Hellooooo Peoples! I'm planning this story to be just as silly as the previous one (Food Delimma)...but Kate's hard to write as a silly girl. I'm sitting in the study hall at the moment, uploading this and my boyfriend has just broken his laptop and is trying to fix it. Clunk, clunk, clunk snap, whoops, there goes a key.

just something random to start the story of with.

Don't own LOST.

I apologise for the icky (ahem) girls stuff.

Oh, and for those who know about me...I'm still not allowed to watch LOST, dammit! This is all guesswork.

It has been a few years on "The Island", and most people had come to accept that they might not be picked up by any rescuers at all, and had settled into what you may call a colony.

Those on the raft had never returned. Kate had given Sawyer up for dead and occupied his hoards of belongings since that day, lingering for his smell. That smell and her grief were washed away with the early morning salt breeze, and she became more and more interested when it came to surviving.

Sayid was still determined to keep up his fire, but more often than not he let it die; he was more occupied keeping a calendar, building shelters and Shannon's swelling stomach. Kate noticed with an amount of dismay that people seemed so settled in this environment that they were willing to have babies: Shannon chatted to Claire about their future children and their names…Charlie had already remarked that Turnip-head needed Peanut-toes and Carrot-top as siblings (whereupon Claire had retorted that if those names were ever received by their children, she'll make sure his name would be Radish-bottom).

Sun was also finding it hard to bend down to weed her garden. No-one so far knew who the father was, but Kate suspected that young, yummy Polynesian (was his name Rangi?) was the culprit.

Kate was not against to amorous romping in the jungle, in fact she was no stranger to these. She and Jack got on very well, and had learnt a few things while with him (if you do it on the beach, don't do it in the sand…it gets everywhere; if you do it against a tree, make sure it isn't a palm), but she grew sick of playing Vatican Roulette, as without proper food at points, her (ahem) cycles became irregular. Mistakes were liable to happen.

Kate wasn't the type to fall ill so quickly…not that she would tell anyone that she was ill, but recently she had been waking up to extreme nausea and throwing up behind the nearest palm tree. After about a week of regular trips to the forest, Kate decided that something was wrong. She went to see Sun.

Sun was taking a rest in the shade of a large tree, fanning herself with a flax hat Rangi had made her, "Hello Sun!" she greeted cheerfully. Sun squinted at her and waved back.

"Hello Kate…are you okay? You do not look well."

Damn, Kate thought, so much for faking it, how did she look past my acting?

"Uh, yeah. I'm not too well, I've been sick for a week now: I've been throwing up in the mornings and I was wondering if you had something for it?" she asked. Sun suddenly looked at her shrewdly.

"Do you feel sick for the rest of the day?"

"No, not really."

"Do you feel cranky or really happy for unknown reasons?"

Kate remembered an incident that happened when Hurley dropped her supply of water and she had snapped at him suddenly, then apologised, layering kisses all over his face. The poor man left feeling strangely bewildered and confused,


"When was the last time you had your (ahem) period?" she asked in a lowered voice.

"God! Are you assuming I'm pregnant!" Kate said alarmed.

"I will assume anything until you answer the question…you do realise that I could give you the wrong herb, and you could be feeling sicker than before?"

"Well…yes, okay fine. I had it (ahem) a month and a half ago; but it's been (ahem) irregular since we crashed here." Kate blushed, "and frankly, I don't want them. I (ahem) hate washing rags!"

Sun giggled, "That is why a lot of the girls here like being pregnant, no rags to wash."

"I'd rather rag washing than diaper washing." Kate snapped. Uncertainty grew deep in her stomach…she actually could be pregnant!

"Well, I can not jump to any conclusions. Go to Jack. He will tell you, but I think he will come to the same conclusion as I have."

"Thank you, Sun." she said, exasperated.

"No worries. By the way, Kate. If you are pregnant, who would be the father?"

"Doesn't that seem obvious?"

"I didn't think Hurley would be your type; but then again, who knows what happens when he brings you your water? I've heard some stories" Sun grinned mercilessly, thrusting out her large stomach.

"Wha---! No. no no. nonononononononono, I think you've got the wrong idea. Before you jump to any more conclusions, I'll just slink away to Jack, and clear up this entire bamboozle."

I hope.

Well, Kate has a Delimma on her hands!

To the girls out there (I know most of you are), how on earth do the women doon the island go on without normal feminine hygeine? I'm too young to remember chasity belts (I think that's what they're called) andI'm used to supermarkets and pink bins (I don't think you have those in the USA)

Anywho...enough of my nattering, I don't think that the (ahem) girks stuff will continue for much longer...but we'll see.

Oh, and my boyfriend has finally decided to see someone about his keyboard...It's missing the space and enter key now.