Laika looked over Netto's spiky brown hair at their target. Two navi's were shaking hands on the screen in front of them and exchanging a conversation that neither one could hear. "Okay," Laika whispered in Netto's ear, "they've finished the deal, now we can attack."

Netto grinned and aimed his PET at the plug in port over the screen. Laika aimed his as well and both Rockman and Searchman pixilated in the net next to the two navis. Searchman crossed his arms, "Okay, which one of you has the dark chip."

Meanwhile, a young intern at Sci Labs was making his rounds on the viruses stored in the building. "Freeze virus," he said looking at a formless virus in a Petri Dish "check," he scraped his big red pen across the clip board he was holding in a deft stroke. "Degenerating Virus," he looked at a pulsating black mass in another Petri Dish, "check," he said with a small air of confidence. "Neko Virus," he looked at the small cat in the Petri Dish. It glared at him with two mesmerizing yellow eyes. He gulped nervously and pulled the red pen across his clip board with a shaking hand, "check," he said falteringly. "Well, that's all of them," he smiled at the viruses, "night."

He turned around to go turn off the light but be spun too quickly on the floor that had been mopped only seconds before. With a cry he crashed backwards into the nearest case containing the Neko Virus. His pen was held point down like a javelin and it wedged it's self into the glass. Unknowingly the man pushed his hand against the glass to try and stand up.

The Neko virus watched with interest.

The pen dug deeper and deeper into the small crack that was created on the initial fall. Finally there was a hiss of air being released and the man spun around just in time to see the Neko Virus log out.

The man stood dumbfounded for a few seconds, sating stupidly at the glass case, "Oh no," he breathed.

Back at Sharro Rockman and Searchman were both fighting the two navi's that were both hopped up on Dark Chip energy. The black flames licked Rockman's skin and he winced. "They're really strong, Netto-kun," he said while jumping back.

Searchman backed up until he stood back to back with Rockman. Netto growled at his PET and desperately tried to think of a way to escape. Laika touched his shoulder, "Netto, can you have Rockman use a mini bomb chip?" he asked.

"That won't do anything!" Netto hissed.

"Trust me," Laika said.

Netto looked at him and caved in. "All right, but if Rockman gets hurt I'm coming after you."

Laika gave him a wry grin, "I don't doubt it," he said softly.

Netto held the small chip in between his fingers and said, "Mini bomb, battle chip, slot in!" he pushed the chip into his PET with vigor and the small bomb appeared in Rockman's hand.

"Throw it on the ground," Searchman said softly so as to not alert the two navi's who were circling them like overgrown birds of prey. "Right between us."

Rockman nodded and let the mini bomb drop behind his back. Both he and Searchman suffered minimal damage but Laika pushed in an area steal chip while the smoke covered the two navi's from view.

Searchman appeared in the far distance of the computer and held up his sniper. He looked through his eye scan and caught the first navi in the back. His data was so corroded by the Dark Chip that the power actually turned on him once the navi frame no longer had enough energy to sustain the chip and he was deleted in a matter of seconds. Netto winced at the navi's cry. "Horrible," he muttered while slotting in a sword chip for Rockman to use.

"We're here to work, not to pity," Laika said coldly.

Netto gave him an angry glare but he snapped his attention back to the computer quickly enough. Rockman and the other navi were locked in a furious sword duel and Rockman was slowly but surely being overpowered by the Dark Navi.

"Searchman," Laika said into his PET.

Searchman nodded and pulled up his sniper.

"Pull away when I say so," Laika said to Netto quietly.

"We can do this on our own," Netto growled.

"Netto," Laika hissed, "I have no time to play games with you. Now follow my lead or you'll let the navi get away."

Netto opened his mouth to argue but he was interrupted by Rockman/Netto-kun, just do as he says./

Netto glared at Laika but shut his mouth and looked at his PET. Laika vaguely wondered why the spirited young Net Savior didn't retaliate but his puzzlement was interrupted by Searchman. "I have him on target," Searchman said, "shall I fire?"

"Yes," Laika said giving Netto one last side long glance. "Pull out," he said to Netto.

"Rockman," Netto growled into his PET.

Rockman pushed forward on his sword and then loosened up suddenly to let the Navi fall forward. Then he jumped smoothly out of the way.

Searchman squeezed the trigger and a magenta beam of light sliced through the navi's icon. He screamed for a few seconds as he was deleted then he was nothing more the data powder on the net floor and soon after even that was gone.

Netto glared angrily at Laika, "You didn't have to delete him!" he yelled.

Laika gave Netto a superior look that read 'don't mess with me.' "I took care of the navi's as I was ordered. You will be good to remember what your orders are Netto."

Netto glared at him but before he could retaliate Laika's PET came to life. Laika put it in front of his face and opened touch screen. "Yes sir!" he saluted his PET.

Netto looked over Laika's shoulder to see that it was General Slovski who was addressing them. Even Netto knew they were talking to a very important man. "Private Laika, I want you to jack out your navi now and keep him from all tethers to the net."

Laika's salute faltered and he lowered his hand slowly. "Yes sir, but why?"

"I have just been informed that the Neko Virus has escaped from Electopia Sci Labs and is now rampaging in the capital. Good day Private," he said gruffly and the connection cut off abruptly.

Both boys stood there a little stunned for a few seconds then looked at their navis. Netto put his PET up to let Rockman back in but a giant cat overshadowed them before the hapless navi's could log out. It gave a deafening meow and logged out of the computer. "Oh hell," Netto said softly.

Laika quickly pressed the log out button on his PET and Netto did the same. They watched their Navi's for any sign of change or difference.

Rockman was the first to double over as his data rewrite its self. "Netto-kun…" he said slowly.

Laika watched in a mesmerized way as his navi changed. "Searchman," he said in a stunned voice. Before he could come to grips with what was going on he felt Netto collapse next to him. "Netto!" he said in an even more shocked voice.

Netto's face was contorted with pain and Laika quickly pulled him into his arms to see what was wrong. He quickly noticed what was going on, even if he didn't believe it. "Netto…" he said again.

Finally, after about five minutes it was all over. Netto was barely conscious and the navi's were both on the floor of the net. Laika and Netto's PET's slowly whirred as the Navi programs forced themselves back on line. Laika was more concerned with Netto at that point however. "Netto?" he asked.

Netto looked up at Laika with a very worried expression in his eyes. "Is Rockman?" he asked.

Laika wanted to shake the boy to get some sense into him. "You net navi is fine!" he snapped. "What about you! You… you…" he tried to find words to explain what had just happened.

Netto shook his head dazedly, "The Neko Virus?" he asked.

Laika, still not quite believing what he was seeing pulled off one of his gloves and put his bare hand on Netto's head. He rubbed the ear just to make sure it was real. Netto growled and flicked his ears back, making him look much more threatening. "Leave them alone," he said warning.

Laika finally snapped, "Netto, why the hell are you infected with a computer virus!" he yelled, his voice echoing off the concrete walls.

Netto gave Laika an expression that was a mixture of fear, resilience and anger. "Why should I tell you?" he snapped back.

"Netto-kun…" Rockman said softly.

Netto looked at his PET and rubbed his forehead. "Ask Rockman," he said finally.

Laika looked at Rockman and the navi cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Well, you see Laika-san, I'm not… a normal navi," he said making sure to choose his words carefully.

Searchman looked at Rockman with an odd expression in his red eyes and Laika just watched the blue navi with interest.

"I was born… a human," he said finally. He held up his hand before Laika or Searchman could speak. "Let me finish. I was born Saito Hikari, the elder twin."

"Twins?" Laika asked.

Rockman nodded, "Yeah, anyways I died when I was about 18 months. Papa took my DNA and turned it into data, de-synched it from Netto-kun's by .0001 and re-created me as Rockman.EXE to watch over Netto-kun."

"Lord knows he needs it," Laika said in a stunned voice.

Netto shot him a dirty looked and Rockman gave him a weak smile. "A few months ago I was… damaged, badly. Papa told Netto about me and gave him a choice," Rockman continued.

"That is?" Laika asked.

"I could save Rockman's life by letting him re-synch our DNA," Netto continued. "But what happened because of that means anything that happens to Rockman will happen to me and vice versa."

Laika stared at them, unsure of what to say. Finally he picked up his PET and stood up, his eyes flashed at Netto, "Are you insane?" he yelled. "Navi's are created to be deleted and regenerated! If your navi is deleted once, you'll die!"

Netto's new ears went back and he stood up to Laika. "You don't think I don't know that! I'm perfectly aware of the consequences Laika! But Rockman… he's…" Netto's anger faded from his eyes to be replaced by an emotion Laika couldn't place. "He's irreplaceable."

"Netto-kun…" Rockman said softly.

Netto glared defiantly at Laika, "So I'll willingly take anything that happens to Rockman if it means I can be with him!"

Laika was taken aback as he stared at the shorter Net Savior. He looked behind Netto and cross his arms, "You have a tail," he said coldly.

Netto picked up his own PET and crossed his own arms. "I don't care," he muttered.

Laika rubbed his forehead. "I'll yell at you later, right now we need to get you back to base and out of sight."

"But…" Netto protested.

"Do you want to explain to the world what you did?" Laika asked, towering over Netto. "Cause I can assure you the world will not be as forgiving as I," he said, his green eyes flashing angrily.

Netto stood down, looking almost dejected.

Laika sighed, "Look, just… let me call the shots for a few hours while I sort this out okay?"

/Netto-kun/ Rockman said warningly.

Netto nodded, but didn't look too happy about it. "All right," he muttered.


Once again, a fict that is compleately Yue's fault. With a side helping of the new stream ep. One line and I swear XDDD Okay now, ANOTHER NEKO VIRUS FIC! HA! Because I can :3 Anywho, a multi-chapter Lainet for those who wanted it. And here's the first chapter. Hope you like Yue