Raven "Johnny" Braveheart Mithrandir Stormcrow

"Ha ha, she has black hair! Lets laugh at her! Ha ha ha ha ha…"

Raven "Johnny" Braveheart Mithrandir Stormcrow cried silently as the crowd of her classmates laughed at her evilly. They were always making fun of her black hair and her punk-Goth style; because they unlike her knew that "Punk-Goths" don't really exist.

Tears continued to fall from her amber eyes as the crowd continued to laugh. She wore thick black eyeliner and bright red lipstick. On her feet she wore black knee high boots and her legs were covered with ripped up fishnets. She wore a leather miny complete with buckles and a blue t-shirt. On her wrists were various bracelets that she bought in a bulk order from Hot Topic.

The bell finally rang and she collected her My Little Pony Backpack and started to leave the school. As she walked out of the school, her classmates continued to laugh and started throwing peanuts at her face.

"Peanut Head! Peanut Head!" they taunted as she started home, still blubbering. As she walked down the dreary road to her home, old ladies flicked her off and dogs peed on her shoes. A policeman came over and stole her backpack.

Now backpackless, she arrived at her house. It wasn't really a house so to speak, more of a shed under a pile of cow manure. She walked in the door and was immediately confronted violently by her mother.

"Would you like some cookies dear?" demanded her mother threateningly, smiling over from by the stove. Tears fell from Raven "Johnny" Braveheart Mithrandir Stormcrow's lovely eyes and fell to the peanut shaped bruise on her cheek.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" she shouted, running into her expensively furnished bedroom. The walls were black, but you could hardly tell because they were so covered in Posters of Johnny Depp. She had a large, goose feather stuffed bed in the center that was made neatly. She fell backwards onto it, still sobbing. She looked at a poster of Jack Sparrow on her ceiling.

"I wish I could sail with you Jack," she whispered to the poster, thereby proving her mental instability. With those words, she fell asleep.


When she woke up, she was not in an expensive room in a Shed covered in cow poo. She was on the deck of a ship. She sat up and was met with the most beautiful brown pools she had ever seen. Actually, they were eyes. Rather normal eyes.

"Were am I?" she asked the eyes. "This isn't my bedroom in a shed covered with cow poo and you aren't my cruel and unforgiving mother!"

Eye-man screamed and jumped back. It was now shown that he was a man (thank god) with long hair in dreads and a bead and mustache. He had tan skin and wore pirate's clothes. He had cheekbones.

She suddenly felt the urge to jump up and latch onto him. This, she did.

Jack screamed as the black clad teenager attached herself to him. "I love you mister cheekbones!" she shouted at him, still holding on as he tried to shake her off.

The crew finally managed to pry her off of Jack and handed her back to him. She giggled as she was held in his, strong, strong, arms. She giggled as the crew tied an anvil to her head.

Jack went over to the side of the ship. Raven "Johnny" Braveheart Mithrandir Stormcrow shrieked playfully as he carried her to the side of the ship and dumped her in.

She died. The crew celebrated.

The End.

Author Note: This is a companion piece to The Curse of the Mary Sues. It takes place in the time that I don't cover between chapters 5 and 6, but it wouldn't fit there. I hope you enjoyed! Not a serious story!