Kosmic: Ok first things is first. I am so sorry for not updating for a very long time. I have many reasons why. One for some reason my pc would not let me save what so ever. I had to retype this story so many times. Secondly sadly I will be moving onto a new anime. Yes I will be leaving Xiaolin Showdown behind me. I will try to keep the work up to make everyone happy. I will be moving onto an anime called One Piece. Lastly Xiaolin Showdown has been replaced in my mind by the One Piece.

Evila: Ha we are leaving you people! Well we will miss you. Now to respond to the people who reviewed.

DeafLizgon - I will not run from Yamato. Thank you for reviewing. Oh and Yamato will Master will be back.

dArkliTe-sPirit - Calibrate while you can. Thanks for the review.

SpringFairy12 - Thank you very much for reviewing Springy.

Moment of Peace

Alex, Evila, Hope, and Nova walked out of Chase's lair is and saw Raimundo and Kimiko holding each other in their arms.

"It has been done. Chase Young and Wuya are no long with us." Alex spoke as Raimundo looks in Alex's direction.

"Thank you and everyone else for your help. For myself and Kimiko we are going to return to our friends. I wish I could do something in return for your help." Rai said as Alex just smiles.

Rai picked Kimiko up bride style and flew off to his friends. Nova looked around and felt uneasy.

"Something is amiss here. I still feel a great evil presents other then Evila and Hope here." Nova spoke as Alex looks at him.

"I don't feel anything uneasy here. As it seems, I do not see any evil coming off of Hope." Alex spoke as Evila looks at him.

"I can sense it too. I also know Hope is all so feeling it. I have this feeling as if I know this evil too." Evila said as Alex climbs down away from Chase's lair.

"I know what Alex is feeling now. The world is at peace and he wants to enjoy it as long as he can. Unlike me who serves under god himself, I must protect this planet with my own life." Nova said then flew off leaving Evila and Hope alone.

"Tell me mother, why does father not remember me?" Hope asked Evila who closes her eyes.

"It happened a long time ago. Alex remembers everything up till the time I made him kill his best friend. He hated me for that to fight against me. I am not sure if he remembers we were in love. Well I had you and you grew a bit too fast and tried to kill us. I know you remember the rest. It was this evil wizard who casted us away. I think that spell made Alex forget about everything." Evila said then snapped her eyes open in horror.

"Mom is something wrong?" Hope asked as Evila knew the uneasy feeling.

"That dark wizard is the evil feeling we all felt. He is planning to come back to life if I know him." Evila said as Hope looked a bit lost.

Evila quickly changed into a bird and flew off. Hope still feeling a bit lost follows Evila. A dark energy flowed into Chase Young's palace to Chase and Wuya reviving them completely.

Chase looked around wondering how he is still alive. Wuya did as well then stops as she senses a magical force. Wuya let out a wicked laugh.

"The wizard Era brought us back to life. His powers are great even in the after life." Wuya said as Chase grins.

"We should return the favor and bring him back to life. It will take a long time thought. It will at least about a years worth." Chase said as Wuya smiles back at him.

A shadow of a spirit appeared behind both Wuya and Chase and grinned. "Soon I will be alive and I can bring forth my master to rule this pathetic world." The spirit spoke quietly.

Raimundo landed at the Sky Dragon Palace with Kimiko. Clay ran up with Jill by his side then went into a fighting stance. Omi then ran up with Fay by his side.

"Cool your jets it is Kimiko and I. Chase is dead as well as Wuya." Rai said but the others were not convinced it was them.

"Hold your arms down young ones. It is Raimundo and Kimiko." Master Fung said walking in with the elder Sky Dragon.

"So it is true what we felt he is dead." Said the elder Sky Dragon as Raimundo nods.

"Everything is at piece once more. Evila is now good, Chase and Wuya are gone, and we are all still alive." Rai said then smiled as everyone did the same.


Kosmic: Again I am sorry for being so late. Please read and review and if needed all of you may hurt me. The sequel will be up in a couple of months