Author's Note: All my thanks and replies to reviewers are going to be at the end of this chapter. And I'm still welcoming any late reviews. Thanks guys for sticking around! Oh and this chapter I'm going to try my best to make it long.

Chapter 27- My Happy Ending

I walked to school that Monday with Namine, Cloud, Amanda, Riku, and Selphie. It was kind of quiet on the way there. We met up with Tidus and Wakka at school. A few people at school were acting like nothing was wrong. Although, everyone who was friends with Sora, which were a lot, were very bummed that he wasn't with us anymore. No one could relate to our group though. One of our best friends had moved away. Far, far away.

"Kairi, Kairi, Kairi!" I heard someone call to me. I looked over. Someone I didn't know ran up to me clapping. "You won the talent show! And Namine, you won second place!"

"Really?" I was pretty surprised. "Wow."

"Really! I won second! How cool!" Namine said happily. "Congrats on first Kai!"

"Thanks Nam, congrats on second," I smiled. I turned to look at my friends. "And thanks guys for being in it with me."

"Welcome!" All my friends replied.

"When do we get are awards?" Cloud asked the girl who told us the news.

"At the assembly before school ends," she said before leaving.

"Well guys, we have two weeks left of torture. Think we can handle it?" I asked.

"Of course we can!" Amanda said putting her hand in the middle. "As long as we stick together."

"I agree with Amanda," Riku said placing his hand on Amanda's. I nodded and we all placed our hands in the middle. I looked next to me, it was so empty. I couldn't get Sora off of my mind. We all pushed our hands down and then raised our hands in the air. I smiled, I was thankful to have my friends here.

The bell rang. "I'll meet you guys in class," Riku said walking Amanda to her first class. Namine, Cloud, Selphie, and I walked into our Science class. I sat down in my usual spot. Soon the class filled all their seats. One seat was left empty though, it just happened to be right in front of me, reminding me of Sora's absence. Soon class started. Just like first semester, we reviewed what we did this semester so we were prepared for finals next week.

Finally we were in our last class of the day. Computers was just plain boring. Thankfully we had an announcement.

"Will all students report to the auditorium for a quick assembly," the voice over the intercom said. We all got up and walked very talkatively to the auditorium. Our group sat a few seats from the front. Eventually the whole auditorium was filled with chattering students.

"Can I get your attention!" our principal said into a mic on stage. The noise in the room slowly faded away. "Thank you. Today, we're announcing the winners of this years talent show." Someone from backstage walked up to the principal and handed him a small trophy. "Third place goes to The Three Dancing Buffoons!" Three sophomores danced their way up onstage and took the trophy.

"They really are buffoons," Cloud whispered. I put my hand to my mouth muffling my giggles. They danced their way offstage as well. I shook my head in shame that people like that went to the same school as us.

"Second place goes to Namine and One Destiny!" Our principal called out. We all got up as people around us clapped. We walked up on stage as Namine took the trophy smiling at everyone. "Before you guys walk off stage, we would like to announce our first place winner. Kairi and One Destiny!" I laughed. The audience continued to clap. I took the trophy and stood by Namine smiling. "I would like to congratulate all of our contestants for their performance on Friday. With popular votes, our school would like you to perform next year at the end of every month for our pep-rallies. Will you do that?" The principal handed me the mic. I looked at all my friend. They nodded.

"Of course we will!" I smiled. Everyone cheered and clapped. I handed the microphone back.

"Wonderful. Well, that concludes our assembly, would you please walk back to your class and get your things. You're teachers will dismiss you from there." We all walked off stage and went back into our class to get our things. Not too long after school ended for the day.

Our two last weeks of school finally ended. Thankfully we all passed with good grades. It was our first week out for the summer. I was coming back from a walk. I noticed a movers van in front of Sora's house. 'Someone's moving in already?' I thought as I decided to go meet them. Movers were lugging all kinds of things out of the trucks into the house. A girl who looked my age walked out of the house. She had short brown hair that went to her shoulders and had bright green eyes. She noticed me standing on the sidewalk and she walked over to me.

"Hi, my name is Amber," she said.

"Hi, I'm Kairi. I live across the street," I smiled pointing to my house.

"Oh how cool!" Amber said smiling. I noticed a boy about our age walk out of the house. He had the same color hair as Amber, but his eyes were more of a dark green. He started to walk over to us. "Oh! That's my brother. His name is Shawn."

"Did someone say my name?" Shawn said smiling.

"Shawn this is Kairi. She lives across the street," Amber said. "Kairi, what grade are you in?"

"I'm going to be a senior this year. What about you guys?" I asked.

"Same. We're twins, if you didn't catch on," Shawn said.

"Yeah, I did notice," I laughed. "Well, it was nice to meet you. Maybe we can all hang out sometime. I better get home right now though." We all waved as I made my way across the street. Our 'Room For Rent' sign was still up. There was one girl that we were thinking about. She seemed really nice. She had just graduated, meaning she was a year older then me. Right now she was on vacation visiting family. Emily wouldn't be back until the start of the new school year. Until she came back we were still interviewed people.

My summer was quite eventful. I spent almost every day with all my friends. We had so much fun together. Just like back for Winter Break, we went camping in the same spot, except we spent a week there. A lot of people from school who we saw during the summer figured that the new guy Shawn would be taking over Sora's spot. Not only as one of the most popular guys in school next to Riku but also in our group and my future boyfriend. I wasn't going to let anyone take over Sora's spot in my life. Never. I don't care if Sora wanted me to find someone new. I was only happy with him. He was constantly in the back of my mind.

A lot of the time I would sit in my room re-reading my diary and laughing at the good old times. When nighttime would fall, I made it a dedication for me to look out at the moon for a little while before I fell asleep. The one thing that really upset me the most was I had no contact with Sora since he moved, it was impossible for a connection to get though. School was starting back up in two days, no phone calls, no e-mails, no nothing. I was starting to wonder if he forgot about his life here. 'Stop thinking negatively Kairi. Sora's probably just really caught up with everything at his new home. He'll call you when things settle down.' I kept telling my self.

It was the second to last actual day before we started off our last school year. Amanda called me up. We were going to have a girl's day out with Selphie and Namine, while the guys had a guy's day out. I decided I would bring Princess since we agreed to sit outside. We went to a restaurant on a pier.

"So Kai, are you at all in the least bit interested in Shawn," Selphie asked during lunch.

"No, not really," I said plainly. "Yeah, he's cute and seems really sweet, but he's not the one I'm interested in."

"Come on Selph, you know Kairi is only wanting to be with Sora," Namine said.

"Do you think you're ever going to go back out with anyone?" Amanda asked.

"Uh, not sure. Maybe eventually. But my heart and mind is still set with Sora," I said holding up my hand. I still continued to wear the promise ring.

"Have you guys talked at all since he's moved?"

"No," I said looking down.

"Well, I think we should get back. I have a few last minute school things to do," Namine said getting up. I got Princess and we all started to walk home. Soon Namine and me were left. We stopped in front of my house and hugged.

"Thanks Nam," I said smiling.

"Anything. Call when you hear some news," Namine said running off. I just looked at her. I shook my head and looked back at my house. A red truck that I had never seen before was parked out front. My dad was pulling the 'Room For Rent' sign out of the lawn.

"Uh, dad. Is Emily back already?" I asked.

"Oh no, we found someone else. Your mother and I like this person way better. Plus we talked to Emily, she's fine with our decision," my dad said.

"Aw dad! That's not fair. I liked Emily; she would have been like a big sister to me. Hey! You didn't even let me help you interview this person. I don't even know who it is! Their room is next to mine!" I said.

"Just go help them unpack, will you?" my dad said walking to the side yard. I rolled my eyes and unhooked Princess' leash. She ran inside up the stairs. I walked in the house. Precious wrapped around my legs purring. I smiled picking her up. I walked upstairs. Boxes were pilled in the hallway.

"Gosh! Can people me any more inconsiderate of other people houses?" I said walking into my room, closing the door. I put Precious down on my bed and turned on my stereo. 'Never Had A Dream Come True.' By S Club 7 was on. (A/N: That song really works really well for Sora and Kairi.: D) I pulled out my diary. The one I devoted to never write in again until I saw Sora again. On the last page, I placed a picture of him and me. It dropped out. I smiled at the pictures. Gosh I sure did miss him. I laid on my stomach at the end of my bed with my diary placed right in front of me with a pen in my hand. I tapped my head. I know I said I was going to wait until I saw Sora, but something told me to just write anyways. "What to write about?" There was a knock on my door.

"Kairi, can you get Princess away from our guest," my mom said opening my door. I sighed and got up. I had stood up too fast and got dizzy, so I put my hand shielding my eyes, but I was still able to see where I was going. Princess was waging her tail scratching on the closed door of the guest bedroom. I put both of my hands to my side and looked at her.

"Princess!" I said taking a hold of her collar. She wouldn't move. I kept looking down at her. "Come on Princess." The door the guest bedroom opened, but I didn't look up. Princess jumped up, almost causing me to fall back, but who ever was in the guest bedroom caught my hand before I fell backwards. "Thanks," I said. I looked up in shock.

"Not a problem," Sora's smiling face was shining in front of me.

"Sora!" I screamed jumping into his arms. "I've missed you so much!" I started to cry a little, but they were purely happy tears. He hugged me so tight that he was able to pick me up. I bent my knees behind me closing my eyes, never wanting to let go. He placed me on his bed.

"I've miss you too Kairi," Sora laughed. I looked up around his room. It was exactly how it was when he lived across the street.

"So you're my new house guest?" I asked. He nodded. "YES!" I screamed hugging him again. My parents walked in.

"See, we knew you would prefer to have Sora live here over Emily," my dad said smiling.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I said happily hugging my parents, and then hugging Sora again.

"Dinner will be ready in a few hours," my mom said walking out with my dad. We both nodded.

"How did you manage to move here?" I asked Sora, sitting on his bed next to him.

"Well, my parents realized how upset I was about moving. We heard that our house was sold, plus my parents loved our new home," Sora explained. "They wanted me happy and so I reminded them about you guys having a room for rent. They called your parents and I packed up and moved here." Sora smiled. I smiled too, but then realized something.

"How come you never contacted me," I asked.

"I tried to, but when I did, the line would cut out. Then I ended up getting really caught up with moving back here. Trying to explain to my new school and some friends I had made there."

"Oh," I smiled again. "Well I'm glad your back." I kissed him feeling giddy like a little kid on Christmas.

"I'm glad I'm back too," Sora smiled his sweet smile. We ended up talking about what those few months were like with out the other. It was amazing how much we missed each other during those few months, compared to when I moved away for six years. Finally after dinner, I went into my room and remembered my diary. I smiled and laid on my stomach taking the pen in hand.

Dear Diary,

My new school year starts the day after tomorrow. This summer was pretty fun. I was sad though with Sora not being there. We have new neighbors across the street. Shawn and Amber. Every one thinks Shawn and me should go out, but I disagree do to the fact I'm completely in love with the guest living in our house. Sora moved back and he took the room next to mine! I couldn't be any happier to see him again, let alone him living in the same house as me. I'm sure everyone will be quite surprised to see him. I have a feeling a lot of competition will happen this school year with Sora, Riku, Cloud, Wakka, and Tidus against Shawn and his new buddies. Shawn better watch out though, our guys have a lot of back up. Well now my diary is complete all thanks to my Sora, yes my Sora. Hee hee. What's in store for us this school year is unknown at the moment, but I'm sure it'll be great with Sora at my side again.

Love Always Kairi

I smiled at my last diary entry. I closed it and sat up on my bed. There was a knock at my open door. I looked up to see Sora in the doorway holding his hand to his back.

"Can I come in?" Sora asked.

"Of course," I smiled putting my diary away.

"I'm guessing you're almost done with that diary?"

"Actually I just finished it. And it was about you." Sora smiled.

"I have a present for you," Sora said sitting on my bed.

"Oh! What is it?" I asked eagerly.

"Close your eyes and place your hands out in front of you." I did what I was told. Soon there was a small weight in my hand. "Okay, open your eyes." I slowly opened them to see a brand new diary lying in my hands. It was a gold color with a fancy silver 'K' on the front.

"Sora!" I said smiling at my present. I put it next to me. I hugged him. "Thank you!" I kissed him yet again.

"I was hoping you would like it," Sora smiled.

"I love it, but I love you so much more then anything else." I looked into his ocean blue eyes that I was starting to doubt I would ever get to stare into again.

"I love you too, Kairi. I promised you I would come back." He leaned in and kissed me.

Authors Note: Dear Diary is now over. I loved that ending, so happy! Yay! I'm hoping you guys all loved my story. Perfect ending to sad last chapter. I want to let you know that there is a big possibility that there will be a sequel to Dear Diary (Thank you for giving me the idea Angel-Of-Heart). When it'll be put up, I don't know yet. I hope this chapter cheered you all up. My next stories (What A Life, What A Life 2 and What A life 3) will be out with in this school year. I'm hoping you'll enjoy it. W.A.L will appear in a day or two. The first chapter is kinda just there to help the story along (read the Author Note) thanks everyone! I would like to give thanks to:

Cloudsgirl133 (Namine)- thanks Nam for listening to me while I read the story!

Carbuncle x3- Thank you for all the great reviews and sticking with my story.

NellySama (Yuffie)-Thanks for starting my story, hopefully you'll be able to read this!

CJ (Cid)- too bad you don't have the patients to be able to read the rest of the story, oh well thanks for reading the first chapter.

Pointless People Of Pluto-hey, I have no idea if you finished this story but thanks for reading and reviewing!

LiLi-Sama-Yay! You were the only one who reviewed for chapters 1-26! Thanks so much! I'm sad that R.O.C. is going to be sad, but I'm still really want to read it! thanks for sticking with my story!

Thesrazrbladekisses- Thank you so much for reading Dear Diary I really appreciate it!

Random Kingdom Hearts Reviewer (Amanda)- Hey Rikku, Thanks so much for reading this story, like we said before, if you did read this or I didn't write it, we wouldn't have become friends! Thanks!

Silv3rj1nx- Thanks for reviewing those two chapters! Hope you really liked my story!

Sorafanluver- Thanks for sending those reviews that kept me laughing. You and Sora rock!

Taokitty- Thanks for reading and reviewing my story!

LiStEn2UrHeArT2- Thanks for the review!

MegaLaManicacOfTheNorth- Thanks for the review!

SuPaNiNjA4EvAh- Thank you for reviewing chapter 12!

Ecoangel- Thanks for reading my story much appreciation.

Openly Oblivion- Thanks for being an awesome reviewer. I'm so glad you read my story!

AngelKairi- Thanks soooo much for reviewing!

Angel-Of-Heart- Thanks for reviewing and giving me the idea for making the sequel!

No name- Thanks so much for the reviews and reading Dear Diary!

Jennifer Rose Larson- I'm glad you liked what you read so far. Hope you liked the rest!

Dan Klosterman- I'm glad you liked my story to the point you read to and I hope you liked the rest!

Airkid- Thanks so much for reading this story. I appreciate it!

Shirozora- I'm glad you got into my story. So glad that you liked it too! Thanks for the reviews!

Flower Girl- Thanks so much for reading this story. I'm really glad you enjoyed it.

Krystal Gamer- Thanks for the reviews and reading Dear Diary. I hope you liked it!

SLy- Sad this story is ended. But it was good in my opinion; I hope you think the same!

Heartsoblivion- Thanks for the review. Sorry it made you cry, hope this chapter made you smile!

Ukalie- Hope this chapter cheered you up from the last chapter! I'm glad you read my story!

The Cheat 921- Thanks for the complement! Hope you liked the rest of the story!

Thanks to all my readers and reviwers! I love you all! You all rock! And if you made a review for this chapter, I'll comment on it in my first chapter to 'What A Life'. Hope you guys like my next three stories! And the sequel to 'Dear Diary'!(which might come out sooner then i thought) Love always Sorasgirl333

Also! I would like to make it perfectly clear that I (Sorasgirl333) was the original creator to this series. I gave only one other person permission to write only Dear Diary in a Twilight version (not the other sequels of this story). If anyone sees anything else, please inform me because that is against copy right on my part. Yes, I'm getting kind of bitter about my story being rewritten, but I have reason to be. Please and thank you!