Author's Greeting- Hi! I'm new and bored. Well, I'm usually bored, but this time I decided to cure my boredom with writing, which is kinda weird 'cause I usually hate writing for school. Any way, this is my first try so please go easy on me. You probably hear that a lot, but if you crush my confidence now I may never write again. And if I do that, I won't be able to do my homework. And it would all your fault! So please don't.

Disclaimer- So far I know no one to your knowledge yet. But soon, I will own a guy! And if you're nice, I'll auction him off on Ebay. But only if you're nice.

Warning- Must read the Setting below to know what the heck is going on in the story. Read it, I tell you! Read it! Thank You.

Setting- Luke and Lorelai never got back together. Nothing after "Jews and Chinese Food" happened. Except Mike Armstrong's job offer, which she took. So, Mike invested Luke's 30,000 into the Dragonfly. Haven't decided who Rory's with yet.

Okay, I'm done rambling. On with the story!

The diner was empty because of the normal afternoon lull and Luke was wiping the counter. It had been four years since he had last talked to Lorelai, the night she called and said she missed him. He didn't see her much around town much anymore, and he heard she got some job that kept her traveling a lot.

He got a letter from her in the mail three years ago reading:Luke,

Thanks for everything!


The letter also contained a check for 30,000 dollars.

It was a simple, plain, and a unLorelai like letter on simple, white stationary. But it was his fault that she hadn't babbled, joked, or used a cute stationary when writing this short, unlike Lorelai at all, letter.

He broke up with her.

He wanted space away from her.

He was stupid, not her.

He was scared and ran away, not her.

God, he really blew it!

And he didn't just blow it with anyone. No, he blew it with Lorelai Gilmore, which he always thought was the one. She didn't want to change. She liked him for him. She stayed with him even though her parents didn't approve of him. Well, no surprise there! But now they were ancient history now.

His thoughts were interrupted with multiple women's screams. He ran outside to see Babette, Miss. Patty, and Sookie huddled around someone.

"What's going on?" Luke said causing them to back away quietly, revealing the woman of the hour.

"Hi Lukeā€¦"

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