Hello this is a one shot about Crescent Moon I hope you like it. Title Numb

Parings are Mitsuru and Mahiru

It was cold and raining but a single person didn't care. Mahiru sat on her with her window open and a knife laying a few feet away from her. 'I can't believe him how could he.' She thought recalling the events earlier today.

I'm tired of being what you want to be

Felling so faithless lost under the surface

Don't know what you're expecting of me

Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes

Mitsuru was in his room lying on his bed thinking of what he told Mahiru, which he knew, wasn't true. 'I told her I wish for her death. I didn't mean it, it was the exact opposite.' He had grown to love her but his pride never let him say it and now he had hurt her and he was so sorry.

Every step I take is another mistake to you

I've become so numb I can't feel you there

I've become so tired so much more aware

I'm becoming this all I want to do

Is be more like me and be less like you

'He wish for my death and I will give him that.' She thought as she lifted the blade to her wrist. 'I've become numb thanks to you Mitsuru. I hope you are happy now.' But unknown to her Mitsuru heard her every thought. He jump off his bed and started to run for her room. 'Stupid girl!' He thought. Mahiru was about to make the final cut when someone caught her hand. She look up to see Mitsuru looking down at her breathing hard. "Stupid girl this isn't the way to end things especially not knowing the truth. I'm so sorry I didn't mean it. I love you I just could never admit it. I'm so sorry." He said as he bent down and kiss her. She was shock about his confession but she returned the kiss with all her might. When they broke she look at him with tears in her eyes " I love you to and I'm sorry about this." She said crying he slowly wrap his arms around her. " Its ok Mahiru. Its ok." He whispered in her ear.

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