Was there any point in hanging on anymore? It was decided that the cat was no longer safe enough to be free. Akito was locking Kyo up, never to see the world again and never to see his one true love. He wasn't sure what broke his heart more. Losing Tohru, or the thought of Yuki taking her heart while he was helpless to do anything. Tears fell down Kyos plae cheeks, each one a drop of regret, and each one containing a memory that he would miss forever but knew he had to give up.

Deciding the house was boring and quiet, Kyo qiped away his tears and quickly walked to the front door. Slipping on his shoes he walked outside, oblivous to the eyes that were watching him from the shadows. He began walking the path he took everyday, the one that led him to his school. He had graduated from it, and was grateful for that, but now he couldn't help but wish that he could go back. He scoffed. Most kids couldn't wait for school to end, then again most kids weren't born with a curse that was slowly killing them.

Walking into the forest where Yukis vegetable garden was (Kyo doesn't know about it, I just metioned his garden to give you a feel of where he is.) Kyp touched the trunk of one of the old oaks. It contained a special memory of him and Tohru.


"Kyo-Kun!" Tohru called out, searching for the familiar orange bob of Kyos head. "Its time for dinner!" Her voice, as always was overly cheerful.