A/N: Oh goody, I got weird questions.

Mara-look-alike: Luke is wearing black cotton boxers with lightsabers all over it. lol. And you thought you had me beat! lol

Jessa Faerie: I am wearing boys boxers that have super heroes all over them, of which I got on the marked down rack at Target for like $ 1:50. They're really comfy! And as for my muse, I have a shock collar on her so she doesn't get away too far. Good luck with the naked muse and sheet thing going on.

Luke was cooking dinner when Mara got home from her meeting. He had let his students out of class early and decided to just come back to their apartment. She stepped in and smiled at him, placing her comlink on the counter.

" Mmm, what smells so good?" she asked as she tried to get a better look of what was n the pot.

" Bantha stew. My Aunt Beru used to make this all the time. It was my favorite food when I was little." He leaned down and kissed her warmly, before turning back to the food.

" So Luke, where is our daughter?" Mara questioned with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. She obviousley knew already that the baby girl was not in the apartment. Luke stirred the stew slowly, watching it sizzle over the flame of the stove.

" Han and Leia have her. I need to call them when I'm ready for them to bring her over." Mara smiled slyly and a mischievious glint shined brightly in her green eyes. She gripped the front of the Jedi Master's robes and pulled him towards where she sat ontop of the kitchen counter. Using the Force, she levitated the spoon out of his hands and set it gently on the stove beside the stew. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed her body against his, kissing him wildly until he had had enough. He slid her bottom off of the kitchen counter and held her up, as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Mara laughed as he found the ticklish spot on her neck and began to trace it in light kisses. They somehow made it to the bedroom in a blind haze, and fell onto the bed in a heap.

" Luke! I can't pull off my shirt if you keep kissing my neck." she laughed out as he continuousley kissed her. Finally he gave her the space she needed to pull off her shirt. As he unbuttoned his black shirt, while she tries to get off her pants, the comlink beside the bed began to chirp. Luke sighed in annoyance and answered it, realizing instantly that it was his brother-in-law.

" Luke? Hey I thought you had forgotten to call me." Luke rolled onto his back, and Mara crawled up beside him, looking crestfallen.

" Yeah man, I'm sorry. Mara and I are both swamped with work. I swear, I thk we'll be lucky if the two of us put together have eight hours of sleep. Could you do me a favor and watch Addeline for the night?" Mara had to surpress a giggle at his words and the way he used them. Han hadn't seemed to have caught on, instead sounding thrilled.

" Sure, it's no problem at all. It's nice for Anakin to actually have someone close to his own age to play with. It keeps him from getting into too much trouble, or getting too fussy. Well, I won't keep you from your work any longer. So see you tomorow." Luke turned off the comlink and through it to the ground, rolling over to continue what they had started.

A/N: I'm sorry this chap was so short. I just wanted to make a little peice about Luke and Mara's current relationship, especially since their both new parents. I hoped that you liked it. I'll try to update soon.