Thirty Kisses Theme 29 - The Sound of Waves

Hayate let himself relax, the sun bathing him in warmth where he lay on the beach. Yuugao was lying beside him, stretched out on her towel and humming to herself as she flipped through a short story collection. The soft lull of the waves was soothing, and Hayate was enjoying the fresh sea air, for it was gentle on his lungs.

"Ah, this vacation was the best idea we ever had!" Yuugao said suddenly, putting away her book and turning over, supposedly to tan the other side of her. Hayate turned to watch her, admiring her as she lay sunbathing.

"We're out of sick days for the rest of the year though." He mentioned, drawing a chuckle from Yuugao. She put a hand over her face to block the sun from her eyes and looked over at him.

"Well, we'll just have to not get sick, hmm?" Hayate smiled, shaking his head a little with suppressed laughter. He looked behind them at the small cottage and took it all in. The seaside home had come into his possession after his parent's deaths, through their wills. He fondly remembered trips taken to the home when he was younger, for all of the Gekkou clan with the disease found themselves feeling healthier in the fresh air of the ocean. He breathed deeply, free of the usual cloying feeling in his lungs. He had always entertained the idea of retiring to this place if he ever lived that long. Glancing back at his lover, he wondered if that would ever be possible. They were both ninja after all.

"Hayate, let's go swimming some!" Yuugao was standing, holding out her hand and smiling broadly. She had tied up her hair and was watching him expectantly.

"And then we can build a sandcastle." He said, standing up as well and taking her smaller hand in his own. They started at a walk, but Yuugao soon broke into a run that ended up as a full fledge race to the surf. As they both splashed into the water they were laughing freely. Yuugao scooped up a handful of water and tossed it at him, and thus a splash war began.

Hayate let himself enjoy the moment, thinking that even if they were shinobi, even if their lives were destined to be short, he could at least enjoy the moment and enjoy the now. Because right then they were just a couple at the beach, a pair of lovers in the ocean. And as he took her in his arms and kissed her, tasting the salt and sea on her lips, he knew that he was truly happy.