Hey everyone! This will be my second Saiyuki fic here in and yes, it's Hakkai-centric again, just like my first one! I was actually planning something involving all four of them, but then this idea just came to mind. Hope you enjoy this one. Please read and review!

DISCLAIMER: Let's just get this straight—I own Gensomaden Saiyuki ONLY when the lawyers aren't looking. Unfortunately, they always are.

Note: This is NOT yaoi, but a Hakkai-Yaone fic.

Chapter One: Revelation

The ceiling winked down on a certain man sprawled unceremoniously on a white-sheeted bed. The said man blinked back up at the ceiling, watching his own green-eyed gaze reflected right back at him. Slowly, he let out a sigh and turned to his side.

This man was dressed in what would definitely not count as nightclothes. Not that it was nighttime. He was wearing a white tuxedo, a neat black tie in between, and matching white pants. Beside him were pillows of different shapes and sizes, all white, just like the rest of the room where he was staying in. It was a cozy, spacious room; there were a couple of paintings hanging on the immaculate white walls, a balcony facing a beautifully kept Japanese garden, and a large bookcase housing a seemingly infinite number of books.

A large bookcase housing a seemingly infinite number of books. Exactly what Cho Hakkai is looking for.

And exactly why the said Cho Hakkai, infamous for his neatness and gentlemanly bearing, was sprawled across the bed in a not-so-gentlemanly way is quite a surprise in itself.

Hakkai rolled over in his bed and tried to sleep. Which was almost impossible considering his crisply-pressed attire. He sighed annoyingly and looked back up at the ceiling, watching, remembering the earlier events…


Wedding bells pealed loudly as the bride and groom slowly marched up the altar. Hakkai, in his white tuxedo, was smiling contentedly beside an equally-happy Yaone. Yaone looked pretty in her white wedding gown, adorned by small pink flowers. The flower girls continued showering rose petals all over the place, as the ring bearer took his respective place near the altar.

Finally the bridal march ended with the couple having arrived at the front of the cathedral. The monk descended from his seat and approached the young couple.

"Don't you think they look good together, ne, Sanzo?" a loud voice drawled out from the front. Goku sat on the front seat in a white tuxedo, briskly yanking a black tie from his neck. He was looking at the monk with his innocent-looking, golden eyes.

"Please stay in your seat and be quiet during the ceremony," the blond monk said through gritted teeth. Sanzo glared at Hakkai, who smiled at him and gave him the thumbs-up.

Why you Hakkai, if it wasn't your wedding day I would NEVER in my entire life say those words.

Sanzo tried to calm down a little and searched his brain for the next part of the scripted ceremony. The "please-stay-in-your-seat-and-be-quiet-during-the-ceremony"was part of the scripted dialogue Hakkai had prepared for Sanzo.

Hakkai chuckled softly. I knew he'd needed that.

Sanzo cleared his throat slowly andcontinued.

"Do you, Hakkai, accept Yaone to be your lawfully-wedded wife?" Sanzo said ,mechanically, his eyes darting all over the place.

"I do," Hakkai said firmly, grasping Yaone's hand. She smiled gently at him.

"And do you, Yaone, accept Hakkai as your lawfully-wedded husband?" Sanzo continued.

"I do," she replied, returning Hakkai's smile.

"Good," Sanzo whispered to himself, "let's get this over with." He drew a deep breath and said,

"I now pronounce you, man and—"


Sanzo looked up, irritated,to see who had spoken.

It was Goku. He was looking innocently at Hakkai, ignoring Sanzo's livid face. He was still tugging at his necktie hopelessly.

"Hakkai, isn't Sanzo supposed to ask who's not in favor of this wedding?" Goku asked curiously. He took out a small, green-bound booklet and searched the pages. "According to this ceremony guide, he should say it right after Yaone-san says 'I do'. "

"Anou…yes, Goku," Hakkai said, a sweat drop appearing on his head. Then he quickly turned to Sanzo and whispered, "Just do it, Sanzo. Otherwise he won't stop."

Sanzo shot a glare at Goku, who was busily scanning the other parts of the booklet. Finally Sanzo turned back to the couple, who had their heads bowed, sighed deeply, and dully began.

"Who here is not in favor of this wedding?"

Silence greeted Sanzo's words. The rest of the audience shifted in their seats. One could sense that they were eagerly anticipating the reception.

Sanzo looked at them for a moment, and seeing no one objecting, decided to continue.

"I now pronounce you man and—"

"I object!"

Sanzo's eyes snapped open as everybody quickly looked around to see who had spoken. Hakkai's head shot up at once, his green eyes showing every sign of utter bewilderment. Beside him Yaone followed suit, her grayish eyes a garbled mass of confusion.

Hakkai followed everyone's gazes and stared. He nearly shouted in surprise.

It was Gojyo. His best man. He was standing right in the middle of the hall, looking very out breath. He stared hard at Hakkai's surprised gaze then at Yaone's gray ones.


Gojyo turned away, cringing at the sound of Hakkai's voice. It had a pained expression to it.

How could you do this to me?

To be continued…

Author's Note: How was it? I hope it's not too bad, considering this is only my second so far here in Please review; flames are okay but please don't be too hard on me!

I haven't quite established a concrete plot for this one, so if you have any suggestions they are welcome! Thanks very much.