Y'know... I'm just gonna stop putting these little headers at the top of these. XD I think it's safe for you all to assume that a fic is for the 30 Kisses Challenge if it's short andsays "Yami x Malik" in the summary. :3

Ten Seconds
30 Kisses Challenge, theme #10 - #10


I can't believe I'm fucking doing this. I don't know why I even agreed to play this stupid game in the first place. Especially when I knew that you would be playing.


The only reason you allowed me to even come to this party was because Yuugi wanted me to. Of course, you would do absolutely nothing to upset your "aibou", so you consented.


As if it weren't awkward enough with me being there, everyone walking on eggshells around me, afraid to set me off - okay, so your little troupé still doesn't trust me. They're still pissed at me for all of the shit I pulled back during Battle City. Okay. Whatever. I can deal.


Look, I'm sorry for trying to steal your Puzzle and kill your friends; I even gave you my Rod and my god card. Shit, I thought we were on good terms now, but we obviously aren't. What more do you fucking want from me! Can't you just put the past behind you?


You know, I wouldn't even mind playing this damn game with you if you'd just lighten up, for the love of Ra. I wouldn't mind having to fucking kiss you in front of everyone, if you'd just stop glaring at me the whole time.


Hell, maybe I'd even like it.


Oh. You're closing your eyes. That's good, at least you're not glaring at me anymore. Okay. I'll close mine too. That way I won't even have to see you, should you change your mind and start trying to glare death-rays through my head again.


I'd... rather you not change your mind, to be honest. I really wish you would just forgive and forget, then... well, at the risk of sounding like your little cheerleader, maybe we could even be friends.


Maybe... even... something more.


...a lot more.


You pull away from me, taking your place back in the circle, and I do the same. That blonde chick - Mai, was it? - has turned off her stopwatch, and is now regarding both of us with a satisfied gaze. "Ten seconds exactly!" she chirps. I roll my eyes. She looks just a little bit too happy, if you ask me...

I turn to look at you. You're glaring at me again. Only this time, your eyes don't have that same intensity that they did before. They are no longer giving me the look of death, but I can see something else in them now. Something else... entirely.

It's your turn to spin the bottle this time, and you give it a good one, never taking your eyes off of me. I feel a small bubble in the pit of my stomach, and now I'm wondering why I'm suddenly wishing death upon whoever the bottle happens to land on. Could it be that those ten seconds - those ten hellish seconds - where my lips were fused to yours... did something to me? And why am I wondering if it did something to you too...?

...ten seconds.

Ten seconds - after a lifetime of hatred, loathing, and despair - was all it took for me to fall for you.

- owari -