Yes. Another fic. Fun, isn't it? I just keep having these random ideas.

Anyway, the school Drama Club is doing Grease for its next project. Now, for those of us that have actually seen the movie, it's not exactly the most appropriate thing in the world. But the looney Mrs. Blanch decided to do it anyway. Sam, Tucker, and Danny all get roles in the play. However, there are two things wrong with this. One: Does she really expect the boys to be able to take the perverted script seriously? Two: Danny and Sam are cast as the two main characters! And you know what that means: (makes a kissing sound)

So here's the introductory chapter. Enjoy.

Oh, and if you see two or three words scrunched together every so often, I don't know why, but Document Manager just does that with my fics.

The flyer on the wall boasted proudly the Drama Club's new project.

"Ha." A black kid remarked as he walked by with his two best friends. "Like anyone would actually join that." He adjusted his red beret on his head and looked back at his companions. "Right Dan--Danny?" Tucker remarked, looking back at the halfa. He had stopped short back at the green piece of paper that was sloppily taped to the wall. The Goth that he had become so familiar with stood beside him.

"Look, Danny! And they're holding try-outs this Friday!" Sam pointed to the cast list. "Mrs. Blanch is going to let anyone try out! Isn't that cool?" She beamed at her best friend.

"Well..." Danny put one hand on his chin and made to stroke an invisible goatee. "I've always liked this movie, even if it is from the 70's." He grabbed one of the sign-up sheets and filled it out.

"Wait!" Tucker grabbed the paper Danny was writing on and peered inquisitively at the flyer. His jaw dropped to the ground as he read the title of the play. The stunned look on his face slowly dissolved into laughter. "You're kidding, right?" He looked at Danny and Sam, eyes watering and clutching his sides. "You want to try out for this?" He waved the paper around, earning glares from his friends.

"For your information," Sam began calmly, grabbing a sheet for her own and filling it out herself, "I think Grease is an excellent movie. A bit perverted, I'll admit, but good nonetheless." She dropped the card into a box, on the table beneath the flyer. She snatched the paper from the chuckling Tucker and handed it to Danny.

Danny uncrumpled the paper and flattened it, then used a pen to fill out the last of the slip. He dropped it in the box unceremoniously.

"C'mon, guys, lets go to class." The trio walked down the halls, and Tucker's voice could be heard even in the next hallway,

"You guys are both crazy, you know that? OW! What was that for?"

Later that day, as the janitor swept the halls, he spotted a black kid, racing through the hallway. He stopped near a table, and the sound of paper ripping was heard. The kid scribbled on it and dropped it into the box below. He took off his beret and fanned himself with it before speeding out the front doors.
A normal four days played out before the trio, homework, ghosts, and the like. But Friday, during daily announcements, all students who had signed up for drama were excused to the auditorium.

Mrs. Blanch and her assistant sat at a table in front as Sam and Danny waited backstage for their roles to be called. Going in random order, with about 60 people, it would take a very long time before they were called.

"So, who are you trying out for?" Danny asked Samantha nonchalantly, leaning against the wall.

"Oh, nobody important. Just Sandy, that's all." Sam turned away from him to watch her friend, Jackie, attempt to hit the notes on one of the musical pieces. The color ran out of Danny's face. He murmured incoherently, and began to wring his hands. Jackie stepped off the stage, amidst feeble applause. Her jaw dropped as she saw nobody other than Tucker get called up onto the stage.

"Hi, Mrs. Blanch! I'm trying out for anyone who doesn't sing, OK?" Sam heard him say. Mrs. Blanch looked through her script.

"Sure, Tucker. How about we see if you can do the part of Kenickie?" She smiled politely. Tucker beamed and flipped his own script open. Sam didn't hear exactly what he said; she turned to Danny, who was gaping, open-mouthed, at Tucker.

"Danny?" She waved a hand in front of his face. "Danny!" He snapped out of his trance when she poked him, hard, in the ribs.

"What? That hurt..." He glared at her with false anger.

"You're up." she pointed to the stage behind her. Mrs. Blanch was speaking rather loudly into the microphone and Tuck was exiting, looking pleased.

"Oh...right." He ran out onto the stage, sweating and wringing his hands. Danny adjusted the mike. "Um...I'm trying out for Danny Zuko?" He said, sheepishly. The woman in front of him nodded.

"And how would you like to try out for this, Danny?" She smiled pleasantly.

"Um...I'm, uh, going to sing a song...and, a part of the script--but not in that order." Danny's sweaty palms dug into the ream of paper in his hands.

The smile faded slightly on the Drama teacher's face. "And what song would you be singing, Danny?"

All the color ran out of the halfa's face. "Well, I--um, I mean...I haven't really" His voice failed him and Danny tried to smile.

"Well, why don't you read your part first, and then we'll give you a song to do. I'll do any extra parts." Danny flipped open his script.

" 17, that's what I'm doing." Danny cleared his throat. Mrs. Blanch put on a very Sandy-like tone.

"I'm going back to Australia. I might never see you again."

"Don't talk that way, Sandy." Danny recited, barely glancing at the page.

"But it's true! I just had the best summer of my life and now I have to go. It isn't fair. Danny, don't spoil it!

"It's not spoiling it, Sandy. It's only making it better." He shut his eyes and lowered the script, waiting for the teacher to say the next line.

"Oh Danny, is this the end?"

"No Sandy. It's only the beginning." Danny opened his eyes when he heard most of the auditorium erupt into applause.

"That was excellent, Danny! You captured the emotion of that scene like it was nothing! Bravo!" Mrs. Blanch looked very pleased. She smoothed her script out on the table. "Now, about the singing. I've thought it over, and I think the song Summer Nights would be fitting. What say you, Danny?" She eyed him. "Are you up too it?

Feeling a great burst of confidence, Danny nodded enthusiastically.

"Well then, I'm going to need a Sandy to some out this time. I can't sing to save my life. Can I get a Sandy out here?" She called into the microphone. There were sounds of mass scrambling, and Paulina strode out, looking disheveled.

"I'll do it, Mrs. Blanch." She smiled sweetly. Danny tried not to look at her. He instinctively hiked his jeans up.

"Ok, then. And remember, Paulina, this counts towards your audition." Mrs. Blanch motioned to a student manning the CD player. "Ok, guys, lets see whatcha got."

The first few notes began, and Danny tried to ignore the squirming of his innards. He wasn't worried about his singing. He was worried about making a fool of himself in front of Paulina. Danny took a deep breath.

"Summer lovin' had me a blast..."

"Summer lovin' happened so faaaast!" Danny half thought there was some kind of ghost in the room, Paulina sang so horribly. A look of disgust crossed Mrs. Blanch's face. She motioned to the DJ and the music stopped.

"I'm sorry, Paulina, but that was not exactly what we're looking for in the Sandy character. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." (Back-stage, Sam pumped her fist.) Paulina stuttered and spluttered furious nonsense, and two large boys dragged her off-stage. (Sam almost busted a vein, she was laughing so hard.) Mrs. Blanch spoke into the mike again. "I'm going to need another Sandy out here, people."

Behind Sam there was another scramble to be next. As Sam backed away from the popular girls, she stepped out onto the stage and bumped into an unsuspecting DJ. "Sorry!" She spouted.

"Sam!" An enthusiastic cry came from below. Miss Manson looked down at the teacher. "So glad you could join us! Michael, start the music!"

"B-but, b-but--Mrs. Blanch, I really--" Sam's protests were cut off as Danny, once again, belted out the first line. Suppressing a sigh, " Sandy" responded with the second one. A look of surprise cast over Danny's face.

"I met a girl crazy for me."

"Met a boy, cute as can be!" Sam closed her eyes. They both sang together, subconsciously harmonizing.

"Summer days driftin' away, to uh-oh those summer nights!" The music abruptly ended, and Mrs. Blanch, once again, was not the only one applauding.

"EXCELLENT! BRAVO!" She adjusted her glasses and beamed up at the pair. "Marge," She turned to the old woman beside her, "I think we've just found our Sandy and Danny!"

A few minutes later, Danny and Sam scraped their jaws off the floor.

Well, there you go! A short and sweet intro. Enjoy. Working on other 6 stories right now, so this may not get immediately updated.
