MP: At last my 3rd installment of the MA Series. It will be a bit different because, Sakura, Haru, Sarai, Alex, Allen, Leila, Gabe, Anna, and Hikaru are not in this one right away. A whole new batch of OC's is here to open up the story.

Sakura: Hey! Do we mean so little to you?

MP: Don't take it that way You're the only one who appears in the first chapter in passing (Other OCs get angry. MP Gulps)

Kamuri (from the story Dragon's tears): MP does not own the YGO characters but owns her respective OCs. OCs that are going to have to get past me, her first OC on here to hurt her (All the OCs freeze when the hanyou growls at them. They back away from her smiling nervously at the fighter. Kamuri is muttering soemthing about 'being lucky Goku wasn't here.' And then muttering a disclaimer about MP not owning dragon ball)

MP: (Sighing in relief) Well on with the story

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The Dark Millennium

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Chapter 1: Birthright

"Darkness; often feared and misunderstood. Dark times plague us all: a hundred years since the Age of Gaming and we still have not advanced; because war, sickness, and famine have robbed us of freedom to go farther. Now we are back on our feet struggling to get up again and we are succeeding. Who am I to be telling such a narrative? An old being who wished not to have to sit by and idly watch this but I had to so as for my name, I'll not give you what I do not know. How ever I can tell you that You have a destiny that has not been decided to make the best of your future." Said The woman wearing a cloak.

"Interesting, may I go now?" asked A girl with a green cloak on. "Not until you receive, your birthright." She said. "I'm no one's magician!" snarled the girl and she stomped away. "So you may think girl; So you may think." Said the woman.

----------------------------------- In Domino 2189---------------------------


Ok that lady knew her history pretty well but saying I am to inherit that! She's got the wrong girl. She may want to try my friend who is named Haruko. Honestly; she's a bit nuts, but who isn't now adays. Domino is a shell of its, supposed, former glory from the time when Kaiba Corporation was advancing technology for gaming purposes which also benefited other areas. Now we are stuck going no further. Many people call it the gaming age since there were tons of tournaments then.

From the limited schooling I was able to receive, I learned about history before that point. I found this place called a 'Library' not too long ago and I found tons of strange things that I found out were called 'Books'. I knew how to read, thankfully. So I learned several things like how to fix a computer, how to do this things called writing in several languages, type quicker which is good since we need to type, do this thing called cooking, and most importantly duel. Only those who could beat others at dueling in the ruins of arenas from the gaming age and usually it was the rich and people who had food who knew how to duel. I'd won lots from that and I'm not done wiping the floor with them yet. This guy named Kai is always mad I beat him.

I head to Library to think. I go to the section that was recent until all of this started. I read duels about amazing duelist I could never match in my wildest dreams. Sakura and Yugi Mutuo grabbed my attention like a magnet. They were father daughter and the girl was a dueling prodigy. She couldn't beat him but she beat this other good duelists daughter Alexandra who was awesome her self. I found a note tucked into a magazine. It was written in cursive, which I could read.

'If you find this then follow these clues. Go south on Willow Street and 30 minuets later you will find a house with a yellow metal door. Enter and you shall find a treasure.' Treasure sounded a bit like a book but the more I knew the better off I'll be in this upside down world.

I know where Willow Street was now it is call Memorial Street since all the houses are abandoned and people are so superstitious they have stayed that way. I walk out and lock up Library since people only see buildings as shelter other than their homes so they tended to trash places like that. As for me, I considered Library my home since I have no where else. Memorial street happened to be the street next to this one and the superstition spread to this street too so better to be safe than sorry, I think the saying goes.

30 minuets later

I see the metal door and it looked old and rusty. It was a house from the Gaming era and it still stood! I see the door was open so I enter. I see a girl figure, with hair that seemed tri-colored and spiked down ward, was walking just a head of me. I follow them and I find myself in a room with yellow walls, a single queen sized bed with golden covers, and a book shelf obscuring a whole wall. Treasure indeed! I see one called, Hieroglyphs; how to read a write them. I see history books that Library didn't have and a dueling deck. I look around to search for the strange person but they are gone. I hear movement in the hall way so I step out and walk down the hall way.

I see 2 rooms before me. I open the one to my left to find-a bathroom? Well I might as well clean up a bit. I head back to that room and find a dresser drawer full of clothing. Guys clothing from the dueling era. Would any one mind? I see a shadow behind me shake a head as if to say; I don't mind. I turn around and no one is there yet again. I find this was a girl's room and she most likely wore the boy cloths. So, I take only 1 outfit and head to the bathroom. I pull off my cloak, dusty off the mirror, and stare at my reflection. I see a short girl with blonde lighting shaped bangs framing her face and very short curly black hair the had natural red streaks near the bottom making it look like the edges are red.

The girl's clothing is the ugly, brown, sackcloth dress of an orphanage. With khaki pants on underneath. That out fit had haunted me for the last 5 years. Declarign to every one I was one of the children abandoned because of food shortages, disease, or accidents. My parents died in an accident when I was 5 and neither had any family. I kept my last name to myself since no one uses last names anymore. Mutuo; the name those duelists had. Most people say over exaggerated stories about the great gaming age duelists. But I've read the truth.

I see the water still works as well as the electricity. The water feels good. I reflect on the weeks events


"Come one with your voice, we'd be phenomenal! It'd help bring us out of this mess like that country on the web reports. Like Tsukino City!" pleaded Takeshi , the only boy I was nice to. "No." I said. "Come on, Yamiko!" said Haruko. "No, no and still no!" I said especially them using my nick name 'Dark Child'. I hated that nickname. I got up and pulled my cloak on so no one would stare at me and everyone wore them.

I walked out of Shinta's house. I wandered down the street and soon was on Prophet street, which was called that because that's were all the swindlers who tried to take your money and your food. A gust of wind knocked my hood down and I quickly pulled it up. A sart to get off that street when a woman in a blue cloak runs over and grabs me by my arm and pulls me into an alley.


That's when she went into that long history lesson I really didn't need but she showed me something. A golden necklace. She believed it was the legendary artifact that would be given to some one and they would gain the knowledge of darkness or something. I looked at it and didn't want it. So I had to get away. She was a certified nut ball!

I turned off the water and stepped out. I used my cloak to dry off with and dressed quickly. In case some one entered this place. Did not want to get caught with out any clothing on. I walked out and I heard an angry rustling so I followed it barefoot along the dusty floors. I threw open the door and I saw an unreal sight. No dust any where as if this place ha had no air in it for a 100 years. I saw a king sized bed in the middle of this room a closet to the left and a box resting on the bed. A golden box.

'Your Birthright' I hear the words echo. 'Your birth right, Hikari."

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MP: So I named Her light and don't shoot me if Yami doesn't mean dark. I came up with Yamiko from that and the suffix 'Ko' that means child. More Sakura interaction later on but for now Enjoy and I may not have chapter 2 up that quickly.

Sakura and Hikari: R&R please.