AN: Okay, I'll make y'all a deal. If you pump the review count up to 200, I'll put in a chapter with copious Warren nudity- from the waist up at least- and if they're actual reviews and not just filler, I'll make him sweaty and glistening.

Also, anyone who loves the Strait-man, there's a promotional DVD available of his new movie, "Undiscovered" that has music videos and a 'making of' reel and Steven Strait. That's really all ya need.

The Objects of our Affections

"I hate mornings after saving the world." Zach moaned as he slumped down on the barrier wall next to Layla, sleepily slamming his head into her shoulder. She laughed and pushed him gingerly off, causing him to fall over and curl up on the grass at her feet, like some great, neon cat.

"Weren't we just here?" Margaret added, rubbing her eyes with a groggy smile. Layla smiled and took a bite of her apple.

Margaret looked about the front lawn. Buses were landing with soft booms and students were scuttling about the grass and up the stairs, tossing footballs, trading homework, chatting, laughing. None of them had any idea of what had happened the day before, how they'd been in danger, how the world had been in danger and how their saviors were sitting on the wall, tired and a little grumpy.

"Layla, did you bring enough for the rest of the class?" Margaret asked, eying the apple covetously. Layla smiled and pulled a granola bar out of her bag, tossing it to Margaret. She caught it and gave the red head a surreptitious smile, muttering something about vegetarians under her breath.

"So, Meg, what did you and Warren talk about last night?"

Meg almost choked on the granola. "What?"

"Last night. After dinner you two were standing outside the Lantern. What were you two talking about?"

"The weather." Warren answered dryly as he found his way by the wall behind Margaret. She stiffened at the sound of his voice and quickly swallowed the rest of the granola in her mouth. She looked over her shoulder. There he was, glaring at them front behind his curtain of black hair. The few streaks of red were almost golden in the morning's light, and she thought she could see his eyes flashing black under the fringe. She quickly looked back at the wrapper of granola in her hand.

Layla nodded quietly and took a bite of apple, but she didn't look quite convinced or satisfied. Margaret knew that a Q and A would follow during lunch. She grumbled and took another bite of granola.

"Good morning everyone." Ethan cheerily chirped as he found the group. Layla waved and Zach managed a sleepy 'hey' from his prone position. "Where's Will?"

"Late." The young man smiled as he jogged to the group. "Sorry. I just wanted to see Principle Powers." He paused and his face grew clouded. "Is it just me or has she been a bit… off lately?"

Margaret looked up at Warren, Will's concern echoing her own from yesterday. His eyes flickered to her for just a moment before staring at Will.

"What do you mean, off?"

"I dunno." He shrugged, chewing on his bottom lip.

"She sent us down there for starters." Margaret added.

"If it wasn't safe she wouldn't have sent us." Layla politely reminded, her hand covering Will's in a comforting manner.

"It still doesn't sit right." She said quietly to Will who looked at her with a quiet face. He understood her, he believed her, he agreed with her, she could see it in his eyes, and that worried her.

"Nothing's gonna happen, is it?" Zach asked, sitting up, suddenly very interested.

"No." Will said matter of factly, giving him a reassuring smirk. Layla gave his hand a squeeze and Will brought hers to his lips, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. "I'm never going to let anything hurt you." He whispered to her, his lips still moving across her skin. Layla blushed and Margaret was sure she saw a thin rim of water quickly edge her eyes.

Warren gave a throaty laugh and the pair quickly separated, blushing and smiling but still holding hands.

"Sickeningly sweet." Margaret cooed, giving them a grin.

"So, you have a date for homecoming yet?" Layla asked. Margaret rolled her eyes.

"No. I didn't have one yesterday and I haven't found one in the subsequent twenty-fours hours."

"Oh. I thought maybe you and Warren had talked about it last night-"

"Layla-" Margaret warned.

"Margaret and Warren are going to Homecoming together?" Ethan asked excitedly, apparently pleased with the news.

"No, we're not." Margaret said, feeling her face growing warmer by the second. She couldn't even look at Warren, keeping her eyes focused on the granola in her hands.

"You should." Ethan said, adjusting his glasses as he slipped into egghead mode. "After all, these are the years when super heroes form the most important relationships of their lives."


"Hero marriages are usually formed-"

"Ugh, Ethan, I'm eighteen years old, I'm not getting married." She groaned.

"No," Will said. "He's got a point. Most hero couples hook up at Sky High. Warren, didn't your folks meet here?"

"Are you all insane! This is like an episode of the twilight zone!" She cried, leaping to her feet, albeit a little awkwardly, and quickly brushing off the seat of her jeans.

"Well, what else are we supposed to fight for? Relationships are the reasons heroes are heroic. Margaret, without a man, you're doomed to be ineffectual as a-"

"STOP!" She yelled, her whole face growing red. She realized immediately what she'd done, and stood panting in the still air looking about at the now frozen front lawn of Sky High. Zach was mid yawn, Layla's mouth hung slack as she was about to chime into the conversation, Will sat still chewing on his bottom lip.

She sighed and smoothed her hair back. Great, now everything was frozen and she was agitated. What was Ethan going on about? Was he really serious? Was she really doomed without a boyfriend? That idea settled in her stomach like lead. What if he was right? Warren had said something about powers being triggered by moments of emotional stress. What is she needed to be emotional for her powers to work?

She thought back over the past few months. It made sense. Every time she'd had an 'episode' she'd been in some sort of emotional upheaval; When she thought Warren was going to kill her, when she thought Warren was going to kill Maj, when she thought Mayhem was going to kill her and Warren.

She looked at the dark haired man next to her, his face frozen in its usual scowl. Every time she'd powered up, Warren was in her thoughts. Was that a sign? Did that mean something?

She stared at the face hidden behind his veil of hair and found herself trying to memorize every bit of it, the horns that appeared when he furrowed his brows, the defined line of his jaw as he clamped his teeth shut behind those full, smooth lips. Warren Peace was beautiful, there was no denying that, and as she stood there looking at him for that moment of frozen time, she wondered if there wasn't something more to the two of them.

Almost as suddenly as it hit the freeze was over. The wind started up again rustling the drying leaves on the trees. Zach finished his yawn and sat up, pulling himself mentally and physically together.

"I think it's romantic." Zach smiled. "You know? A girl worth fighting for?"

"It's bull." Warren said simply. Margaret realized too late that she was still staring at him, her eyes trailing down the curve of his throat when he caught her eying him and gave her a displeased look. "Heroism isn't about saving the girl, it's about saving the citizen. The sooner you get that in your heads, the better off you'll be." And with that he grabbed his back and sauntered off, slamming into a student as his hulked his way up the stairs.

Margaret grabbed her own bag and quickly slammed it over her shoulder, hurrying off after him, leaving Ethan and Will and Layla to continue the debate, and Zach to finally wake up.

"What do you mean?" She said to his shoulder blade as she finally caught up to him, panting. "Whew, you walk fast.'

"No, you walk slow." He said, rather harshly, and Margaret couldn't help but wonder what had set him off.

"What did you mean?" She repeated. "You don't think that heroes should fall in love?"

"Love has nothing to do with it. We don't do this because of the fame and the praise and the thank-you cards. We do this because it's right. Out there, it's not about feelings, it's about doing what's right."

She stared at him, slack-jawed for a moment, her breath still high in her chest. "You really aren't human." She murmured quietly before she could stop herself. His face immediately clouded and she heard the softest of growls in his throat.

"Humanity has nothing to do with it. Neither do emotions."

"So when you roast kids because they think about your dad, that has nothing to do with emotions?" She snipped, becoming confused which she masked with righteous anger. Warren just got angry.

"Shut up." He warned lowly.

"Yea, some big hero you are." The edges of his fingers started to haze in the threat of fire but she didn't care enough to stop. "He's gone, Warren. Get over it already."

The fireball just missed her shoulder. She could feel it flame by her arm and warm her cheek before it crashed into the maple tree behind her. Students squealed and quickly moved camp, then resettled and continued about their morning, not giving the arguing couple a second look. Except for the group of juniors who were clumped about the wall, eagerly watching as though it were a new episode of 'Family Guy.'

Margaret, livid, reeled back and let her hand fly at Warren's face. Seamlessly, the young man caught her wrist and grabbed her shoulder, twisting her arm up behind her and pinning her squarely against his chest. She gagged in pain, squirming under his vice-like grip.

"You don't know me." He breathed into her ear.

"Yes I do." She managed through pain-clenched teeth. "You're the guy that reads Shakespeare and works at his mom's restaurant. You drive a firebird and you can't take a right hook to save your life." She managed a choked laugh as he released her. She immediately pulled her arm into her chest, cradling it like a small child.

"I'm your friend, whether you like it or not." She finished, panting.

"Mr. Peace." A familiar voice boomed. "Miss Allen." The pair looked up to find Coach Boomer standing above them, arms crossed over his thick chest. "Is there a problem?"

"Not really, sir-"

"Oh, but I think there is. Peace, no flaming outside the gym. And Allen, that was pathetic." He clucked, slowly shaking his head. Margaret suddenly wished she'd stayed in bed.

"Both of you, detention room. NOW!" He boomed, making her clothes ripple against her body. She grimaced once the boom was done and clutched at her shoulder strap, downtrodden, and followed Boomer inside, making sure to keep a safe distance from Warren.