucka slowly moved the blade to the top of Bonnie's head, she watched as the blade drew closer to her. She began to shake with fright; she saw her reflection in the cold metal. But she saw something else; in the reflection she saw the picture of Lilo and Stitch. An idea suddenly appeared in her mind, an idea that would hopefully save her and Clyde's lives.

"Wait, what ifs wes could get you another fur. A fur that is nearly indestructible, it's probably more valuable thens ours." Said Bonnie nervously.

Pantucka pulls the knife away and puts his finger on his chin thoughtfully. "An indestructible fur you say?" Pantucka turned and walked towards the opposite wall. He looked back over his shoulder towards Bonnie and Clyde. "You've caught my interest, tell me about this fur. What color is it and so on?"

Bonnie got a fiendish smirk on her face. "Well wes knows this guy that has nearly indestructible fur, it's blue with different markings on it." Explained Bonnie.

Pantucka turned back towards the two experiments. "Interesting, but how would go about obtaining this fur?"

"Well if yous lets use go then we will help yous get it." Said Bonnie with a smirk.

Pantucka seemed to contemplate the offer for a moment before he clicked his fingers again. Hashi drops Bonnie and Clyde to the floor with a thump. Pantucka places the knife back in his pocket and walks over to the two experiments and looks at them with a smirk.

"You are spared, now tell use how to obtain this marvelous fur." Said Pantucka with an eager voice.

"Wells the fur belongs to a guy named Stitch, he lives with a girl named Lilo." Explained Bonnie.

"Does this Lilo have a fur?" asked Pantucka.

"No she's a human, they have skin. Anyway Stitch alsos has a mate named Angel." Said Bonnie as she remembers the pink experiment from a visit that Lilo and Stitch had paid to them.

"And this Angel has fur?" asked Pantucka.

Bonnie nodded. "Yes and wes could alsos use hers to get to Stitch. If wes were to capture her, Stitch would definitely comes after her."

Pantucka stood up and began to pace back and fourth, he had his finger on his chin thoughtfully. After about a minute he finally turned back towards the experiments.

"Is this Stitch strong?"

"Yeah, he's very strong. He can lift how's many times his own weight?" asked Bonnie too herself.

"I think he can lift 3000 times his own weight." Said Clyde.

"Shut up Clyde! What did I tells you about thinkin?" snaps Bonnie. "But yeah, he cans lift 3000 times his own weight."

"Hm, I don't have any holding cells for something that strong." Said Pantucka thoughtfully.

"But you do have cells strong enough for such a creature back at your base, do you not?" asked Hashi.

Pantucka's face lit up. "Your right Hashi, I do!" Pantucka once again began to pace back and fourth. "Is this Angel creature as strong?"

"No, not that's I knows of." Said Bonnie.

Pantucka came to a stop. "Yes, we could capture this creature's mate and force him to follow use back to my base. Where I can easily turn him into a nice fur hat." Said Pantucka with an fiendish grin.

"Good, now's wes given you another target sos you can just leave use alones." Said Bonnie hopefully.

"No." said Pantucka, Bonnie and Clyde eyes shot open.

"I thought you's were going to spare us." Growled Bonnie as she clenched her fist.

"I did say that, but since you two know these creatures better then we do you will be of great use to me. As long as you two help us we will not harm you, but if you disobey me then your furs will be mine. Got it?"

Bonnie and Clyde look at each other and then back at Pantucka. "Ok wes will help you." Moaned Bonnie.

"Good, I knew you would agree."

"But there's just one tiny problem." Pantucka turns back to face Bonnie. "We're stuck in this stupid prison." Growls bonnie.

Pantucka chuckles and then turns to Hashi. "If you would please."

Hashi nod's and raises his palm towards the wall, a small orb of red energy forms and shoots towards the wall. In the next instant a explosion rips through the wall, everybody including Pantucka raise their arms in front of their faces to protect them from flying pieces of brick. The smoke clears revealing a gapping hole, almost immediately the alarm goes off. Pantucka walks over and wraps his arms around Hashi's neck.

"I would climb on if I were you." Said Pantucka as he looks back at Bonnie and Clyde.

The two experiments climb onto the mans back and hold on tight. Hashi leaps through the hole and runs with incredible speed towards the prison wall. Guards and police dogs run after them but are no match for Hashi's great speed. In no time they reach the prison wall and in one leap clear it. Hashi lands gracefully on the other side and continues on towards Pantucka's ship.

In only a few minutes they arrive back at the ship, it was parked in a open area in the middle of the forest. They all entered the ship and headed for the bridge in order to work out their plan. An hour later they had worked out the details, Pantucka handed them a net gun.

"You know what you must do…" Pantucka turns and looks out the window. "We strike at nightfall." A moment of silence fills the room as every one stares at him with a dumbfounded look. "What, I've always wanted to say that." Said Pantucka with a smile.

Bonnie and Clyde just shrugged and headed for the door, Hashi walks up next to Pantucka. "Are you sure they will do the job?" asked Hashi in a calm voice.

"Of course they will, but just for security go with them. Make sure they do the job right."

Hashi nodded and followed the two experiments out the door, leaving Pantucka smiling greedily.

Well that's the end of the first chapter; this will be my longest story so far. But hopefully you will enjoy it. Well review please, my next update won't be for awhile though; I've got my demon cousins coming over and I'll be spending my entire time keeping them from killing each other. Later.