Sorry about the long wait, everyone! But before I begin, I've got a few things to say.

First of all, what the crap? I get all these glowing reviews in chapter 6, then in chapter 7, I get the bejesus flamed out of me! All because a certain normal.boy.zim told you to? I'm sorry, Zim, but that wasn't nice at all. All I do is purvey the truth, and you scream at me for "lying?" Hurrrr…

Swollen.agent.mothman: Thank you for your very lengthy review. As for stopping Zim, let's just say I have better things to do with my time than thwart an alien who thinks a giant hamster is a device of doom. If an 11-year-old has a very easy time of beating him, then he can't be THAT much of a threat…

Everyone else: KEEP READING! I promise the wait was worth it.

KR-:- Rei and Toffer-:- RT

Dib stared in disbelief at his screen. They… KNEW. They ALL knew! And not only that, they WANTED Zim to conquer earth! What creeped Dib out even more was the hyper-extensive knowledge people seemed to have of his life. They knew about the Eyeball, they knew about his attempts at hacking into Zim's base, they knew about Tak's ship… EVERYTHING! Although there were a few that stretched the details a little far, and even some that completely fabricated things like oddly gay emotions toward Zim (here Dib mentally shuddered), there were some that wrote fairly accurate stories, or even ones that he wished were true (like that one about the trolls… boy, would that surprise Gaz!)

Avoiding a long existentialist rant about what the knowledge his entire life had been a published cartoon meant, Dib decided to use his dad's mega-hacker and track Zim's progress around FFN.

Zim was currently reading a story titled "The Internet is for Doom."


"LIES! LIEEES!" Zim hissed, pointing angrily at the computer screen. "This horrible person speaks SUCH lies!" Zim did the only thing he knew how at this point and wrote a chapter encouraging all his minions to flame the poor, undeserving author. And then, of course, flamed said author himself.


The next day, somewhere on the west coast, around lunch time, a tall boy walked into the school library, whistling a bit. He sat down at one of the computers, and logged into his email. He opened the only new message and read, "Check the reviews."

(that isn't how it happened, Rei. … oh hush.)


At the Skool, Dib sat angrily in his chair. It was five minutes until the bell, and OH, did he have things to say to Zim.

The rest of the class was babbling cheerily to one another about various cartoons. The word "Zim" popped up every now and then, mingled in with titles of cartoons, so Dib was unsure if his classmates were talking about Invader Zim, Zim the alien, or normal.boy.zim. Things sure were getting confusing.

Suddenly, the door flew open with a bang. Zim was here. But it wasn't just ZIM, oh no. It was Irken Invader Zim.

Dib, true to form, leapt onto his desk to point and gape, calling the others' attention to the alien in their class. Yes, Zim had come to school with no disguise on.

"Wow Zim!" piped The Letter M. "That's one awesome costume!"

"FOOLS! I'm not WEARING a costume! I AM ZIM!"

"GYEAH! He's not wearing a costume! He's an ALIEN!"

The two enemies screamed their various statements simultaneously. At that moment, the lights flickered on and off and an ominous black shadow materialized on the chalkboard. The shadow solidified, with the hissing of a thousand snakes, into the looming form of Ms. Bitters.

"ZIM!" she barked, slithering over to the alien. "There will be no costumes in class!"

"Yes Ms. Bitters," he said meekly, taking his wig and contacts out of his pak and putting them on.

There was a long pause, then a random kid popped up in the back row and shouted, "You're crazy, Dib!"


Her cell phone crackled as she walked across the library courtyard. "We need to do something about it."

His voice, on the other end, replied "Such as?"

"I dunno. Wrap up this fan fiction, I guess?"

"But I don't wanna wrap it up. Besides, THEY aren't done."

"True… maybe everyone will forget about it once it's over."

"Eh… maybe."

"Hey, weren't you keeping track of what those two are up to?"

"Oh yeah, that's why I called. You won't believe this, but…"


Dib finally confronted Zim at recess. "I know what you've been doing, Zim! If you think a cartoon will take over the world, you're dumber than I thought!"

Zim chuckled. "Dib, Dib, Dib… don't you see? Haven't you been to that mall-place and seen for yourself?' He pointed to a random teenager that was leaning up against the fence. "I've already won!"

The teenager turned around, revealing a green t-shirt with a conspicuous black-outline image of an undisguised Zim.

Dib was so shocked his hair drooped into his face.

Zim walked away, humming a very familiar, almost militant (in a disturbing, unorthodox way), tune to himself.

Dib continued staring at the Zim-tee, and then it dawned on him. Hadn't he just read a bunch of stories about how much fans liked HIM last night?

A plan began unfolding in Dib's mind. Oh yes, he could play Zim's little game…

But first: "HEY ZIM!" he called to the retreating alien's back.

Zim pivoted, mumbling a confused "whu?"

"Don't you need an email to join your information, DIB, I do have one!"

"Oh, you mean your g-mail?" Dib shouted accusingly. "You have to be invited to get one of those! Who'd invite you, huh? Huh? Huh?"

Zim glanced sheepishly at the ground. "Eh… Keef did."

"Oh." Dib looked nervously around. "Um… yeah. Me too."

There was a pregnant pause, then Zim laughed awkwardly. "Heh, heh… that Keef…"

Dib then kicked Zim in the shins and ran back into school. With the few minutes he had left, he could get something REALLY good going!


The fourth wall has been officially obliterated.