A/N: Eek! I take too long to update. Sorry. I also have missed like all the new episodes of Teen Titans. I saw the Kid Flash one and that was it. I seriously need to sit down and watch it. Anyways, thanks for the reviews everyone. Happy Holidays!
Disclaimer: I do not own TT or Slade…I hate writing these things.
Dedications to Gobeul! Your idea was awesome. Sorry it took me so long to post it. Thanks again.
Fads are what last but a few weeks. Over years there have been multiple fads. They progress and get bigger and more expensive. Bikes were some of the biggest fads, which led to skates then scooters. The scooters lasted for about a year and were kind of out. When it came to shoes people fell in love with the wheelie shoes. But the next favorite shoe generation were the Uggs. Those fuzzy boots are still in and are still very expensive.
Other favorites were Furby's. They lasted for a while and look, they're back in again! As for big favorites in TV shows, Sailor Moon never died. It was until last year that it went off air. (For me, at least) People seem to still quote lines from favorite movies like, Napoleon Dynamite. (That was so last year.)
There are multiple bands and singers that were in then out. For instance, Back Street Boys and Brittany Spears were the biggest bands and singers. A favorite was Daft Punk. Now it's Fall Out Boy, System Of A Down, and so forth. As for singers there are loads. American Idol winner, Kelly Clarkson never stopped singing and her new CD has just been released.
In electronics there are multiple. The computer was an extremely big one. Cell phones with cameras. The Xbox360 is one of the newest ones. The MP3 player was at first popular, but has led to one of the biggest fads yet, the I pod. People are swooning over this music holding object and no fad yet has come to beat it.
Idea four hundred and twenty two…
For Fads, there is always something you can make that someone would love. Things like fads start with one person, then travel. You first need to start with a strange idea. We shall make something like clothing. Everyone loves clothing. If you're naked at this very moment, or you're a nudist, or you just don't like clothes then don't use this idea. Or run a store. Thank you.
Anyways, if you're not much of a fashion designer then use that apprentice suit that Terra and Robin wore. And since it doesn't come off unless you let it, this shall be your ultimate way of Taking Over The World. Once you get one person to wear it, another person will fall in love with it and buy one. Soon people all over the world will be wearing your ultimate wardrobe. Then you shall threaten the world that you will not take it off them until you are declared world ruler.
Success! Kick major teen ass if necessary.
Slade's Notes: The thing with fads is that they travel, but someone's review about the product is the biggest thing. If they don't like it, then it doesn't stick, like Pet Rock or Chichia Pets. I got multiple bad reviews and tons of angry costumers. This idea was at first good but unfortunately, I've been forced to wear my own product and I don't think I'm putting any good reviews on this one.
A/N: Thanks again Gobeul for this awesome idea! I don't know if I spelt Chichia pets right but Microsoft Word say's I didn't. Oh Well. Anyways, Pet Rock was I guess a rock that you took home as a pet. I asked my parents about fads that just didn't stick and I guess that was one of them. Once again, I am sorry my chapters are so short.Thanks again all my reviewers and I'll update soon. Until then! - KTHM