AN: Here's my second Ultra Maniac fic.

Chapter I

It all started when I was six-years-old. My dad was helping me with my assignments when the phone rang. Everything was a rush after that. The next thing I knew I was in the hospital. My dad was talking to a doctor. A nurse came to me.

"Let's go the hospital garden." The nurse told me with a kind smile.

I looked up my dad to see if he approved. My dad nodded at me with a forced smile and sad eyes. Then he and the doctor left. I watched them walk away for a few seconds, wondering why my dad's face looked like that until the nurse held my hand and guided me to the hospital garden.

At the garden, I was trying to catch butterflies. The nurse sat on a bench far away from me but enough that she could still see me. I got tired of chasing of the butterflies and decided to sit on the grass and catch my breath. I lay on the grass and closed my eyes, trying to regain my energy when I felt a cloth wipe the sweat off my forehead. I opened my eyes to see my mom's smiling face. I heard my dad call my name. I turned my head to the side and saw my dad walking towards me. I looked back to where mom was but she was not there anymore.


The sound of the alarm clock woke me up. I reached my arm and turned off the alarm clock. I dragged myself to the bathroom and was my face. After doing my morning ritual in the bathroom. I looked at the calendar and realized that it's Saturday.

# Damn! I woke up early just to realize that there's no school. UGH! Ow….# I slammed my fist to the wall so hard that it hurts. # Stupid me….#

I went to make breakfast in the kitchen. There's no point of going back to sleep now that I am fully awake. I was cooking scrambled eggs and thought about my dream. # Why did I dream about my past? #


"Where did mom go?" I looked around.

"What do you mean by where you mom went?" Dad asked as he stood beside me.

"She was just here in front of me a while ago." I replied and watched the surprise and shock on my dad's face.

"But that can't be." The dad's face turned into a frown.

"Why?" I was confuse.

Dad took a deep breath and kneeled before me. "Son, your mother is dead." He said as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"You're lying." I refused to believe him. "She was here a while ago. I saw her!"


I sighed. # Now I remember. Today is her death anniversary. Maybe that's why I dreamed about that day. # Then I smelled something burning. I looked down to see the eggs burn. I cursed and turned off the gas.

"Have a presence of mind the next time you cook, son." Dad said as he entered the kitchen.

"Sorry, dad." I threw the burnt eggs to the trash bin. "Do you remember that mom's death anniversary is today?"

"Of course, I do." Dad smiled sadly. "I never forget it, not like you. I'm surprise that you remembered."

I rolled my eyes. My dad and I ate breakfast in comfortable silence. The truth is I don't want to remember because every mom's death anniversary, there's always something strange, weird, creepy or freaky that happens.

When I was seven-years-old. I remembered that it was mom's death anniversary when weird and strange things happened in the cemetery. I heard voices crying, asking for help or just simply talking but whenever I look around, everybody was praying. Nobody was crying or asking for help or just simply talking.

When I was eight-years-old. I can hear those voices again but this time, I feel cold. Even though it was summer. My dad and other people didn't feel cold while I was shaking a bit because of cold. I didn't have any fever and that's why I found it strange.

The same thing happened when I was nine. When I turned ten, I made sure I wear something thick. My father looked at me strangely when he saw me wearing a thick jacket in the middle of summer but didn't complain or say anything about it since I looked comfortable with it. And I continued doing this when I was eleven and twelve-years-old during mom's death anniversary. But last year was different.


I was thirteen. We went to the cemetery but we weren't even inside the cemetery yet when I saw many injured people. No, they are not just injured people. They were beyond injured. I saw a head less person, a person with lots of holes in the body, a large deep scar around the neck and others. Some are so bloody yet they all walk around like normal people. The problem is they are not normal people because if they are, they would not be able to walk around like that. They might be as well as dead. Then the word dead kept on repeating in my mind.

# These bloody people ARE dead. # I thought as I froze on my spot. I couldn't bring myself to walk to the cemetery. My dad kept on asking me if there's something wrong but I couldn't answer him. I was in fear. I saw some of the dead crying and others are simply talking. That's when I realize that the strange voices I heard years ago was them. I was in so much fear that I blacked out.


"Dad, I love mom but can I not go to the cemetery? I'll just stay here and pray for her instead." I broke the silence. I decided that I won't go to the cemetery because something worse might happen if I go there this year.

"Son, I know that you're embarrassed that you fainted last year but that's not enough reason why you shouldn't go to the cemetery. I'm sure the people wouldn't recognize you." Dad chuckled a bit.

I blushed in embarrassment. "I didn't faint. Fainting are for girls. I black-out."

"Whatever you say, son" Dad was laughing out loud now.

I went back to eating breakfast, thinking of other ways so I could not go to the cemetery. I was deep in thought when I felt the temperature rise. I felt goose bumps. I froze again. The spoon was half way towards my mouth. I can hear my dad again asking if I was alright but I couldn't answer him because of fear. This kind of temperature is the same one whenever I go to the cemetery.

# Oh, please don't let me see a dead person when I turn my head. # I slowly turned my head. Then….


AN: So whadya think? Please review and let me know what you think of it. Thanks. The guy telling this story will be revealed in the next chapter. You can also suggest on who the guy would be by reviewing. I hope you'll also check out my other Ultra Maniac fic titled Cursed Diary. It's been a long time since I updated it but I hope you'll still check it out. ;; I'm still looking for inspiration to continue the other fic. Thanks for reading this fic.