Disclaimer: As Usual.

Warning: Slight, very slight lime. I don't think it can even be considered lime. Just a bit sour :D

This is the longest chapter by far, almost 4,700 words.

When the Wedding Bells Chime.
Final Part: Of Silk Gowns and Happy Endings Part Two.

"Athrun …" Kira sniffled and put a hand around Athrun's shoulders.

The blue-haired boy just looked at his boyfriend, then at Lacus and Miri who shared his look of bemuse.

"What exactly just happened here?"

Lacus and Athrun shared a look with Miri and looked to Kira for an answer.

The brunette just grinned, "True love prevailed, that what just happened."

"What's he talking about, Athrun?" Lacus tilted her head to the side and asked her ex-fiancée, "and how did you get Yzak-san to come here?" She was happy that Dearka and Yzak had finally kissed and made up, but it didn't mean that she wasn't curious as to what had happened.

"I'm not sure. I tried to talk to him, but failed, naturally. Then Kira talked to him and … well …" he motioned to the two figures embracing in the middle of the room.

"What exactly did you do, Kira?"

His mind working on over-drive to come up with a suitable answer; these girls were more dangerous that Athrun, so he had to move with caution, "I just said that if you love someone strongly enough, then whatever obstacle that pops up is just another way to strengthen that bond," Kira nodded, he knew that it was so obviously a lie, but he hoped that they three would buy it … or just guilt themselves out of inquiring further.

The three people just stared at him.

"Sure …" deciding that the conversation between Yzak and Kira was obviously something they didn't want anyone to know, they just nodded and turned back to look at the two people in the room, just in time to see Yzak's legs give out from beneath him and Dearka catching him before he collapsed onto the ground.

- - - - -

"Yzak!" Dearka managed to grab onto Yzak before he fell. Lowering both of them to the floor, Dearka raised a hand up to the silver-haired teen's forehead. He flinched slightly when his hand came into contact with the heat being emitted from Yzak's skin, "You're burning up."

Yzak cracked open his eyes just enough to glare at the Buster pilot, "Thanks for that obvious statement, Dearka."

"You drove your ZAKU all the way down here in your condition?' he thought for a moment, "Or better yet … Athrun and Kira let you drive your ZAKU all the way down here in your condition?"

"What? You expected me to hitch a ride with one of them?" Yzak scrutinized him through glazed eyes. His head felt like there were little people doing the conga in there and Dearka asking obviously stupid questions wasn't helping either. He had to take a second out to wonder whether he had done the right thing by coming here. The house would have been much neater without Dearka, not to mention smelled fresher.

Pushing the thoughts out of his head, Yzak turned to Dearka. The blonde pilot seemed to be rambling on about something, oblivious to the fact that his lecturing was falling on deaf ears.

"Dearka …" The words stopped flowing abruptly and the boy in question turned to the blue gaze of Yzak. After a moment of silence, Yzak sighed and rested his forehead against Dearka's chest, "can we go home? This earth's gravity is making me fell nauseous."

Dearka's ears perked up at the mention of 'we' and 'home' in the same sentence and he couldn't help the grin that had spread across his face, "Sure," he muttered simply. His left arm circled around Yzak's back and his right went under the silver-haired teen's knees; gently, Dearka lifted him up and began walking towards the door. "By the way," Dearka began suddenly, "what exactly made you change your mind? I mean, I never would have expected that you would come and-" he wanted to say beg, but decided otherwise, "get me?"

There was no answer from the teen in his arms and Dearka assumed that he had fallen asleep until he heard a soft voice say 'Strike'.

Understanding what Yzak had said, Dearka made a mental note to get Kira something very special, very soon. He had expected that Athrun was the one who had managed to talk him into coming down, but now that he thought about it, Kira was obviously the best choice. That guy was just too nice for his own good. It was a good thing that Dearka always went for the brash type; otherwise Athrun would have had some competition.

When he reached the door he found that the door was already open and outside were the grinning faces of Miri, Lacus and Kira. Athrun seemed to be brooding again; Dearka vaguely wondered what it was because of this time.

"Going home already, Dearka?"

"Yeah," he smiled at Lacus, "Yzak isn't feeling very well."

"Yes, I can see that," Lacus looked at the sleeping form in his arms, "I'm glad everything turned out well for the both of you."

"Me too," Miri added, "you guys are practically made for each other."

"I just wanted to thank you and Kira, for all your help. I'd like to stay longer, but-"

The girls just waved it off, "Don't worry, go back now with you sweetheart and live happily ever after."

Dearka nodded and walked over to his ZAKU, wondering how he was going to get up there with Yzak in his arms and how he was going to bring along Yzak's ZAKU.

When he heard the sound of the cable going up, he turned in time to see Athrun disappear into the ZAKU Phantoms cockpit, and a few seconds later the white suit began lowering its hand. Taking it as a cue to get on, he stepped onto its palm and braced himself as the arm began moving up until it was at the same level as his own cockpit.

Dearka stepped in, his arms still clutching Yzak close to his chest. Suddenly, the communication system started to crackle and Athrun's voice flowed through.

"I'll take his ZAKU up to PLANT."

"Thanks, Athrun. I'll have one of the soldiers drop you off on earth later."


- - - - -

The three figures looked on as the two gigantic mobile suits lifted up into the air and blasted off.

"What's with Athrun's sudden willingness to help?" Miri looked to Kira for an answer.

"I guess it was because Dearka didn't thank him directly."

Miri and Lacus sweat-dropped, "Men …"

- - - - -

It had been just one week after the little soap opera down on earth, Yzak's fever had finally let up, for which the teen was extremely glad. There was just so much of Dearka's mothering and smothering he could take in one lifetime.

Unfortunately, during the time he spent taking care of the silver-haired pilot, Dearka had managed to catch his virus. He always thought that Coordinators were immune to common sickness. Not that he was complaining. It was his turn to be pampered by Yzak; though by saying 'pampered by Yzak' he meant being ordered to finish his soup, being shouted at when he attempted to leave the comforts of the bed and not being able to look at Yzak's pretty face as the other teen refused to go anywhere near him without a face mask. It also meant that he spent the nights alone in the bed. Yzak did not want to risk contracting the virus again and had decided to sleep in the next room. But it was not as if they couldn't make up for lost time later.

For Dearka life was good.

- - - - -

Ding, dong …

The bells chimed from their position above the tower's roof. The clear blue sky seemed to glow as the artificial sun shone down upon the citizens of PLANT.

Ding, dong …

The atmosphere was filled with cheer as the people gathered around the great white building, white grain in hand and cages filled with pure, white doves ready to be let free when the two special people of the day emerged from the building.

Ding, dong …

The doors burst open and a sea of people flooded out the entrance, cheers of joy and congratulates rang around.

Among the hoards of family, friends and high-ranking officers that made up the majority of the people present, two in particular, stood out greatly: the two most important people of the day.

Yzak and Dearka walked out into the open air, hands linked together, each carrying a bouquet of white roses.

The crowed, consisting of a majority of the ZAFT troops even the newly crowned Chairman, Gilbert Dullindal, cheered. Familiar faces of the Archangel crew were also seen around: Captain Ramius, Ensign La Flaga, Miri and Sai. Lacus, Kira and Athrun were also present.

Yzak and Dearka shared a loving look with each other.

"Yzak … you look so beautiful today," Dearka whispered into his ear.

"Dearka … you're stating the obvious again," Yzak sighed, but looked lovingly back at him seconds later.

"I'm so glad you said yes."

"What else could I have said? No? After I went through all that trouble to come and get you?"

"Of course … what a stupid question."

"I have one question for you Dearka," Yzak said suddenly.


"Exactly why are you naked?"

"Huh?" Dearka looked down and indeed … he was completely naked. When he looked at Yzak, he couldn't help but smirk; Yzak was naked too. As a matter of fact, everyone present was completely naked, even the girls.

Baffled, Dearka turned around to Nicol, who was his best man. The young Blitz pilot seemed to be the only one there that still had all his clothing on. Nicols' back was turned to the two and Dearka grabbed his shoulder to get his attention.

When he turned around, though, he shocked Dearka and Yzak. His clothes didn't seem to have a front part. "Ensign Elthman!" he roared and suddenly transformed into Captain Kleuze.

- - - - -

"Argh!" Dearka shot out of bed. His chest heaved as he gasped desperately for air. He could feel his heart beating rapidly against his chest and the sweat poured down his face, "What the?" he clutched his chest with his right hand, the other running through his damp hair.

"Dearka, are you okay?"

He heard Yzak's voice shout from downstairs.

"Fine," he answered. Truthfully, he was freaked out beyond belief. Why exactly does Captain Kleuze keep on popping up in his dreams? It wasn't as if he ever had a fancy for the masked man. And why exactly does their clothing (or lack thereof) change in every different dream? Maybe it was some sort of sign?

Whatever it was, Dearka vaguely considered seeing a therapist. Maybe the one Yzak's mother used to send him to when he was small for anger management. Not that Yzak would ever admit to have gone to a head shrinker, it was just one of those little secrets Dearka found out from his mother during their occasional brunch. For the record, Dearka would never admit to have been going to brunches with his lovers' mother, either.

The Buster pilot actually knew many of Yzak's little secrets; like the one about his little blue nightlight, which he nicknamed 'Sparkles' (Dearka still gets a fluttery feeling in the pit his stomach when he thinks about it) he used to keep on because he didn't like sleeping in the dark. Yzak doesn't know that he knows it, though. Ezaria had sworn him on the pain of death to never reveal what she had said to anyone and that included Yzak. That woman could be scary if she wanted to.

Pushing all the effeminate thoughts out of his head, Dearka mind floated back to the thought of Captain Kleuze, trying to figure out exactly why the deceased Captain would be haunting him in his dreams. It wasn't as if Dearka had ever done anything to him … at least, none that he knew of. Maybe it was because he succeeded in getting Yzak? He always knew about Captain Klueze's infatuation with young boys; like Athrun for instance.

Athrun always did attract many old men. Dearka didn't know why, but he suspected that Chairman Dullindal has a thing for him too. Yzak told him that he didn't fail to mention Athrun at least once in every meeting. Whatever it was, Dearka didn't really care. He's happy for Athrun and Kira that they're together. Very happy. God only knows how many sleepless nights Dearka had to go though, listening to Athrun moan Kira's name in his sleep - Dearka's bunk it right beside Athrun's on the opposite side of the wall.


His thought was once again interrupted by Yzak's smooth voice, this time it came from the guest room just down the hall.

"I'm fine, Yzak, don't worry,' he couldn't help a triumphant smile from surfacing. Yzak was worried for him! He didn't know what Kira had said to the silver-haired teen, but he knew that Kira was in front of him right now, he could just kiss him.

Getting back to the subject of Yzak for a second, Dearka noted that he hadn't seen the boy for about an hour, while he usually stopped to check up on him every ten minutes. Becoming a bit curious at the Duel pilot's absence, Dearka called out his name, but didn't receive a reply.

"Yzak? What are you doing?" He listened intently for a few seconds, but was only replied by silence. Growing a bit worried, Dearka pushed back the covers and was about to swing his legs over the side of the bed when Yzak's angry tone reached his ears.

"Don't you even think about it, Dearka! Get you ass back in that bed!"

Shocked, and a little bit scared at Yzak's apparent telepathic powers, he quickly did as he was told. There he sat for a full minute, waiting expectantly for something to happen. But nothing did, until about one and a half minutes later when the knob of the door began to turn ever so slightly.

For some reason, Dearka felt his heart skip a beat. It was like one of those times when you're watching a horror movie, and the hero ends up in a darkened room seemingly deserted, but you just know that the killer is somewhere around and is just expecting him to jump out. Well, Dearka never liked those movies anyway.

He shrugged off the feeling. But all of a sudden, a light click signalled the knob had been turned to the fullest and the door was slowly pushed open.


He gulped, finding his voice "Yes?"

"Laugh, and I'll kill you!"

He had not answer to that statement. But when the door was flung open fully, exposing Yzak who was standing stiffly in the frame, Dearka found himself even more speechless.

So speechless and shocked even, that he felt the blood start rushing to his cheeks. It seemed that there was not enough being supplied to his brain because he soon found himself being consumed by darkness and promptly fainted - an action he would later on denied, assuring himself and everyone else that he had just lost consciousness. Real men don't faint.

- - - - -

There was just darkness, infinite darkness. He didn't know whether his eyes were open or otherwise because no matter where he looked, he couldn't see anything, just lots and lots of black. Suddenly, like a creature slowly clawing his way out of hell, the space in front of him tore open, causing a bright stream of light to burst in. Dearka had to shields his eyes from the beam.

The brighter the light became, the more he thought that he could hear Yzak's voice calling out his name. It became clearer and clearer, but he felt no strength in him to answer. He just closed his eyes and let himself being pulled forwards into the blinding light.

Dearka …

"Yzak …" he could barely open his eyes, let alone allowing sound to escape his lips. But suddenly, there he felt a sharp pain in his cheek and the strength returned to him.

Dearka opened his eyes.

- - - - -

Dearka blinked a few times, trying to get his bearing straight, "Where am I?"


He knew that voice all to well, "Yzak? What happened?"

"You were what happened, you fool. You were born, then I was forced to team up with you and now I find myself here, having this stupid conversation with a moron!"

Dearka blinked again as a sudden rush of memories flooded into him, causing him to jerk up into a sitting position. His eyes shot towards Yzak, looking the silver-haired teen up and down. A smile broke the surface of his face and he couldn't help but lean forward, planting a small kiss on Yzak's -Diamond Pink number five- lips. "I remember what happened now," Dearka purred, "I saw an angel and was sent to heaven, but nothing there compared to the beauty of the angel so I decided to come back."

A blush crept onto Yzak's already pinked cheeks and he raised a hand to slap Dearka upside the head, "Stop being a smarmy idiot, Dearka!"

The Buster pilot rubbed his head, "I can't help it," he sighed, looking straight into Yzak's blue eyes, which was even more accentuated by the dark eyeliner and the mascara that was brushed on his already long lashes, "You're so gorgeous. And here I thought Athrun looked pretty in a dress."

"Obviously!" Yzak snorted, looking away abruptly, crossing his bare arms across his chest. The soft material of the white, silk dress wrinkled a bit under the sudden pressure. His silky hair whipped about his face when he turned away. Dearka had to keep from passing out again.

"Where did you get the dress, by the way?" Dearka asked suddenly after a moment of silence.

"I borrowed it from my mother's closet," Yzak answered almost nonchalantly, as if sons borrowing their mother's dresses was a normal occurrence.

"She let you?" Dearka raised an eyebrow. Yzak's mother was even odder than he had first thought.

"She helped me pick it out."

Definitely. The entire Jule family was completely odd. His mother didn't seem to find the fact that her son wants to play dress up strange. Perhaps she had experience before? Dearka had to wonder for a while whether Yzak's father had been a drag queen at one point in time (he had never actually met Mr. Jule) so that wouldn't be impossible.

Dearka also wondered why he was wondering about all those unimportant things, seeing as a vision from his dream was standing right before his eyes, within arms reach. Pushing all the thought away, Dearka reached his arms over and circled them around Yzak's waist before pulling him down into a lying position on the soft mattress. The Duel pilot didn't put up a struggle. Dearka got on his hands and knees and hovered above Yzak. He couldn't feel the boy's heart beating against his chest. The surface of their stomach bushed against each other with every breath they took.

Oblivious to anything else around them, Dearka and Yzak's eyes continued to stay on each other, neither one attempting to look away. With their gaze still locked on each other, Dearka lowered his lips, catching Yzak's unprotected ones. The silver-haired boys arms circled around Dearka's neck, and pulled him close, locking their bodies together.

"Yzak," Dearka's mumbled out between kisses.

"Mhmm?" Yzak couldn't even verbalize an answer; the intense feeling in the pit of his stomach was just too overwhelming. He had to keep from crying a loud.

"Will you …" Dearka loved his lips down the side of Yzak's face and started kissing trails down his neck.


He moaned, roaming his hands down the side of Yzak's body, grabbing the soft material between his fingers, "Marry me …"

Yzak's groan's overwhelmed everything else, but before tingling feeling in his stomach could explode, he moaned out silently.


- - - - -

Ding, dong …

The bells chimed from their position above the tower's roof. The clear blue sky seemed to glow as the artificial sun shone down upon the citizens of PLANT.

Ding, dong …

The atmosphere was filled with cheer as the people gathered around the great white building, white grain in hand and cages filled with pure, white doves ready to be let free when the two special people of the day emerged from the building.

Ding, dong …

The doors burst open and a sea of people flooded out the entrance, cheers of joy and congratulates rang around.

Among the hoards of family, friends and high-ranking officers that made up the majority of the people present, two in particular, stood out greatly: the two most important people of the day.

Yzak and Dearka walked out into the open air, hands linked together, each carrying a bouquet of white roses. They shared a look that clearly shouted 'love'. The crowd of people looked on happily at the couple, most of them were familiar faces. The crew of the Archangel, many of the ZAFT soldiers and the High Council of PLANT were there. Ezaria Jule's proud face was clearly seen among the people; once and a while, she would wipe away a tear with her silk handkerchief.

Giving no notice to the people around them, Yzak and Dearka only had eyes for each other.

"Oh, Yzak …" Dearka smiled.

"Dearka," Yzak returned Dearka smiled with one of his rare ones.

"Ensign Elthman!"

The present Dearka sighed; he knew everything was too good to be true. Dream Dearka turned around to face his Captain once and for all, but the sight of his Captain without his mask completely silenced him. To be honest, Dearka thought he looked a little like the old man from the Archangel, "Klueze-Taicho," he gave a small nod.

"Elthman," Raww Le Klueze smirked, "I see you and Jule have finally come out of the closet."

"Yes," Dearka eyed him, "exactly what do you want, Taicho?"


"Yes, want. Why are you haunting me in my dreams? Are you angry with me or something?"

"My dear boy," Klueze scoffed, "of course not. I have just come to give you my congratulations, and say something to Ensign Jule, or should I say, High Councilman Jule now?"

Dearka and Yzak shared a look before turning back to their ex-Captain.

"What is it?"

"You do not have to be so harsh, Yzak," he held his hands up defensively, "I have merely come to tell you a little secret."

Yzak narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

Klueze turned his eyes towards the crowd before looking back to the two teens before him, "Yzak …" he started sombrely, "the truth is, Yzak …" he looked straight into the Duel pilots' eyes, "I am your father."

- - - - -

Two bodies shot up out of bed that night, panting loudly. The sweat rolled off of their bodies and dripped onto the sheets.

Dearka turned to look at Yzak, clearly startled, "You? That dream?"

"You too?"

They both nodded, but continued to stay in the same position for a while, neither one attempting to start a conversation. After what seemed to be an eternity, they leaned back onto the mattress, and with their minds plagued by the images of Klueze, his words ringing in their ears, fell back into a nightmare filled sleep.

- - - - -

Meanwhile, in a place far away from PLANT, more specifically, a little apartment situated in the middle of Orb's town, sat a navy-blue haired boy in his one-seater sofa. His emerald coloured eyes scanned over the neat black writing in the book he held in his hand. He seemed to be thinking of something before his eyes turned back to the book, his right hand lifting up the black pen and touched the tip to a spot just after the last letter. The tip scratched across the paper in neat swirls, his whole demeanour seemed to reflect tranquility.

However, a few minutes later, a shrill ringing sound brusquely interrupted the serenity of the room.

Ring, ring.

Contented with just letting the machine answer the call, Athrun turned back to his book.

There was a small beeping sound that came after the obligatory 'Hi, you have reached Kira and Athrun. We're not home right now, so please leave a message after the beep' and then a familiar, yet manly voice floated through.

(Athrun, it's Cagalli. I know you're there so pick up … pick up Athrun! You won't pick up, fine, but I just wanted-)

Athrun heard an even more familiar voice ring out in the background.

(What about Yuna, Cagalli? He seems to be a good choice?)

(I told you over and over, Kira, I'm not looking for anyone. Even if I did, I don't need you butting into my love life.)

(But Cagalli … at this rate, you're going to end up an old virgin-)


(What about Kisaka?)

(You hear that, Athrun? He's out of control! You've got to help me! Pick him up now! Before I strangle him with my own two hands!)

(You would really strangle your beloved brother, sis?)

(Athrun! Come. And. Get. Him. Now!)

Athrun could almost see the venom of her voice dripping out of the speaker.

(Cagalli …)

Kira … Athrun sighed, the poor fool.


Athrun heard the war cry; there was a vague choking sound before came a pitiful 'Ath-run' and then the line of the phone went dead.

I hope the line is the only thing that's dead, Athrun sweat-dropped.

His hand lifted the pen off of the paper and looked over his writing. He stopped at the last sentence, and after getting one final inspiration, lowered the pen down once again.

-and that, dear diary, is another normal day in the life of Athrun Zala.

Before ending the final word with a prominent dot.

The End.

Yes, folks, that was it: the last chapter of When the Wedding Bells Chime. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. As a last request, though, I would just like to ask at least one tenth of the people who have read to leave a little review. Perhaps a 'what you liked/didn't like' or a 'you could have written Yzak this and this way or Dearka should have done that or that,' you know:D

To everyone who has reviewed, I thank you muchly. It's your reviews that inspire me to write. Some of the reviews have also left me with a particularly fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Reviews like that drive me to write more, and faster. If you're an author, you should know how that feels.

On a side note, by the way, I have actually planned a sequel to this story (presently untitled) and it will centre on Kira, Athrun and Kira's booming matchmaking business. It will also have Yzak and Dearka in it, of course, maybe even the wedding? But I'm not sure when it will be posted. I still have two ongoing Beyblade stories that are in need of updating, but I'm sure I can find some time to do it, that is, if you do want a sequel. So don't forget to review :D

PS- Ezaria Jule's infamous closet belongs to Tara :D