Idealistic Daydream



Chapter 3: All Cried Out

In Spain, Kimberly and Tommy were on a bus drive around the city. She had just did her 2 shows in Spain, one being last night and was spending the few days, touring the beautiful Spain before heading to England for the final leg of her tour. The trip took them on popular tourist attractions of Spain. Kimberly took many pictures at the stops. They were taken to a river.

"Tommy come here!" They were at a waterfall. "Absolutely beautiful!" Tommy stood watching her stand at the shore. Tommy's hand in his pocket fumbled with the velvet box. "Tommy, come!" Kimberly pushed off her shorts and flips. She pulled her poncho off, revealing her bikini. She got into the water. Tommy smiled and followed. They finally walked around the lagoon.

"This was a wonderful trip. Thank you." She kissed him.

"Thank you."

Kimberly stopped to get a soda. She was searching through Tommy's shorts for some Spanish money when a white box fell. She bent down and picked it up.

"Oh my god!"

"KIMBERLY!" Kimberly quickly shoved it back into his pocket. Tommy came over. "I was looking for my shorts!"

"I just needed a bill," she said quickly holding up a colorful bill. Tommy smiled.

"Okay." Tommy quickly though took his shorts. "Did you go through all my pockets?"

"NO! Just one!"

"Good." She put a dollar inside and got a diet fruit soda. Kimberly was shocked and didn't know what to say. She knows she found a velvet box, but what was inside it, she couldn't believe.

'An engagment ring, no way. Tommy wouldn't. He just wouldn't, he couldn't, would he?' Kim's mind asked as she opened her bottle. 'Am I ready for this? Am I really ready to get married? Oh, my god, I'm getting married! Oh my god! I can't get married!'



Tommy wanted to go for another walk since it was their last stop and the bus wouldn't be leaving for another hour. He really just wanted to be alone with Kimberly. Kimberly looke around as Tommy led her away from everyone.

"Where are we going?"

"On a walk."

"Away from everyone!" She knew the tactic he was using and she was afraid, but didn't know why. She shouldn't be afraid to marry Tommy, she loves Tommy, he loves her. 'But what about JoAnn and the baby, is this fair to them? ShouldI even be caring about them? Oh, god! He's gonna ask me right here! How is my hair? Oh, why did I have to take that dip in the water, now I look like a wreck!' Her mind screamed.

"Uh, yeah. You okay?" Tommy watched her with a smile. Her mental tug-of-war caused her to stand there in shock. Kimberly shook her head and smiled.

"Uh, yea, yea. Yeah! Let's go." They walked around. They stopped and took a look up.

"This is so beautiful, right?"

"Huh?" She looked around. "Oh, yea."

"Are you cold?"

"Me?" He rubbed her shoulders.

"You're shaking!"

"I'm fine!" She stepped back. "Are you going to ask me to marry you?"

"Excuse me?"

"It fell out of your pocket, Tommy."

"What fell out of my pocket?"

"DON'T ACT STUPID!" Tommy laughed.

"Beautiful, beautiful, you've done it."

"Done what?"

"Ruined my surprise!"

"Tommy! No jokes!"

"Sorry. Look," Tommy said pulling out the box. "I have loved you from the first moment I saw you. From the first moment our lips touched, I knew you were it. And I will love you and only you for the rest of my life. If you will have me, I would be honored to be your husband." He got down on one knee and opened the box. "Kimberly, will you marry me?" A crowd of tourist found them at that moment. Kimberly's eyes rolled back, as she passed out. Tommy quickly caught her. The crowd gasped. He smiled and shook his head. "Okay, beautiful. Round 2." A. "Thank you."

"Ella esta bueno?"

"Oh, si, si. Ella hace este mucho, uh...she, she...ella...Ella de...desmayo, si?" Some people nodded and smiled. Tommy smiled, since Kimberly knew several languages, one being Spainish especially thanks to Rocky, he was learning as well, having his trust spanish dictionary beside him like his trusty other languages books. A lady brought over some water and a towel. "Gracias." Tommy wet the towel and ran it over her face. "Beautiful, Kimberly, wake up." She groaned and opened her eyes.


"Hey, Beautiful." He sat her up.

"I just had the weirdest dream." She rubbed her head. He showed her the ring again.

"Did it involve this ring?"

"Oh my god! You asked me to marry you!"

"Yes, I did."

"I wasn't dreaming?"

"NO! And I am waiting on you."

"Waiting on me?"

"Will you marry me?" Tears formed in her eyes.

"Yes! A thousand times yes!' They hugged. Tommy slid the ring to her finger and they kissed. The crowd clapped for them. Tommy hugged her. He lifted her up high in the sky. He brought her down, kissing her the entire time.


Tommy had to go to Ireland for his last few weeks on his dig project. Kim didn't have a tour in that country, but wanted to gowith him anyways, even without David's approval. But that would comeafter on show in London, then she would fly to meet up with him. David wanted her to continue on the tour back in the America, doing little shows here and there like Kimberly did while in France and Italy. But Kimberly wanted to take a week with Tommy and rest her voice. It was very surprising that the now very pregnant JoAnn followed them still after France. She was heading to Ireland with Tommy. Buta true surprise came at Kimberly and Tommy's surprise engagement party. The site was filled with flowers of all kinds and arrangements. The crew found out Tommy finally popped the question and decided to throw the surprise on the couple when they arrived to the site. However, Kim's illness, cut the party a bit short.Tommy was given the day off to be with his fiancée. Tommy brought Kimberly a pregnancy, just for them to make sure. She had been puking for 5 straight days and was 2 weeks late.

Kimberly came out from the bathroom holding a pregnancy test stick. Tommy stood before her.

"Well?" Tommy asked.

"I love pink." Tommy took the stick.

"2 pink lines. Pregnant." She laughed and covered her mouth.

"I'm pregnant!" JoAnn came by to talk about taking classes when they get back to the states, she found the door opened and came right in. She heard Kimberly yelled that she was pregnant and held her chest. "Oh, Tommy. I'm pregnant!" They hugged and kissed. JoAnn held back a sob as she cried. She knew she should had just left them, but she went toward their bedroom anyways. She stood in the doorway watching them. Watching them kiss, pull off each other's clothes, make love and it sickened her. Kimberly and Tommy wanted to celebrate finding out Kimberlywas pregnant. Her vision went cloudy. Her breath coming in short gasp. JoAnn stumbled toward the door, she wouldn't take anymore of this. Tommy and Kimberly both looked up from the bed as they heard a scream of a woman. Tommy slid on his boxers and ran down to examine the person. Kimberly slid on her robe and screamed as they found JoAnn unconscious on the ground, having fallen.

"CALL 911!" Kimberly nodded and she rushed to the phone. "It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay," Tommy said checking her pulse and breathing. "JoAnn, can you hear me? JoAnn! JOANN!"



Kimberly stood in the doorway. In the hospital bed laid a nearly 5-months pregnant, JoAnn. Tommy, holding her hand, stroking her forehead.

Outside I see the rain is falling
Inside I'm slowly dying
But the rain will hide my crying, crying, crying

"Hey, I'm not leaving, okay. Get some rest like the doctor said, okay. Everything is going to be okay. I'm here. I'm here." JoAnn smiled.

"Don't leave me, please." Tommy nodded. "Promise me."

"I promise."

Don't you know my tears will burn the pillow
Set this place on fire
'Cause I'm tired of your lie
All I needed was a simple "Hello"

"I won't leave, okay. Get some sleep." She nodded and closed her eyes. Tommy sat there until she fell asleep, rubbing her hand and head. Tommy looked up and saw Kimberly. Tears rolling down her face. It had all happened so fast. Tommy and Kimberly were in bed, making love when it happened. JoAnn found them, collapsed, after watching the man she loves and thought was going to be with her because of her baby, making love to another woman. She found it hard to breath before she passed out, falling down a few stairs. Being pregnant scared Tommy, he thought she might have lost the baby. He feared for his child. They rushed her to the hospital.

"Kimberly, wait!" She walked away, carrying the dog Tommy brought her while in Spain, fumbling with the diamond engagement ring. "I'm sorry. I don't know what to say or do." Tommy stopped her.

"Me too, I never thought I'd be in love with a man that is...this is going to have a child with another woman. I gotta go. I don't belong here. I shouldn't be here."

I gave you my love in vain
My body never knew such pleasure,
My heart never knew such pain
(And you) You leave me so confused
Now I'm all cried out, over you.


"She could have died! She could have died because of us! Because of me!" Kimberly wiped her eyes, but tears kept falling.

"This is not your fault."

Romance of the flames
Why should I take the blame?

"I know! I know it is not! It's yours." She turned her back. He grabbed her arm and turned her back to him.

"Where are you going?"

"I leave for London in 3 days, I need to pack," Kimberly said turning to leave again. Tommy stopped her again.

"You can't go."


"Because you're pregnant with my child!" Tommy screamed at her.

"My child and I will be fine alone. We don't need you. I don't need you."

"I won't let you go."

"You need to go in there and be with her. She needs you, Tommy. She needs you a hell of a lot more than I do. I'll be fine by myself."

"I won't!"

"Take care of your daughter, Tommy."

"No. You can't leave me! I love you!"

"And I am tired of this! All of this! I am cried out, Tommy! I don't need this!"

"I don't want you to go, Kimberly. I know, okay. I know this all sucks, but I can't change it. She is going to have my baby, yes, but that doesn't mean we can't be together. I love you, I need you. I can take of us, you, and our baby."

"I need to take care of myself and my baby." She pulled off her engagement ring. "We are threw, okay." Tommy refused to take the ring.


"Take it!"

"No. No, you are not...we are not threw!"

"Yes, we are."

"Tommy!" Tommy looked back after hearing JoAnn call his name. Tommy looked at Kimberly again.

"Please, don't go.I love you. I love you, Beautiful, I'm sorry."

Apology not accepted
Add me to the broken hearts you've collected

"Goodbye, Tommy." She walked away. Tears from her eyes stopping failling finally, as she walked out the doors.

I gave you all of me (Gave you all of me)
How was I to know,
You would weaken so easily
I don't know what to do (I don't know what to do)
Now I'm all cried out (All cried out)
Over you


It was raining as Kimberly pulled out the hospital crying. She was on her way to her place, when a car in front of her skid, and fly into Kim's car, which ended up causing a major pile up of about6 car crashes. She was immediately rushed to the hospital after losing consciousness for several hours. The doctor had just left Kimberly's room when Tommy came rushing by.

"How is she!"

"Who are you?"

"Her fiancée."

"She's..she needs to rest now."

"Can I go see her?"

"Go on, she needs someone right now." Tommy walked in and found her crying. He stood there. Kimberly didn't noticed him because she had her back to the door.

"Oh, my baby!" she cried, stroking her stomach with her bandaged wrist. Tommy thought it was their child she was taking about, but she was upset about the dog dying due to the accident. Little Pu was barely a week old, the car that hit Kim's side, caused the pup to fly up and hit the window, cracking it's poor little skull and killing it instantly.

"Oh, Beautiful." She turned over. She sat up, her head bandaged as well, due to the massive cut on her forehead. Kim's wrists were broken, along with her ankle.

"What are you doing here?"

"I thought you could use.."

"I don't need you, Tommy! Just go!"

"You lost our child. I can help you, I want to be here for you and..."


"Our child is gone, because I...I didn't stop you from leaving." Kimberly realized that he thought that she lost their child. She knew it would be wrong lying to him, but maybe it was for the best. Tommy had tears in his eyes as he sat on the bed. He went to rub her face.

"I want you to leave."


"NO! You don't have to be concerned about me anymore, it's gone okay. Gone! Dead! NOW GO!"

"Kim, you need me now!"

"I don't need you!" She screamed. With her heart rate going up on the monitors. "Get out! Get out!"

"Kim, please..." 2 nurses and the doctor came in.

"Miss Kimberly, you are going to have to calm down!"

"Get him out!"

"Who are you sir?" A nurse asked.

"Her fiancée!"

"No, not anymore! Get him out! I want him out!" Kim screamed.

"Sir, you are going to have to leave now!"


"Please, sir." Tommy was pulled out the room by 2 nurses and the doctor check Kimberly. The door was closed.

"I told you no stress, do you want to lose this baby, and you are at a crucial time, here Kimberly."

"I know. I'm sorry, don't let him back in here, please."

"Okay." The doctor made sure Tommy wasn't allowed back inside.


David left Kim's room and found Tommy still sitting out there.

"What the fuck are you still doing here! Haven't you caused her enough pain?"

"I'm here for my fiancée!"

"She wants you gone!"

"I will not have arguing my hospital, now you two can either take this outside or stop it."

"She wants him gone, why is he still here!"

"Sir, I am sorry, but my patient doesn't want to ever see you, could you please leave this area?"

"No, she..."

"It would be best for her now, if you left." Tommy handed over some flowers and teddy bear.

"Give her these."

"I will."

"Tell her, I love her and I'll be back."

"Of course." Tommy left. David went back into Kim's room.

"Can you believe him showing up like he is concerned with the baby?"

"I let him believe I lost it."


"I let him believe I lost the baby, our baby." She cried. David came over and sat on her bed.


"Because, I don't..I want him to be happy, don't you see."

"Without you?"

"Yes, without me."

"And your baby? What about your baby?"

"Don't you see, David? I love him enough to know that I can't have him. Not all of him. He going to have a baby with JoAnn, she needs him a hell of a lot more than I do. More than us." She caressed her stomach. "I don't need him. We don't need him. We will be fine alone, I know that." Kimberly looked ahead, tears finally stopped falling. She looked at David, rubbing her belly. "We will be fine."

Now I'm all cried out
Now I'm all cried out
Over you









ooooohhh...evil, evil, yes, yes, that I am

Worked all day and night to get this story completed and up, so time for a short break

Final installment of the Trilogy, "Til the End" will come in a few weeks

What happens when Tommy finds out the truth? Death and Tragedy ahead. JoAnn makes the ultimate sacrifice, but what happens to the baby? Double trouble ahead!

Reviews are Always WELCOMED!
