Section 1: Rinoa / Sub Chapter 1: The stranger

Rinoa Heartilly walked out of the train, as the train stopped in Timber. She looked at the

time and sighed. "Oh man, the train to balamb's not coming until half an hour," sighed

Rinoa. She sighed again and sat at a nearby bench to wait. "Well, at least that man let me

join Garden…" Rinoa told herself (She's talking about Caraway, her father), "I'm finally

getting some freedom." Rinoa remembered her father. They never got along. Even before

her mother died. Somehow whenever they saw each other, their blood boils and they

fight. She remembered running away countless times and being found. She hated him.

The only good thing that he had done to her so far in her life was allow her to go to

Garden. And she knew that he only allowed her to because he couldn't stand her. "Not

that it matters," Rinoa told herself quietly, "I'm just glad to be away from home." After

waiting for a little while, she looked at the clock. She saw that the train should be

arriving any minute and grabbed her purse. Sure enough, the train arrived about minutes

later. She lined up to present her ticket behind a short line and searched purse. "Come

on… come on…I know you're here somewhere," said Rinoa searching for her ticket. The

line shortened, and there were only a few people ahead of her, but she still could not find

her ticket. "Come on! Where the hell is it?" Rinoa asked herself mentally frantically

digging into her purse. When it was almost her turn, she gave up and left the line. She sat

back on the bench that she was sitting at just minutes before and sighed again. "Great…

my ticket's lost…how am I suppose to get there?" Rinoa asked herself devastated. She

decided to look one more time in her purse and dumped all of its contents. Still no ticket.

"Great, what am I gonna do now?" Rinoa questioned herself, unsure. She spied her cell

phone, and stared at it, thinking. "Oh no I won't!" Rinoa told herself practically yelling,

"I'm not gonna call that man! I can take care of myself!" She took all the contents of her

purse and dumped them all back inside. "I'll just walk there! It'll be a piece of cake! I

mean, the garden shouldn't be moving till a couple of weeks, so I'll be absolutely fine!"

Rinoa told herself determined. She picked up her purse, and decided to ask for directions.

She found a teenager, wearing a motorcycle helmet. He wore a black vest with a white

shirt underneath, black pant and black boots. He also wore black gloves and a necklace

with some sort of monster carved on it. She walked up to him. "Uh…um…excuse me,

which way is balamb garden?" Rinoa asked the teenager softly. She was greeted by

silence and the guy didn't even look at her, but after a few seconds he spoke. "That way,"

he said pointing north. "Um… do you know how many miles that is from here?" Rinoa

asked again a little embarrassed. This time the stranger looked at her. Rinoa couldn't

quite see his eyes, or anything else because of his helmet, but the stranger stared at her.

He stared at her for about a minute and then finally broke his gaze. "Why was he staring

at me?" Rinoa asked herself in her mind, "was my question that weird?…well, I guess so,

who would know how long it is to get to balamb? I don't blame hi…" Rinoa's thoughts

were interrupted when the stranger finally spoke. "A…About 50 miles," he said quietly.

Rinoa looked up. "Oh, thanks a lot! Um…I just have one more question…do you know

how long it'll take to get there on foot?" Rinoa asked him looking down at her feet, more

embarrassed than ever. He thought for a while and then finally spoke again. "About 3

days, maybe more," he said in a monotone voice, "………are you walking there?" Rinoa

looked up. "Um…well yes. I kind of lost my train ticket. Thanks for the information it

really helps!" Rinoa told him looking at him this time. Rinoa started to walk away, when

she heard the strangers voice behind her. "Um…hey," he called out. Rinoa turned

around surprised. "Yes?" Rinoa asked walking back to him. "I'm going to balamb

garden, do you want a ride?" he asked pointing at his motorbike. Rinoa's face lit up. "He

just asked me if I want a ride! Is he serious?" Rinoa said in her head excitedly. Then she

realized that the stranger was looking at her weirdly, waiting for a reply. Rinoa replied

quickly. "Really? You mean it?" Rinoa asked in a soft voice, "Is it okay?" The stranger

nodded. "Well, if you want. It's kind of a long way there if you're going to walk," he told

her in the same monotone voice, "Well, are you coming?" "Sure! Thanks a lot! You don't

know how much this is helping me!" Rinoa replied as she followed him to his motorbike.

He simply muttered a "whatever," and climbed on. He handed Rinoa a spare helmet, and

Rinoa hopped on bike behind him. He started the engine, told her to hang on, and soon

they were driving on that dusty road.

Well, this is my first chapter. Pretty boring huh? I'll update soon! Please review!
