I'm so sorry for the last chapters late update. So I'll try to update every 2-3 days. Or shorter depending on what's lined up.
Without further ado here is my response to your nice reviews...most are nice.
ErickDragon101:Just took a little field trip. Where else would you like visit...Las Vegas, Orlando...Miami. Name it I might fit it in there.
Anime Master Inu: Is it really that Funny? I never noticed. I guess because I wrote it, right? What does Lmao mean? I'm asking to many questions aren't I. Anyways, I love rewards I make this quick.
Heiduska:(My Best Friend): Cute:D:D:DReads my own story over I guess it kinda is(lol,) It was kinda of a twisted chapter I don't blame you.
So if you hate me turn back now, If not scoot closer to the screen and tune in this is gonna be a dusy.
Chapter 5- POOL PARTY !
Bentley grabbed his trunks and headed down to the pool. Murray had taken off after Sly once he got done with his light morning snack.(wink)
"What have they gotten themselves into now,"Bentley muttered as he heard laughter and screams from the center pool area. As he headed through the doors he caught site of the scariest site he or anybody had ever seen...besides the Neyla thing. It was Murray in a swimsuit and floaties.(HAHA!)
Bentley couldn't even stand he was laughing so hard. Big, bad 'The Murray' was wearing little orange floaters around his waist and arms.
"Hey Bentley, look at me go,"Murray called. Making the usually uneasy turtle, Turn red with laughter.
"Don't forget your floaties, Bentley." Sly teased, as he waved a pair of bright orange floaties in front of Bentley's face. Bentley turned even redder with shame. Just then he remembered that Sly couldn't swim either. So he decided to try and turn the table back on his stealthy little friend.
"But won't you need them ol' pal."Bentley replied, snickering.
"Oh on, I'm perfectly capable of swimming on my own."
"Since when!" Bentley exclaimed. Not knowing exactly if this was some joke. Sly just shook his head and pointed to the pool that in a way told Bentley 'Watch this'.
Bentley was a bit dumbfounded seeing racoons really don't like water,' but this is Sly so...anything is possible with him.' Bentley thought.
As Sly approached the edge of the diving board, he gave a "Sly" wink to Murray and Jason telling them he's up to his old tricks again. Murray snickered as he looked from Bent, to Carmelita to Bentley again, trying hard not to give them any clues or ideas.
Lt. Jose Fox was enjoying a nice time down at the pool. Reminiscing over his sister who had been chasing a certain racoon sense he could remember. Jose was the youngest child of the family after Carmelita and Carmen. Lt. Jose was a dark rust/orange colored fox with looks that were so rare they even rivaled the mighty charming Sly Cooper.
Jose attended the world renowned West Point Academy military school. Where he excelled in sniper and secret Ops tactics. As a child Jose and Sly Meet many times.(How u ask.) Sly's father and Jose's Mother, meet once a week and played cards together. Jose's ancestors(mother included) had chased the Cooper family sense the first penny was stolen in honor of the Cooper family. Thiefs and their pursuers always had that 1 kind of relationship between them. Sly and Jose were bitter rivals growing up as well.
They competed over anything and everything.
Mostly over who was the best thief. Though he read and knew probably even more about the Coopers then even Carmelita. He had to prove himself to Sly that he was equal if not better than him.
Jose came back from his daydreaming to the sounds of screams and laughter.
"Cooper!" a old, yet familiar voice yelled.
"It couldn't be," Jose muttered with a wide grin, getting up to take a look.
"Come on Carmelita, do you always have to try to kill me."
"Better me than Clockwork." Carmelita growled taking a foam noodle and waving like a madman in Sly's direction. Sly jumped out the pool just as Carmelita swung in his direction.
"Your slipping sis,"Came a voice thick in Hispanic accent.
Carmelita turned to look in the direction the voice came from but seeing nothing. Sly knew just who it was he was expecting him. Sly pulled out a dagger lengthen cane, much resembling his full-size one. And spun around swiftly ducking under a site-less blow from Jose and striking him in his side. Making Jose appear... holding his sides, and crouched. on his knees.
"Sly!" Carmelita shrieked, rushing over to see who tried to assault him. Carmelita suddenly halted seeing that familiar short black hair.
"JOSE!" Carmelita muttered, with so much ferocity it made even Sly cringe. "Is that really you!"
"I don't know...if it is are you going to hurt me."
"You know the half of it!" Carmelita yelled, running after Jose with such agility. And Grace it would make the best of Coopers Jealous."Sly fell out laughing at the two." So this is what it's like to have siblings...First Carmen then Jose...hehe...man...I'm glad I'm a only child."
"Hush it Coon." Jose yelled."And get my frantic sister away from me."
With that Sly and Jason cried with laughter.
Carmelita jumped on Jose and put him in a leg lock, making him yell out in mercy.
"Carmelita, QUIT!"
Carmelita just twisted harder forcing Sly to intervene.
Sly seperated the two and made them sit on oppisite sides of the pool...(Well..Jose sat Murray had to sit on Carmelita to keep her still.)
"So what's up ol'pal?" Sly began. "Been up to your old tricks."
Jose just chuckled and winked at him.
"You know it."
The had a good laugh and shared a few drinks. By this time Carmelita had calmed down and everyone was in the one of many restaurants the Hotel offered. Carmelita was so surprised to see her brother after so long, that she was furious with him.
Jason who had been real quite today was eyeing a shady character that seemed to always stay withing gunshot range of him and Sly. Jason approached the figure at the bar. She was a beautiful, very appealing squirrel. She was very shapely and looked like a angel.
Jason sat at the BAR a minute eyeing the solemn, quiet figure he saw before her.
"May I help you."...Jason asked.
"Why, yes sir...yes you can. I've been eyeing that mighty cheerful racoon over there."
"I was wondering could you tell me if that's the world renowned Sly Cooper and Carmelita Fox.
Jason was bit puzzled, This sexy women before her seemed nice but he's seen this situation before.
"Who want's to know."
"Sir please If I wanted Sly's life I would of tak'in it already."
Just then in a flash, She rose and...
Wrapped her plushy tan tail around Jason's waist and pulled Jason close.
She gave a small kiss to Jason, though brief it was intense and full of emotion.
Jason pulled himself away from the vixen and eyed her wearily.
"Just what are you up to?"
"Just relax."She cooed."
As the shot rang out. Sly, Carmelita and Jose all looked in the direction of the bar. A shapely vixen stood hunched over on Jason's Shoulder blood running down her arm.
School is Killling me so updates will not be frequent...forgive me. I'll never give up on my stories though. My other story is halted for now. So any complaints on that need to be forgotten.