Title: Homecoming
Theme: #22, the laughter of women
Rating: K+
Word Count: 760
Notes: Posted this on LiveJournal two years ago and forgot to add it here. Could be considered divergent from canon or as taking place far, far, far into the future. You chose!
Disclaimer: Naruto and related properties belong to Masashi Kishimoto and related parties.
He hears the laughter as he nears the entrance to his family's property. It causes him to pause for a moment, but the street is largely deserted and he chides himself for hesitating to enter his own home. Still, he runs a hand over his clothes to soothe his nerves just as much as to make sure that he looks every bit the shinobi of Konoha he is.
He steps through the open space in the wall surrounding the first home he ever knew, holding his breath without realizing it. The women don't see him, they're too busy fussing over the child in their midst. The toddler is holding her mother's fingers while standing on wobbling legs. She's smiling brightly at her aunties, giggling as they coo over her.
One of the women reaches over and tickles the child's side, causing mirthful squealing that sets the adults to laughter again. The toddler takes one shaky step towards her mother and then another. Sakura slides her fingers from her daughters hands and holds her by her waist, lifting her up into the air. Pure and innocent laughter rains down on the circle of women as their own voices rise up with the laughter of those who realize just how precious new life is.
Sasuke is afraid that they'll notice him, that he'll cut their amusement to an early silence and they will leave and it will just be him and Sakura and their two children alone in a house that is still too quiet and large. He shifts his weight to step back when his son calls out to him.
The women look up as one and the little boy makes his way through them to the edge of the veranda. He plops down onto his bottom and slides himself carefully off of it until he drops to the ground and runs as quickly as he can to his father.
Sasuke crouches down and opens his arms as his son collapses into him, all warm and soft and full of love. His son's moist breath falls against his neck as the boy nuzzles against him, breathing in the scents he will forever associate with his father – sweat, pine, and earth.
(When the boy is older he will tell Sasuke this, and say that he thinks of it as the scent of hard work and fatherly love. Sasuke will be unable to respond, but Sakura will be beside him, squeezing his hand and placing a kiss on his temple. She will smile at the only man she's ever loved and will say that yes, their son has it exactly right.)
Sasuke stands, holding the boy against his chest as he almost shyly approaches the women. His son is talking animatedly, his words becoming a steady stream in his ear, distracting him from the knot forming in his stomach. The women's expressions vary from slight unease to tender smiles. Sakura lowers their daughter and turns towards him. She helps her daughter to stand facing outward and looks between the child and her husband. "Sasuke-kun, we've got a surprise for you."
"Hold out your hand, Daddy!" his son commands. Sasuke shifts the boy onto one of his hips to free a hand that he then holds out for his daughter. She lets go of one of her mother's hands and moves her feet slowly and carefully while reaching out for her father's hand. She stretches for it and grabs it on the second attempt. She steps a little more steadily away from Sakura who lets go as soon as the toddler's hand has a firm hold on her father's arm. Sasuke curls his arm around the girl and scoops her to his chest. She burbles happily and lays her head against his chest.
"Well, who'd have thought. The Uchiha Sasuke with a child on each hip!" one of the ladies comments, a smile stretching across her face. The rest of them twitter.
The remark distresses Sasuke slightly, but Sakura has eased herself off of the veranda and comes to his side, taking their son from his arms. "Welcome home," she murmurs, kissing him softly. Someone whistles and Sakura smiles, a soft blush coloring her cheeks.
And there are things that Sasuke wants to say to her in return, but the knot in his stomach is joined by a knot in his throat and all he can do is close his eyes and keep his forehead pressed against his wife's.
"It's good to be home," he thinks.