A/N-This is my first ASOUE and I am just sitting here hoping you all will like it very much. Whoever are the first 3 people to review, gets the next chapter dedicated to them and ninja monkey animal crackers. Isn't that nice? Ok, now on with the show!

Disclaimer:scoffs: You don't even wanna know what I would do if I owned "ASOUE", ok? So, don't even ask…


It was finally the weekend at "Prufrock Prep" ((A/N-did the even HAVE weekends::scoffs: They do now!)) and all five children were sitting in the "Orphan's Shack" with their noisy shoes fit comfortably on their feet. Isadora was in "her place" and she was quietly writing a poem as if she were being ignored. Klaus was sitting on a stack of hay his nose in a book on cheetahs.

"Did you know," he stated, "that cheetahs can run up to 70 miles per hour?" he finished, but Duncan and Violet were out the door and about with sunny in Violet's hands.

"Yeah, uh-huh, sure, that's nice, Klaus." Isadora answered, not giving a care, just simply caring about her poem she was writing about Klaus.

"When I see you my mind is wondering

As I sit there idle, quietly pondering.

Should I tell you my deep and silent feelings?

Or face an eternity of regrets and healing?

As you smile, I fell joyfulness

In the future, will you bring great happiness?

I don't want you to bring me emotional pain

And leave sobbing in the darkness of the rain

So will you take this hand and guide me?

Take me away to a life of loyalty?"

((A/N- Yeah, I know it rocked. :P))

"You don't sound very interested, Izzy. What are you doing?" Klaus asked, coming near her and her poetry.

Isadora couldn't stand for Klaus to see her deep poem. She didn't want for him to see how she felt about him…not yet, at least.

"C'mon, let me read it. Please?" Klaus asked giving Isadora the face that she could never refuse. (That is sooooo not like Klaus….)

I have to refuse. I have to refuse. Isadora thought to herself. It was very hard, but she actually refused.

"Then you leave me choice, Izzy." Klaus said, snatching the poem from her stiff hands.

"Give it, Klaus! That's not yours! Give it!" Isadora exclaimed. Klaus just put his hand up to her face, and then she suddenly stopped. So he was just stuck there reading.

"Wow, his hands smell really good…" Isadora thought to herself, not realizing that Klaus was reading her not-so-hidden poem.

Klaus finished the poem and asked, "So, this..."

A/N- Boy am I evil::evil laugh: So remember, The first three people who review, gets

Monkey animal crackers

The next chapter dedicated to them


So remember R&R and you will get very nice prizes! Oh yeah, I forgot to rub it in, "HA-HA! I LEFT A CLIFFY:P" So if you want prizes AND the next chappy, R&R! Tata!
