
Back with another story! I really will update my other Sailor Moon story, it's just that I'm kind of stuck on it. But I'm trying to think of a solution. I did mean to update sooner, but…family problems and stuff. Ick.

This takes place early, early in the show. And I used the Japanese names! Happy:)

Written and Posted On: July 30th-almost August!-, 2005. Sat.

"Okay, Serena. This won't hurt a bit. Well, maybe a bit. But not much more that that!" Rei said hastily. "Hehehe."

Usagi glared at Rei. "This had better not hurt! You promised it wouldn't!" She said.

Rei waved her hand, as if to say this wasn't that bad. "It's just an ear piercing. It's not too awful."

"Piercing! Just the word! How can that not be awful!" Usagi said tearfully.

Rei smiled. "Just think Usagi, soon you'll be able to wear earrings like mine." She gestured to her ears, at the earrings of flames. They walked into the jewelry store. Rei headed straight for the earring counter.

"Hi, my friend here is getting her ears pierced for the first time, so be-Mamoru?" Rei stopped jabbering. "What are you doing here? You work here?"

He blushed slightly, but covered it up. "Yeah, I work here. The pay is good and I have to pay for college and stuff somehow." He noticed Usagi. "What's up, Meatball Head?"

"You! You are going to pierce my ears?" Usagi shrieked. "No way, you'll "accidentally" pierce my brain or something! You're not getting near me with a piercing gun!" She hid behind the tall, confident Rei, who moved aside.

"You are doing this, Usagi. You know you want to. Plus, Mamoru can't hurt you, he doesn't want to get fired."

"That's right," Mamoru said, nodding. "It's not in the store's policy to kill people."

Usagi relaxed somewhat. "Fine, but let's just get this over with already."

Mamoru moved from behind the counter. "This way, please." He gestured to Rei and Usagi, moving towards the back of the store.

"Sit there, please." He pointed to a chair. He brought a small display of earrings over to Usagi and Rei. "You can pick any one of these, and your ear piercing is free with the purchase of your earrings!"

Rei smiled at him. "Okay, which do you want?" She said to Usagi.

"Give me a minute!" Usagi said, looking at all of the earrings. 'There are so many small studs!' Usagi thought. 'But there was one big stud in front of me…Agh, gotta' stop thinking like that!'

"Um, how about…that one! She pointed to a small, simple, faux diamond earring.

"Excellent choice…Meatball Head." Mamoru said. He whisked the display away, and got the same earrings from another box. He rubbed something on Usagi's ears to make the piercing easier. He marked two points on her ears.

"Okay, do these look even?" He asked, handing her a mirror.

"They're good." Usagi said. "Hey, have you done this before?"

Mamoru rolled his eyes. "Of course I've done this before." Usagi was relieved.

"Once." He said quickly and quietly, loading the earrings in the piercing gun. Before Usagi could protest, he quickly, yet carefully pierced her ears.

Usagi fainted.

Mamuro blinked dumbly. "Guess she really was afraid."

Rei shook Usagi. Her eyes flew open.

"There now that didn't hurt very much, now did it, dear?" Rei asked motherly.

Usagi blinked. Then opened her mouth and wailed. "Ow, that hurt so badly! Wah!" She grabbed the mirror from Mamoru.

She shut up.

"Wow, my ears look so pretty pierced!" She admired herself in the mirror till someone cleared their throat. She looked up. Mamoru and Rei were looking at her.

"Oh, hehe." She giggled. "Maybe I was a bit of a baby."

"Not just a bit." Mamuro smirked. He cleared his throat again and turned towards the counter as Serena and Rei glared at him.

"Okay, turn your earring twice daily, and make sure you rub some of the stuff from this bottle on your ears 3 times daily, it will help prevent infection." He added, handing her a small bottle.

"Okay, that will be 2,000 Yen, please." Usagi counted out the money, and handed it to Mamoru. He rang it up, and handed her the receipt. Serena and Rei said bye, then left the store.

"Thank you for piercing at Jewels!" Mamuro called out behind them.

Okay, I've just decided to turn this into a multi-chapter story. Before it was going to be a one-shot, but I couldn't think of a decent ending that would work with such a short story. I had to end this here, though this is a short chapter...but I didn't want to start the main point of the story so soon.

Review if applicable!

Ja ne!