Chapter 12: Final Chapter.

Yusuke peeped open one chocolate orb and the sun beamed brightly into it, blinding him momentarily. With a grunt, he found himself trying to roll over and shove his head under a pillow, when something heavy held him in place. Daring to open his eyes again, Yusuke did so and looked down.

There, lying on his naked torso was an equally naked Hiei. The events of last night made their appearance and the heat went straight to his groin. Snickering silently to himself, Yusuke moved slowly in an attempt to tweak Hiei's nose.

Hey, he couldn't help it. The demon looked so damn cute.

"I don't think so Yusuke." Something wet licked its way around his navel and had Yusuke groaning and wriggling underneath the fire demon.

"Aroused already Yusuke? I must have quite the effect on you." With a grunt, Yusuke flipped around. Placing himself between Hiei's legs and holding the demons hips down firmly.

"Oh yes Hiei. Quite the effect… now let's see what my effect can do, shall we?" With an evil glint in his eyes, Yusuke bent down and swallowed the demon whole. Hiei attempted to push his hips up, but Yusuke held them down firmly.

He may not have much experience, but if there was one thing he was, it was a fast learner. He nipped, suckled, and hummed his way up and down until he had the demon turning into pliable putty in his hands. He wanted to give Hiei all the pleasure he had received the night before.

He wanted to give Hiei everything. He wanted to give the demon as much as he could offer. Hiei had done so much for him, and he wanted to repay him. Yusuke's heart swelled at the thought. He wanted Hiei all to himself.

Another lick up the demons long hard cock, and Yusuke chuckled at the demons moan. The Fire, its heat, it spread through out his entire being. Yusuke abandoned the throbbing dick, ignoring the demons small, muffled whimper.

"All I want," A sensual lick made its' way over a diamond hard nipple, "and all I'll ever want," Three kisses up Hiei's neck, and suckling a little on his pulse, "Is you, Hiei." Chocolate gazed deep into love-filled crimson, "Forever and always."

He wasn't sure what demanded him to do so, but Yusuke was following instinct at the moment and instinct was commanding him to do so. Yusuke lent back, and bit down hard between the juncture of Hiei's neck and shoulder.

There was no groan of pain, no arms or hands trying to push him away, no Hiei rejecting him. Just a long, drawn-out sensual moan escaping the kiss-bruised lips of his fire demon.

Lapping up the blood that leaked out from the wound he created, Yusuke couldn't help but smile. He knew what he had done, and he was happy to give body and soul to Hiei.

"Yusuke," Clawed hands came up and framed the teens face. Yusuke looked deep within Hiei's eyes, the demons expression giving away nothing.

That was of course… until he smiled.

Fangs and all… Hiei gave Yusuke a smile that could have brightened the darkest of nights. His eyes filled with joy, they had captivated Yusuke.

"I love you." Yusuke's shocked and delighted expression softened to a caring and caressing tone.

"And guess what Hiei?" He cut his lover off with a deep and passionate kiss. Pulling apart slowly, and placing his forehead against Hiei's, Yusuke laughed.

"I love you too!" With a whoop the teen jumped off a Hiei, donned in only his birthday suit and that cocky, arrogant smile. "Now get up, I want a shower… and unless you want to be left alone while your lover is dripping and sopping wet, cleaning himself and maybe pleasuring-GAH!"

Hiei slapped the bottom of the now thrown-over-his-shoulder Yusuke. Glancing back at his mate, he grunted.

"Where's the bathroom?" With another whoop, Yusuke pointed left, down the hall from his room.

This was the first day of their new relationship. As lovers, Friends, Partners… and Mates.

But of course, the shock of their lives would not come for a year or so yet. New adventures, pleasures, and surprises awaited the two new lovers. But for now, all they had on their minds was how they would position themselves in the shower.

The End

C.S: OKAY, okay, before everyone goes crazy. This was the first in a trilogy. Yes, Yes, I decided to make a trilogy. A Fiery Passion was Yusuke and Hiei realizing their relationship, and getting better 'acquainted'. As you see… I have done that in a grand total of 12 chapters.

The second installment of my Feelings for You Series… is called Sensual Passion. Oh yeah people, it will be quite the….active…. fic. (Wiggles eyebrows)

Well I hope none of you are disappointed... and truth be told I could of gone on for ever… but putting it all in a trilogy seemed to work better.

OHHH and for those who try to guess the Shocker that's gonna rock their worlds… you get a cookie… and I plan on hooking Kurama up with a certain someone…hmmm…

BIG thanks to TnzK for betaing this… all those authors out there, you know what I say. She's my god! THANK-YOU! Don't forget to review.

TnzK: Hi everybody! Hope you enjoyed the TnzK-afied version of this chapter. I didn't really have much to fix. WOW! She can spell now! (At least decently enough so as I'm not twitching anymore.) :Dodges Knives thrown from CS: YIPES! Ok, Ok, I kid! I kid!

Yeesh! Anyways, I'm looking forward to beta-ing the rest of the trilogy and the rest of CS's stories. I hope you continue reading them!

P.S.: If you review, she writes faster. And I'll beta faster if you review! Deal? Good. Catch ya later!