Yo, Yo, Yo

Hello all, This is EJ and all I have to say is, thanx to the people reviewed my first story. Even if the reviews where good or bad.(Except Octy-Kaiser-bitch.) Anyways, as most of you know, I don't own Sly and the Sly series. THOSE ARE SUCKER PUNCHES'S property. EJ does own, Ms. Brittany Heath and other characters that I'll Introduce you to in later chapters. Also who to the people that hate the word chappie. I want you to have this...cough...chappie, chappie, chappie.sticks toungue out at ya, there.(LOL)

Anyways without further a due. Let's get started, shall we?



Carmelita sat back admiring the green ocean of the Bahamas from her (5 ) star resort's pool. It had been the first real vacation she'd been put on the Cooper case. It seemed Cooper had either taken a long break or had given thieving up all together. Which was very unlikely, but the thought was satisfying. Cooper and his 'gang' hadn't been seen, mentioned, or even talked about for the last few months. Which was somewhat surprising thinking that Sly had never gone no more three months without leaving his calling card somewhere, but Carmelita wasn't complaining. Sly had been a pain in her ass ever sense she was handed his profile. Sly may of been a pain, but he wasn't irritating without being considerate, and caring...BUMP that! Sly was a large thorn in her side that finally had been plucked. Carmelita thought, retrieving her first statement. Although being on vacation was paradise for her, she couldn't help but feel...well...deserted. For a good year Sly had been nowhere to be seen. Sly was always the one who kept her company, even if it was while scurrying over french rooftops.

"Ms. Fox, here's your drink that you ordered." Said a young but, very handsome racoon waitress.'Sly' Carmelita thought to herself...No, no, no, it can't be could it...couldn't be. The young racoon was feeling a bit nervous. This was the 100th time Carmelita had stared at him so."Ms. Fox...are you...gulp...O.K?" The young boy said with a nervous grin. Carmelita knew now that it wasn't Cooper. For Sly never showed the smallest bit of nervousness. That cocky bastard of a racoon, always was had a shine of confidence in him, that made Carmelita wonder...was Sly just toying with her?

"Oh, just fine. That'll be all, Ringtai— , I mean. Thank you."

"Your very much welcome, Ms. Fox." Said the Racoon, hurriedly walking back the way he came.

"Damn you Cooper, now every Racoon that even kinda looks like you gets me thinking it is you... Even when I'm on vacation...FOR A WHOLE YEAR! You still know how to get under my skin. Carmelita snorted, as she laid back by the pool and let the Carribean sun warm her fur

Sly was the purist terms possible, ON. A. VACATION ! Unknowing to either the gang, Sly, or Carmelita they all shared the same, seaside Hotel. Sly and the gang had went their separate ways after the Clock-la incident. With Bentley hurt it'd be a while before the gang could get back to their job. Which worried Sly, only because he didn't want to lose his thieving edge. But who could pass up a year away from work. Sly was on the opposite side of the resort, taking swimming lessons that he never did get at Happy Campers. Even though he was 19 he still couldn't get past his fear of water. So he decided to see exactly why he was so terrified of the stuff he bathed and drank. Sly had been making huge progress with his lessons and even learned how to dive. To Sly now, swimming was nothing more than moving your legs and arms in a steady rhythm. If Bentley could see how much he'd change. Bentley would think Sly was just another Racoon. In the new environment, almost everything about Sly had changed(minus his personality). His fur, his eye color, his physique. Pretty much every inch of him had changed. His slender, acrobatic shape was still there, but with more of a muscle tone(though nothing like Murray's.)His fur was at least three tints darker, and his hair a bit longer, covering his right eye almost completely. Even his eye color had changed. From a chocolate brown to a light carmel color even with a bit of gold in his eyes. Sly looked more like his father now than he ever did. Sly had just came out the pool and shook himself down when a rather sexy looking racoon walked by."The predator is on the hunt." He told himself as the shapely female strutted by. Even though Sly had changed doesn't mean the way he looked at women and the way they looked at him had. As Sly dried off, and made a plan of attack, he was abruptly interrupted when his prey came back and ran into him.

"Hey, watch where your— ,oh, so sorry,"the mysterious vixen added.

"Oh, no ma lady it's all my fault, I'm so sorry about that.

"I was such a rush that I didn't even see you."

"Ms.– ?"

"Ms. Heath, Brittany Heath, Mr."

"Sly, Ms. Heath, Sly Cooper." Sly knew he shouldn't of revealed his real name on such a small island, but what the heck it's vacation and that's all that mattered.

"Thee Sly Cooper? The one who has an excess of 25+ billion dollars in material goods? The Master of thieves."

"The one and only." Sly gave his trademark grin to the young lady, which made her shiver with excitement.

"Now Sly, I already know a great deal about you, but one things for sure. You look a bit different than your file presumes."

"And I suppose your hear to kill me or to arrest me, I reckon."

"No, but keeping things on the 'downlow' wouldn't hurt."Ms. Heath said, looking back over her shoulder to a young, female fox that was walking up to them.

"It couldn't be...could it...today was just full of surprises waiting to happen."

"Carmelita I'd like you to meet a new friend of mine, Sir Coop–, I mean Sir Sean Leon Young.

"Nice to meet you Senor Sean."

"The pleasures all mine, Ms. Fox. The pleasure is all mine"

Yo, thanx to the individuals who admired my first story. I'm still working on it and Chapter 6 is should be in by Fri. I love to multi task so 2 stories at once is my spot of KOOL AID. Anyways I won't ho;d out on ya Chapter 2 should be in late tomorrow or early Thr.

Please R&R and no bad words O.K. Unless you want the same in your Inbox I suggest you refrain from flaming my work. Holla at cha Boy,E.J.