Ok I know this is a Piper Leo story and I've kind of not gone on bout them but Paige is necessary to the story but their will be
some Piper Leo fluffiness is coming up either this chapter or next chapter. (and Dan will be back) (season 8 finale! Made me and my mate cry and she doesn't even watch charmed!)
Chapter 10
Leo and Piper
Last time
"Paige?" asked Piper
"Paige, your baby sister." Patty looked at the skies. "I must go. Blessed be my darlings and remember 'The Power of Four, Will Conquer All." Patty disappeared in white lights.
The sisters looked at each other "what do we do now?" asked Phoebe.
"Prue?" Piper looked at her big sister.
"We find our sister!"
"But we don't even know where to look." Piper pointed out.
"The book of shadows." Leo said as he walked back in from the dining room.
"The what of what?" Phoebe asked.
"The book of shadows. It's your family's Wicca book, it should tell you what to do." Leo quickly added. "You should be able to sense where it is Phoebe because of your power of premonition."
Phoebe looked sceptical but decided to give it a go. She closed her eyes and thought 'book of shadows' in her head. Suddenly she tensed up. Prue and Piper jumped to her side. "Phoebe, are you ok!" they both shouted.
"I'm fine but I think I just had a premonition." She could tell her sisters wanted to know what about. "I saw us using a book in the attic."
"But the attic was always locked." Piper thought out loud, then she realised something. "Maybe grams locked it with magic?"
"Well let's go find out!" Prue ran up all the stairs with Piper and Phoebe not far behind her.
When they got to the attic phoebe ran to where she saw the book. "Its under here" she groaned as she pulled the heavy book from under a trunk. She finally got it free and placed it on a podium in the middle of the room. Before their eyes the book flicked open to reveal a spell but the rest of the book was blank. "To call a lost witch." Piper read out loud. "We could change the word witch for sister!" she realised. Then Prue added "we could reword it so it'll take us to her."
"One of us should stay here in case the spell ends up bringing her here." Phoebe added.
"I'll stay." Piper offered. After making sure Piper was ok to stay Phoebe and Prue started to chant.
of the sisters rise,
Course unseen across the
Take us to who we call here,
us to and let us settle there.
Blood to blood,
take us to thee
Blood to blood, return to
Piper gasped as her two sisters disappeared in golden lights, and she was left with Leo.
"We need to talk." Leo said to Piper. "Your right we do why did you not tell me you're a whatlighter thing!"
"A Whitelighter. I only just became one. The night I came to the club and we kissed during the day I got called to work. I was killed in a car crash on the way there." Piper gasped. "The elders offered me a chance to become a whitelighter and I accepted. They worked it out so no-one knew I had died so I can still live a normal-ish life. I quit the hospital and came to see you. The elders told me my mother was a witch and she died saving me, and then told me you and your sisters are my only charges as you're the charmed ones." Piper absorbed all this information. "and they told me that we have one chance to be together if we want it, but if we screw up I can't see you anymore."
"I need to think about this." Piper looked at Leo and realised if she was only going to have one chance. "Ok lets see how we go."
"really" Leo sounded surprised. "Do you want me to change my mind" piper joked. Leo ran to her and kissed her like they would never see each other again.
Ok so that's it for now. Next chapter we meet Paige and see how she deals with her new family and powers!