Right I'm back pplz and I'm so sorry for the really late delay +cough+ one year +cough+ and I apologise deeply to everyone who's waited to continue reading this fic, so on with the story and thank you to all those patient readers and reviewers. oh yeah, some lemon/lime whatever in this chap :D lol

Chapter 16: The Great Night

"hey Becky, wouldn't this noise bother the neighbours?" asked Kai

"naaaaah, we have soundproof walls" smiled Becky as they watched Yaz, tom, Kia, Matt, midnight, Max, shadow, Ray, Hilary and Tyson pair off and disappear into the upstairs rooms.

Soon Becky and Kai were the only ones left downstairs.

"so, what ya wanna do now?" pondered Kai

Becky thought for a moment, then grinned

"I have an idea" she smirked taking Kai by the hand and leading him up to her room

'Matt please don't be making out with Kia in my room, please, please' thought Becky as she reached her door.

She took a deep breath and peeped inside, it was empty.

"thank god" she mumbled letting Kai in

He stepped and looked around, he noticed a single red rose in a vase on her desk and grinned. It was the rose he had given her. Becky caught him looking at it and wrapped her arms around his chest from behind.

"roses, my favourite flower" she smiled and sat down on the bed

Kai was about to follow suit but then something caught his eye, it was tucked in the very back of her bookshelf, and was really old and dusty. As he was about to reach out for it, a hand snatched it away. He turned round to find it in the hands of Becky.

"Kai, for your own, please don't look in this album" she begged

"why?" he asked

"because….. Just because ok" she snapped and threw it on the top of her bookshelf, hiding it from view.

"what are you hiding from me?" Kai wanted to know

"nothing you need to worry about" lied Becky and returned to her bed and laid down, closing her eyes.

She reopened them when she felt something in the crook of her neck, it was a head. Kais head to be exact. Only then did she notice that he was nibbling lightly at her collarbone, sending shivers up her spine. She lifted his head up and drew it closer to hers. Becky cast a glance down at her shoulder to see a purplish bruise forming already.

"Kai, you know my lips are up here"

"I think you need to show me"

"ok then"

Their lips were cms apart when……………. The door flew open and they both jumped apart. Becky picked up a pillow and hurled it at the intruder.

"Matt PISS OFF!!! This room is occupied for tonight you asshole"

"yeah yeah sorry, I just need to get something" rushed Matt running over to his drawer and pulling a small packet out, he then legged it out the door, shutting it behind him.

Becky face went from totally confused to near enough crying from laughter

"lil matt's gonna get himself laid!!" she said while in hysterics

She fell on the bed still laughing. She hushed up when she felt a strong pair of arms embrace her. Becky calmed down and inhaled his scent.

'damn he smells good'

"you know, you still haven't found my lips" she grinned, he hand finding its way up kais shirt.

"lets see….here?"

Kai kissed her shoulder

"no hehe"


He kissed her neck

"mmmmmm, nope. Kai what is taki-"

Becky was cut off as Kai kissed her hard on her lips. She was caught off guard and her breath hitched in her throat. Kai picked her up and leaned her against the door, pressing his body against hers, Becky let out a muffled moan. As they parted she drew in a deep breath and stared into his eyes, she could see raging lust in them and smiled. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him towards her, their lips connecting again, only this time with more aggression.

She could feel kais tongue stroke her bottom lip and giggled a little, opening her mouth slightly Kai slid his tongue in almost instantly, exploring every inch of her mouth. She couldn't help but let a moan erupt from her throat as Kai pushed his body up against hers, which collided with the door.

'I feel like a Becky sandwich right now'

She kissed Kai back with just as much passion, she felt weak at the knees and light headed. She nearly feel down but Kai held her up.

"you ok?"


She buried her head in kais neck and hugged him tightly. He returned the gesture. But he soon let a deep moan leave his mouth as Becky nibbled on it, causing a tingling feeling to sweep through his body and down to his groin, where it was on the verge of tearing from his jeans (lmao)

"do you have any idea how much I want you right now?" he whispered huskily into her ear

"I think I can guess" groaned Becky feeling the hardness in his pants through her jeans.

She ran her hands through his slate hair as he pushed her even further up against the door. Becky wanted to have a little fun so she spun Kai round, so he was against the door now. But before she could do anything, he slid down the door, bringing her with him, until he was sitting on the floor and she was straddling his lap.

"very comfortable floor" smirked Kai before kissing her again, he felt Becky rock her hips into his.

They drew apart for air and looked at each other

"I think I know a place that's better" grinned Becky

"and where that?" asked Kai

Becky jerked her head towards her bed. Kai smirked and picked her up and placed her on the bed moments later. He then got on top of her and straddled her hips, he then leant down and kissed her again. Becky let her hands travel down to the hem of kais shirt and quickly pulled it over his head. Her hands roamed over his well muscled body, making goose bumps appear on his skin as her hand gently caressed his top half.

Kai wanted to get her back as his hand moved to her belt and whipped it out in a second, she didn't notice. But when he suddenly removed her jeans, she noticed and blushed a deep shade of crimson.

"relax" he whispered as his hand stroked her toned thigh

Becky nodded and returned to his lips. Kai drew back and looked at her. Her hair was wildly spread behind her head and she was wearing jack Skellington girl boxers, he wanted to laugh at that. But instead slid her top off her body and licked her stomach.

She shivered violently and tried to shake him off but when giggling, it didn't work so well. Instead she bit her lip and endured the tickling. She felt him lick all the way up to her breasts where and stopped and licked between them, making her throw her head back. Kai smirked and licked her neck. Becky took hold of his neck and pulled herself back up to crash her lips onto his. She then slid her legs out from beneath him and wrapped them around his waist.

Using her feet, she slowly removed kais trousers to reveal his black and red checked boxers. She wanted to giggle as much as her did at her boxers. Instead she slid one hand down and stroked the waistband of his boxers, earning a moan from their wearer.

Liking the reaction, Becky slid her hand down his boxers and stroked his manhood, making him groan even louder. Becky smirked as she knew she had him right where she wanted him. She withdrew her hand and wrapped it around his back. She felt him start to thrust his hips into hers. She enjoyed the motion and returned it.

They both got to the point where they were both close to the edge. They both removed their boxers and Kai readied himself at her entrance.

"you sure your ready?" he asked

There was silence. Then Becky nodded. Kai nodded back and slowly, entered her. Becky let a moan escape her lips as a wave of pleasure coursed through her entire body. After a while of adjusting to it, Kai began to rock his hips and soon, Becky wrapped her legs tighter around kais waist and adjusted to his rhythm before returning it.

Kai caught Becky's lips in a bruising kiss and he hit her core. She shuddered and he felt her walls clamp down on his manhood, taking them both to their limit. Then it was over. Kai withdrew and fell beside her, exhausted. Both their bodies were lined with sweat as scorching hot.

"thank you" smiled Becky and kissed Kai

Kai smiled back and drew her into a warm, embracing hug. Bringing a light sheet over them so they wouldn't freeze, the closed their eyes and drifted off into a well deserved sleep.

Well there you ppl go, sorry if the ends a bit rushed but I HAD to update and I was about to be kicked off the pc, hope you enjoyed, updates will be arriving soon seeing as I have half term after tomorrow. don't forget to r & r : xxxx