Disclaimer: I do not own Riviera: The promised Land. Any and all characters from Atlus and STING's properties belong to them.


Final Chapter: Lina's Tale

I am disappointed. Today is the final day of the festival and I am disappointed. I can't help but feel overly under accomplished in my task of chronicling the stories, as I focused too much on the personal life of my master Ein.

And yet...

I feel no remorse for doing so. I never returned to his bed last night after I finished the other chapter. How could I? How could I return willingly, knowing that my presence was no longer needed?

I find this all so very unfair.

"EIN, don't these bananagos look cute!?" She said holding up a bunch of stunted novelty fruit.

"Yes Lina, they do."

Why then is he wasting his time here with Lina? Of all people, why with the one closest to adolescent age and childlike demure? If he loves her so much, he shouldn't be here spending time with the archer. A promise is a promise though, even with the almost forgotten member of the bunch.

"Lina slow down! I can hardly keep up!"

"Stop lying Ein! You're the fastest runner out of all off us. I've seen it!" However I've seen much more conclusive evidence to the contrary at this moment in time, it is the general consensus that Ein is the fastest. His ability to keep up with young hyperactive girls could be called into question, as she lead him around the games and activities of the New Year Festival. I follow at a safe distance, my expression purely apathetic (yes even familliars have expressions).

"The pirates gold... six treasures off the coast of Rosalina island."

"Hmm? What is it Lina?"

"Lina's story! It's about an adventurer and treasure!

A story. Something to keep my mind off of the subject my affection and his new significant other.


Sarinos and The Treasures of Utgard

Many legends of heroes and kings are spread amongst the tongues of the people, but one story...


Oh no. Not one of those.

Tetyth. The city of knowledge lies on the Southeastern edge of the Island. It's name is known to scholars for it's vast collection of libraries and exceptional schools.

Which brings us to the hero. A starry-youth fresh out of the magic academy from Elendia.

"Sarinos? This is where we get off."

A young blond sprite has come to pursue higher studies in the magic arts and herbal medicine. The very picture of normalcy. Raised by his parents in the tree village, he had grown up an inexperienced and bright young man. His best friends were his two younger sisters; Elebe and Deneb (Twins), and his favorite hobbies were studying magic and exploring. His goal is to be famous adventurer, known throughout Riviera for his exploits.

And he believed knowledge of history and magic would show him the way.

If he can stop looking at all the girls!

"Excuse me:D This is my first time in Tetyth. I was wondering if you could help me?" He said to an attractive female passerby.

"Uh.. sure. How can I help?"

"Oh no just tiny trifle requests of mine." His deviousness was highlighted by the playful smile he wore. Surely this woman would succumb to his intellectual and charismatic charms!

What appeared to be progress to him was actually un-amusement to her. Just another momma's boy here to learn a few tricks and go back home to impress the girls. What a loser! I know his type too well. I think I'll play with him, that's about all he's good for.

"Can you tell me how to find the Tetyth Academy of Magic? I've only just arrived, and I have no way of finding my way around. I digressed that a glowing one such as yourself with the demure of royalty would surely know the way."

"Why of course! I know all and see all, my assets reflect my perceptive and intelligent nature." Playing this fool will be easy. "Just simply go down that street until you reach the end. The school is easy to find from there."

"Thank you! I will no doubt reward your kindness when I'm rich and famous."



"I don't see the school"

Obviously, our hero is far too trusting and not skilled in the ways of persuasive conversation...

...Or with directions.

Whether by chance or by fate, Sarinos was now lost. He had been unsuccessful in finding the school. And much too prideful to ask the local ruffians for help in searching for it, he decided to purchase a room at the Starry Night, an inn and bar. He hoped he wasn't getting in to something over his head, because the inn was liable to attract all kinds of colorful types.

He entered. A strong scent of distilled spirits and rum, as well as vomit and freshly cooked foods entered his nostrils. The mix of smells was overwhelming for anyone not used to it. It pierced his nostrils like a pair sharp tweezers ready to push back on the insides of his throat. It was enough to make him sick to his stomach. But for the sake progress and to work towards his uncertain future, he endured it. It was necessary to stay here only until the morning, then he'd search for the school again and enroll.

Hopefully I won't be comepletely behind in my studies. But if I ever see that damn woman again, I will not hesitate to end her!

The quaint little inn was run by a portly man in his forties, with pronounced side burns and a pleasant aura.

"I'd like a room." Asked Sarinos, after much reluctance.

"A room? Hmph." He snorted. "I can do that." Not to be expected.

He looked around. Monday must not be a very busy day for the pub. Just a few seamen and group of women drawing too much attention to their little section of the room. Sarinos didn't even make eye contact with them; for only true fools would get mixed up with prostitutes at ports.

Besides, he was above that anyway.

"Here be the key, it's the third room on the left upstairs. Checkout time's 3' ommorow. If you and your pretty clothes aren't out by that time, I aren't responsible fer what'll happen to yeh."

"An understandable warning. I can see why, what with all the questionable business a pub attracts." Replied Sarinos.

"Hmph. Just take yer key and get upstairs."

"Why the rush? I'm a paying customer."

"It's fer yer own good minnow. This place aint the place to be so-"


"Dammit son! Too late!" He said pushing Sarinos out of the way. " You're here early tonight Saul! The usual?"

"Damn right innkeeper. And don't skimp on the meat pies!"

A tall man, probably in his thirties pulled up to the bar stool as twenty or so other men filed into the small pub. Bringing in an almost equal number of women to the bunch. Sarinos watched them with fascination and curiosity.

In addition to being hairy and unwashed, it was the unmistakable smell of salt and brine that gave them away.


Adventurers who feared little in the world, choosing to go where they please, and seek out treasures and the like. Sarinos paused for a moment to visualize the fantastical things he'd only read about in the library at Elendia. The noise level did little to distract Sarinos from this man, this... Saul.

"Find somethin fascinatin' about the way I eat, Minnow?"

He was jarred from his thoughts by Saul's blunt question. "Uhh... no. I was just thinking about your occupation."

The man cocked his eyebrow suspiciously. "Occupation? You sound like you're applyin fer a job. Wanna join me and mah men?"

"Best not to involve the boy. He's 'ere to become a famous mage." Said the innkeeper 'Rejeh', although Sarinos was puzzled where the inkeeper learned that little tidbit of information.

I never told him what I was here for, right?

"No need to get 'ostile Rej, the Minnow was high 'nterested in me "occupation". Naturally I 'ssumed he's 'ere fer a job." He said before downing a particularly large cup of sweet smelling alcohol. "Ain't that right Minnow?"

Sarinos nodded.

"Dammit boy!" The innkeeper exclaimed. "I told you to stop roping people in like that Saul!"

"Rope who in?" He replied innocently. "I 'done nuthin 'o the sort."

The inkeeper huffed once and tended to the other men's drinks.

"So what's yer name, Minnow?" He asked biting into a piece of pie.

"..It's Sarinos."

"Sarinos eh?..." A long paused followed. "You may not know this Sarinos, but I used a charm on you." In an instant, his demeanor and unwashed accent changed. This man was full of surprises, but Sarinos was not aware. He was indeed under the influence of some magic, although what magic could possibly affect an apprentice mage passively in such a way...

Who was this man?

"And you have been since I entered this fine establishment."

Sarinos was abrubtly brought back to normal, and with his normalcy came awareness of what had been going on for the last few minutes.

"What... happened to me?"

"I gave you a demonstration of my amulet. Fascinating, eh?" He took out an object, elliptical in shape and about the size of his palm. It was made of polished bronze; featureless save for a single red jewel in the center.

"Believe it or not, I am in need of some young help. Another treasure, like this one, came at a heavy price. Three of my best men died along the way."

"Why the interest in me though?"

"It was obvious when I walked in boy, you were curious." He said in a neutral voice.

Sarinos was curious of course, but that didn't mean he'd be any more succeptable to such a spell then the inkeeper or the two women conversing earlier. The power was subtle, that much was true. But to be able to influence people's thoughts so subtly and passively...

Sarinos didn't know the true extent and capabilities of this amulet, but he did know that in the hands of the wrong person, it could be very dangerous a tool.

"I've never read of such a magical object all my life." He exclaimed almost mechanically.

"You wouldn't. It only appears in the Gremora Arcum. And it's in Tetyth's most guarded archive."


"So. Are you in?"

Sarinos no longer had the hibition to say no.


The next day was spent loading up the ship. It was a respectable long boat, with the capacaty for 7 rowers on each side. It's wooden structure was fairly new, with a slight curvature and feminen quality. It's headpiece was an intricately carved effigy of Ursula.

Symbolizing good luck.

"She's our special lady'." Saul said hefting a large amount hemp rope. "A fortune teller said that as long as we have Ursula on our ship, it'll never sink." He stopped to admire her visage. " And we survived just about everything and haven't sunk yet."

"Of course that means the ship'll never sink." A female voice interrupted.

Sarinos turned around and saw raven dark hair and a slender female figure of 17 in age.

"But that doesn't mean the passengers are safe!"

Instantly his instincts took over. His control left him, leaving his mind with the urge to procreate. TO ADVANCE.

"Oh what fair maiden is this? Our angel of good luck meant to staunt our would-be attackers?" He proclaimed obnoxiously.

"Of course! I'm every bit an angel and a devil" She said fluttering her eyelashes. "Why I even-" She stopped mid sentence. "Who is this brother?" She said sizing Sarinos up. "He looks kind of...pathetic."

Sarinos turned red in the face with anger.

WEAK? With a single word I can sink all of them and their unsinkable ship.

"Oh ho ho! I've gone and angered the boy. Tell me brother? Is this the deck-hand that you hired to swab the deck and cook our food? He doesn't look good for much else"

Now Sarinos was fuming. It was one thing to be called pathetic. Well that was as bad as they come, but to be thought of as a cook or a deckhand... that just...Whatever physical attraction he felt (there was a lot of it) is now replaced by pure unbridled rage.

"THATS IT!" He said waving his hands in the magical symbol for water. "ACQUA DELLA TEMPESTA" He yelled.

In an instant. A small storm cloud formed over the head of the raven haired girl, and begun raining hard; drenching her beautiful hair and clothes in bitch-clensing water.

"As you can see younger sister, he is a mage." He said laughing. "And exactly the one we've been looking for. "


The next three days were a grueling reality for Sarinos. The day time was spent in a two rowing shifts. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. The slow repetitive motion took a horrible toll on his body.

If only his duties ended there. At night he was put to work with the watchman and Saul for the navigational duties.

Which is where we find him now.

"Saul out of all the days that we've been here I noticed something." He stated while calculating the ships bearings.

"What is it, Minnow?"

"Why have we not strayed from shallow water. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if we catch wind we wouldn't have to rely on rowing as much."

"That is true."

"I think it would be easier on everyone if we catch the wind in deeper water."

"No." He said flatly.

"But, that doesn't make any sense!" He yelled.

"Quiet, you'll wake the men." He said in a tired voice. "Flac, tell Sarinos why why we won't venture out that far."

The watchman looked down from his gaze. "The deeper waters are infested with giant eels. To venture out any farther during their breeding season would be suicide."

Another surprise for Sarinos! Who would have known that eels would dissway the hardiest men of the sea?

"Eels? How bad could that be?"

"When you see the maw of a giant eel devouring the ship whole, you'll see reason Minnow."

This shut Sarinos up.

"Hmph. I see your point." He went back to his calculations. "But how long will it take to get to this island?"

"The journey is still two days away, so get some rest."


Sarinos could hardly contain himself as he trotted towards the lower deck. He waived to the watchman Flac

...and watched helplessly as he fell from his perch.

"FLAC" Saul yelled as his longtime friend collapsed in a heap on the deck with a barbed arrow through his neck. It only took a second for Saul's hardened mind to realize the grave situation they were in, and the enemy that they now had to face.

"SELKIES!" He yelled drawing his saber from it's sheath.

His shipmates stirred from they're much needed sleep and quickly armed themselves with whatever they could find. Preparing for whatever they may find.

Sarinos was violently knocked out of the doorway by a large man carrying a club.


Sarinos could do little as the weight of the large man fell on top of him. He felt something warm and sticky.

"This is.."


He rolled out from underneath him and was horrified to find a spear piercing the torso of the large man. That's when he noticed the fish legs of a Selkie.

"Heh heh.. You did good for using your comrade as a shield. It's only fitting for a rat like you that you get a cowa-"


The selkie was completely taken by surprise by Sarinos's lightning spell; electrocuting and stopping the heart of his helpless attacker.

"I don't hide behind men to save myself you overgrown pike."

His usefullness proven ten-fold to Sylvia, who watched in awe as the object of her ridicule madeTh short work of the Selkies.

That night ... she looked at him with awestruck eyes. His display of power and his dance of destruction. Just like in the epic fairy-tails her brother told her when she was little.

She picked up the cutlass her brother taught her how to use...

...and joined the fight.


The morning sun burned on their fatigued bodies as as they pushed the last remaining selkie cadavers overboard the ship.

Smoking the long pipe, Saul sat overhead, his clothes still stained with the blood and brine of the sea. His thoughts a mesh of the subordinates he'd lost...

...and the regrets he now had.

Sarinos couldn't help but look at this man.

"What now? We're short on man power. We'll be staggared without an enough."

"Then we'll row in circles until we reach the island." He said pointing towards the morning horizon."

"And it's not far." He said with a smile

"...so you intend to continue?"

"I've lost a lot of men on this journey already. To stop would dishonor them. Besides, pirates know that if you fall behind, you get left behind."

"WAIT A MINUTE!" Sarinos yelled at the top of his lungs. "PIRATES!? YOU SEAMEN ARE PIRATES?"

"I thought it was obvious." Sylvia interrupted. "The only ones crazy enough to follow dreams like this are pirates."

Sarinos was dumbfounded.

But the indicators were all there... the cutlass, the RUM. THE BANDANNAS WITH CROSSBONES. THE UNWASHED ACCENT OF SAUL.

..That he occasionally used to further his purpose.


His back seared from the pain of from the wounds and the terrible toll that magic takes on a sprite's body.

..And the blows of the object of his torment.

"You fight pretty good!"

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? " He yelled in her face. His sweet smelling breath washing over her slightly dirty countanence. "I'M WOUNDED YOU KNOW!"

Another slap to his wounded back quickly silenced him.

"Oh quit being such a baby. It's only a scratch. Lemme see." She said removing the cutlass from her sheath.

"OH no. I won't let a harpy like you-" HIs eyes focused on the gleaming blade in her hands. "-What are you doing with that?"

"Just hold still.." She said hefting the blade above her head.

"NO!" He fell backwards involuntary. She swung once from his shoulder to his abdomen.

"AAAAHFHFHHHHHHHAAAA!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" His yellow insides flowed from his crotch. And the rest of his tattered robe fell to the deck revealing his slightly scrawny but still muscular frame.

She then applied the ointment used to treat minor cuts and quickly bandaged his broken skin.

"There! All better!" She said slapping his flesh once more.

Sarinos cursed her barbarous act and went below deck to find a spare robe.

Saul took up position on the left side where the least help would be. "Okay since we're now uneven we'll have to staggar our numbers. Shanks, Marcus, and you other two this side." He ordered.


The rest of the morning dragged on painfully slow for the crew. Without the proper numbers to propel the ship, everyone was nearing exhaustion. Saul rowed with his men naturally, however most were too tired to express their gratitude. Although most were still grateful for the contribution even from the captain.

Sylvia and Sarinos were forced to row adjacant of each other allowing their violent chemistry to mix into volatile proportions.

"Supposedly we mesh well." He snided as his tired body slowly pulled the oar to his neck.

"Oh stop, don't tell me you're still mad at me for that; I was just trying to help." She replied.

"I'm not. Just sick..huff... of rowing."

"DROP ANCHOR" Saul's sudden bark caused to fall backwards onto the deck. His arms and legs falling limp.

"FINALLY" He exclaimed. "Now to rest." Sylvia rolled her eyes at the display. "Get up Minnow. Now we have to take the shortboat to shore."

"Pfft. Let me rest."

Saul, not one to let a good investment go to waste, threw a pale of water on the young adventurer.

"Come on pup. There's a fabulous treasure on that island, and I need a powerful magician to support us." He said dragging the young scholar by the robes into the shortboat kept on deck for quick and light incursians into dangerous territory.

More rowing. Just what he needed. He strained himself several times bringing those horrible oars to his chest. His pain ringing in his ears with every row. As the unknown island's shores grew closer, Saul and Sylvia had a very serious conversation. This was unknown to our hero, for it was handled on a higher plane of telepathy then the young magician was capable of. Another power of the Amulet.

"Sylvia are you smitten with him?"


"Do not lie to me child. I know your thoughts." A fact all too known to Sylvia. "Tell me the truth."

"So what if I am!? He's the first I've felt this much for in a long time. Don't take this away from me Grandfather!"

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that."

"It's true though!"

"ENOUGH!" His voice boomed louder than any she had ever heard before. "Do as I say! Or I will take that away from you!"

"No Grandfather you can't!" Her angered cries became that of desperate wails.

"Disobey me again and I'll crush it between the ground and my boot!"

".Ooo...kay" She sobbed.

"Now child...I love you. You belong to me and only me." He said cupping her tear stained face in his hands. "I don't like to be angry at you. Do you like me angry?"



Instantly both their consiousness' were moved back to normal time.

"We've made it ashore." Saul said as the boat ran aground. "Shamus?"


"You and Fenix will stay by the boat and start a signal fire for the ship. If you get the signal from me that there's trouble, you signal the ship to pull anchor and sail away from this island."

"Aye Sir."

"Is that really necessary? Won't we need a proper means of escape once we liberate the treasure?" The young Sarinos said tucking a tome under his robes.

"Yes, but we don't wanna take what's on this island back to the mainland with us. If we're compromised or one of us is killed I can't afford to risk the ship or anyone back at the port."

"What do you mean!?"

"Don't worry about it Pup." He said marching towards the island center. "The treasure here is well worth the peril."

"Aye sir." He said in a mocking tone quickly following suit behind their brave captain. But just then his ears caught the faint sound of a whimper coming from Sylvia behind him. When he looked he saw no evidence of a sad expression, so he passed it off as his imagination.

However she did whimper. And had Sarinos looked a little closer, he would have noticed a tear streaming down Sylvias face.


Deep in the foliage of the island a group of three cuts it's way to the center where their treasure awaits...

...Made that much longer by Sarinos's foolish game.

"I observe, with my optical nerve, something...GREEN."

"YOU ALREADY ASKED THAT QUESTION PUP" Saul yelled. "Be quiet! Your game is getting on my last nerve!"

"I'm just trying to keep the monotony down. It's been nothing but trees and sand for miles."

"And you can do that by keeping QUIET."

This must have tickled Sylvia, who broke out in a fit of giggles. Her amusement was quickly stifled by Saul who gave her a very angry look.

"Sorry. But no harm right?"


"So Captain? What kind of treasure is kept here?" Sarinos asked. "I mean, it must be powerful one with all the danger." His sarcastic question caused his eye to twitch at sudden rage and regret for bringing the magician along.

"It's called the Scepter of Utgard. One of the treasures left behind by Hades. With it, you're said to command great power both of the heaven and the earth."

"Wow. I can't imagine what kind of power it holds then. Because there's a lot of things between the heaven and earth."

"Well It's said to be able to control fate. Even that of the dead."

"Amazing huh Sarinos?"


"Well it should be easy enough considering-" Saul stopped in his tracks. "Don't move" He said freezing.

Everyone stopped.

The sounds of the island were quiet here. No waves, birds, insects, not even wind.

"Dammit.." Sarinos cursed himself for being careless.

"What Pup? Did you find something?"

"No, this is a trap, and we've fallen into it." He said digging into his satchel.

"Trap? I didn't see any evident triggers..." Sylvia said looking around her feet.

"That doesn't matter! This is a time-field stasis trap."

"A time paradox what trap?"

"A time-field stasis trap."

She frowned at him for repeating himself as if she were a child. "Well okay mister expert magician. How do we get out of it?"

"Hmmm" He played with the stubble on his chisled face. " A time-field stasis trap is designed to trigger when you walk within a 15 to 30 foot radius of it's fulcrum. Usually a pebble marked with a special rune."

"Well..that doesn't tell us how to get out of it."

"Sorry, well they're supposed to appear impossible to get out of because when you touch the edge of it here..."

He walked a few yards forward and disappeared.

"Sarinos?" Sylvia queried " SARINOS"

"I'm behind you."

She jumped and hit her head on an overhanging branch. "Don't STARTLE me like that you shrimp!" Her retaliation was swift. Her bag sailing at the face of Sarinos with much force, that his face was permanently reddened by the impact from her leather sack.

"Well SORRY. I was only demonstrating." He said rubbing his face.

"Get on with it Minnow. Get us out, that's why I brought you here." Saul said sighing.

"Hmph. A magicians work is always under appreciated. " He said taking out a phial. "Here take this about 10 feet from me and open it when I say."

"Okay." Sylvia acknowledged. "What's it for though?"

"You'll see." He said chalking a circle on the dirt in front of him

"Here?" She asked enthusiastically.

"A little bit closer."

Saul watched him work with slight interest. "What are you going to do Pup?"

"The stasis is based on the pocket dimension concept. But if we break two points along the diameter, the field should collapse on it's own."

"Is this safe?" Sylvia asked a hint of fear betraying her enthusiasm covering her face.

"Of course!" Sarinos said performing some simple hand gestures.

In theory...

Saul chuckled. For he had heard the doubt in Sarinos' mind. However he knew the aspects of the time-field stasis trap well. This would only be the third time he had gotten out of one you know!

"Okay Sylvia open the phial and pour it on the ground in front of you." He said placing his hands on the ground around the circle. "Now imitate me by placing your hands around the puddle."


"Whatever you do, DO NOT remove your hands. This is crucial."

She swallowed a knot in her throat and nodded.

"LUCE DI SERPIA!" He yelled.

A bright flash appeared between the two points that they had created. Sylvia could feel the raw power surging between the two of them and through her body. Her hair stood on end as electricity passed through her shoulders down to her hands. She screamed.

It worked.

All around them they saw what looked to be the shattering of glass, as the field collapsed revealing the twilight of the day. 4 Hours had passed since they were snared.

"HA ha it worked!" He said gathering his things. "Told ya-" Startled he dropped them all again.

"Hmmm this is...unexpected." Saul raised his hands in surrender as a blade was pressed to his neck.

"Saul!" Sylvia yelled unsheathing her sword. "Let him go!"

"I don't think so little pretty." The man said as he pressed the blade into his flesh. "Drop your weapon or your captain dies."

"Not likely!" She yelled.

A bead of sweat streamed down her face as her body tensed for the coming battle. But her eyes bulged in horror as the drop of sweat fell off her cheek...

...and hit the cold steel of another blade around her neck.

"You see pretty, you don't have a choice. Drop your weapon." He said in a haughty tone. "Or both you and your captain will die."

Sarinos watched the display with his knees knocking. Sylvia and Saul were both bound and he could do nothing. "YOU TOO" One of the attackers screamed as he kicked Sarinos in the back. He fell to the dirt hard as the force of the blow knocked him off balance. As the man reached down to tie Sarinos' two hands, he noticed the phial that he carried. "What is that? Give that to me!" He barked.

"Of course." He complied as the man took the phial from his hands. Perfect! He fell for it!

"Get up!" The man yelled. "I said get up you-"

"LUMINAS!" Sarinos yelled at the top of his lungs.

The phial exploded in a bright flash and loud bang, blinding their attackers and deafening them. Sarinos took this opportunity to punch Sylvia's captor in the face, and undo her bindings.

"Come on!" He yelled grabbing her hand and running into the deep brush.

"AFTER THEM!" Was the last thing they heard before falling into a pitfall deep below the island's surface.


"Sarinos? Sarinos wake up." His eyes opened to reveal a very concerned Sylvia sitting over him.

"Hmmm... Sylvia..?"

"Careful, you injured your head pretty badly." She said propping him upright. "I bandaged you as best I could."

"Thanks..." He said feeling her words reverberate inside of his throbbing skull.

They had fallen at least 25 feet, for the hole was too high to climb. The last rays of light shone through the opening.

However those quickly faded covering them both in relative darkness.

"Well this is just great. I'm starting to regret coming on this journey." Sarinos said as he slowly got up.

"...You're joking. This is what's making you regret joining us on this adventure to find the scepter?" She said in disbelief. "It wasn't the HARD WORK THAT WE FORCED ON YOU? THE SELKIES OR THAT DAMN TIMEOR WHATTA TRAP? OR THE FACT THAT WE'RE ALWAYS RECRUITING PEOPLE ON THESE TREASURE ADVENTURES?"

"Sylvia..." He said surprised at her emotional outburst.


"HOLD! Playthings?" He stopped her. "Who's a plaything?"

"You don't get it do you!?" She jabbed her index finger into his chest. "You and I are his playthings. He already has all the treasures. He only set this island up as some sort of sadistic test to get the strongest people to follow him."

"What are you talking about Sylvia!? This is madness!" He said grabbing her shoulders. "It's just the fall talking and the situation we're in!"

"No it's not!" She said trying to break free. "Saul is doing this! He's doing all of this!" She screeched, tears flowing steadily down her face. "I'm never going to be free and you're going to die!"

He stopped. What did she mean 'never going to be free'? He needed answers.

"I need answers." He said releasing her. "I need answers now."

He scowled at her as she wiped her tears. "Never thought I'd tell this to anyone but..."

His expression softened at the change in her tone.

"My name is Sylvia Maria."

"Maria? From the aristocrat family of Maria?"

"The very same." She replied. "I was born in Tetyth as an only child from my parents Feyed and Hera."

"Wait a minute! Only child? I thought that Saul was your brother?"

"He's.. not. That's only the story we use to keep up appearances. He's actually my great-grandfather."

"That's impossible! If he were your great grandfather, then he should be nearing 100! No one looks like that at their age unless.."

"They're immortal."

He was stunned at the information that she revealed. "...but that would mean he got his hands on-"

"The Goblet of Immortality." She said narrowing her eyes. "He located it in his youth, and he's actually been alive for much longer then 100 years."


"That's not all. He possess the the orb of souls which binds people to you as eternal slaves. One of the most powerful treasures in all of Riviera. I was one of the first people to be bound by it."

"I don't understand!"

"It means he possesses my soul and he uses it to make me do his bidding."

Sarinos was agape. He could not fathom the information explained to him by Sylvia. That Saul was in all actuality, immortal, and using the treasures to an unknown end. But what part does he and Sylvia play in this? It surely must be more then a game.

"I still don't understand." he said in a low voice " What part do you and I play in his scheme? There must be a reason."

"I don't know. His motives are his own. But with the way...he's treated me...for so long. I just know that in my heart it must be truly evil."

He stroked the stubble on his chin. His thoughts over took him. Is this what he wanted? He suddenly felt the regret and weariness fade away from his soul and body.

Leaving only a smile on his face!

"You...Are you smiling!?" She said slapping him. "This isn't funny!"

"Ha Ha...sorry it's made my blood grow hot in anticipation...I've never felt this way before!" His eyes burned in grim determination.

"Then...what do you plan to do?"

"I plan to stop your great grandfather." He said gathering what magical components he could find.

"Then... I am coming with you. I must get my soul back and be free." She said smiling. His overconfidence and brashness rubbed off on her. For once the bitterness and hopelessness she felt under her grandfather eroded away.

Maybe all it took was a young boy with a passion for adventure that changed her mind.

"What will the mushrooms do?"

"These mushrooms grow in the caverns around Elindia, they are poisonus when eaten."

"...Then why are you gathering them?"

"When used with a lightning spell, they release spores that can be used to paralyze the ones who breath them."

"I..see" She said a little skeptical.

"Heh heh.. don't worry I've already thought of a plan." He said walking in the direction against the wind. "We'll follow the wind in the tunnel to the ocean. Then we'll make our way to the center of the island on the surface."


The darkness of the night and the ocean air washed over the face of Sarinos. Confidence in his step as he travels to the center with Sylvia following close behind. With his breath matching his step, he travels to his destiny.

In the center, with Saul sitting on his throne, and his four attackers standing by his side; Saul and his men wait. "Will they come?" One of them asked.

"They will." He said grasping his amulet. "Be on your guard now men." He said shifting positions in his chair.

"Why? Should they be any more dangerous then they were before?"

"More then you know."

" Ardly! They 'ed better be more of a challange then last time. And I hate facing them out in the open like this. But even with them having the advantage of the trees, those little squid are no match for us."

"You seem confident enough." Saul said playing with his amulet.

"Are you sure they'll come? Maybe they took the shortboat and fled."

"They will come." He said slamming his fist into the arm of his throne. "I have something my sister needs. If she leaves she knows she is dead."

"And the magician?"

"He is a fool."

"Better to be a fool then a coward." A voice yelled from the brush.

"Sarinos...what an expected surprise. I pictured you being a late one with your bad sense of direction."

"Tell me Saul, now that I know the truth." He said revealing himself to be alone. "Just how much of this journey has been a string of random events-"


"-And how much of it have you controlled?"

"I see that Sylvia has betrayed me." Saul said chuckling. "Very well I will humor you."


"The entire city of Tetyth are my slaves. You have been hopelessy caught in my trap since you and your family entered it."


"No, my poor magician. It is very possible." He said standing. "Rehjeh at the end, the woman who gave you bad directions... the couriers, the council members, the university...I control them all."

A chill ran down Sarinos' spine. "Do you control me?"

"Ha ha ha.. no child." He said laughing. "You are beyond the power of my amulet. I was only able to influence you with a minor mind controlling spell in the pub by the water front. But that kind of spell only works once, then the mind prepares mental defenses so that it won't work again."

"Well then you manipulated me? Why?" He asked honestly.

"I needed the power of a strong minded magician and the soul of a young girl to revive the Arch Angel" He said matter-of-factly.

His face twisted into a fit of anger at this. He wanted to use Sylvia to revive an accursed? "You... ANIMAL!"

"Animal? I assure you I'm in a natural state of mind." Saul said standing. "Imagine it Minnow... the accursed has promised me infinate power when I revive her. More power then I could ever dream about then what these petty artifacts can give." He said tossing the scepter to the ground. "I have tasted the power of the accursed and after doing so I made the choice for what any smart mortal would do. Join her."

"You're mad."

"There you go again." He said smiling. "You're a smart boy Sarinos. Powerful and smart. That is why I need you."

"Sorry Saul, I made the mistake of following you once, and it has nearly cost me everything. You can forget about it."

"Hmph. I'm sorry to hear that. I guess I'll just have to find another." He said sitting back down. "Kill him." He ordered.

He played with his amulet half expecting something to happen...

...but grew impatient when they didn't move. "I said kill him. Are you deaf?"

"We can hear fine Saul."


"We would like to...but we c..an't mo..ve." The third one struggled to say.

Sarinos smirked. In little more then a second. A flash from the sky electrecuted the 4 men by Saul's side killing them instantly.

"Well it sems I've underestimated you Sarinos." He said standing. "You must have used the spores of the stun cap didn't you?"


A dagger flew towards Saul's head, only to be caught between his fingers. "You're stubborn ways are trying my patience." He said as Sylvia stepped out from the brush. "Both of you."

"I get it from my Great-Grandfather."

"Give up... you can't win here." He said unsheathing his sword. "But I've already tried threatening you Sylvia maybe action will make you obey me." He said taking out a small orb.


"The Orb of Souls." Sarinos said taking out his tomb of spells.

"Exactly. Tell you what."Saul said walking forward. "If either of you can defeat me, the orb is yours."

This was all that Sylvia needed to spring into action. Within seconds she closed the distance between her and Saul. She swung the cutlass at his face with full force. Her blow was met with resistance from Saul's blade. She shook him off and thrust her blade to his midsection, but Saul parried her thrust leaving her vulnerable. She fell backwards as the hairs on her neck were cut by the tip of Saul's sword.

Sarinos intervened. He shot a beam of light at Saul's shoulder, which caused him to lose the grip on his sword. Sylvia rolled to her feet and slashed his right calf, he dodged easily and kicked Sylvia in the face.

She fell backwards from the blow clutching her mouth.

"SYLVIA!" Sarinos yelled helping her up.

"Stay back Shrimp, I can handle this myself." She said struggling to her feet.

"You Sarinos? How do you intend to fight me? If you used more of your magic you might win."


"Oh but you can't can you? For fear of hurting poor Sylvia."

Sarinos answered his taunt by opening the book in his right hand and raising it to about chest level. His feet shuffled into a classic sword fighting stance.

"You intend to fight me with a book?"

He muttered the magic words taught to him by the magic teacher in Elendia. "Libro Pietra"

Saul watched in surprise as the book in Sarinos' hand turned from the slightly saffron color into a hardened solid object with a metallic sheen.

"You never cease to amaze me Sarinos." He said raising his blade. "I must have you."

Sarinos swung his book at Sauls face. Easily slapped aside by the weight of Saul's sword. He pointed the blade at Sarinos's neck. "Tsk tsk come now Sarinos, is that the best a magician can do?"

Sylvia kicked Saul's sword out of his hand. Sarinos dove for his book as Sylvia swung her cutlass at the man she so hated. Saul followed the young Magician's example by diving for his sword, narrowly missing the deadly slashes of Sylvia's sword.

He quickly grabbed it, and twisted his wrist so his cutlass could misdirect Sylvia's sword into the dirt to his right. With her body off balance he grabbed her arm and threw her 5 feet behind him. He noticed at the last second as the Magician's book smacked into his face.

Instantly his vision blurred as his attacker released another furious blow into Saul's skull.

"Why you..." He said slashing a large gash in the upper part of his torso.

Sarinos fell backwards in pain and surprise as blood trickled down his robe. His vision was then filled with the figure of Saul as he attempted to stab Sarinos.

He was stopped in his tracks when Sylvia drove her blade through Saul's chest.

"AAAHHHGGGG" He yelled in pain as Sylvia's sword punctured and destroyed Saul's vital organs. Blood flowed freely down his chest and legs.

"Die! You've lived long enough!"

Saul struggled to keep his balance. "Oh no..I'm going to die...I'm.."

Then in an instant he stopped struggling and pulled the blade out of his chest and threw it away. He stood upright and laughed deeply.

"HA HA HA Really... did you think you could kill me that easily?" He bellowed as the hole in his chest remained open and blood poured down in buckets.

"Did Sylvia not tell you? I'm immortal."

Sarinos was paralyzed. He was so deathly afraid of Saul now. How could he still move like that with a hole in his chest where his heart and lungs should be?

"Don't worry Sarinos. I'll kill you first and just make you into an undead lich. You're more valuable to me that way when the Accursed comes."

Saul raised his blade in the air ready to strike Sarinos in half.

"NOW SARINOS!" Sylvia yelled ducking for cover.

The young magician reacted instinctively his trademarked lightning spell was all he had left.

"LUCE DI SERPIA" He yelled.


"Here they come!" Shamus yelled as he scrambled to his feet. Out of the trees came two figures that Shamus immediately recognized. One was limping and the other was supporting him so he wouldn't fall.

"Sarinos! Sylvia? Where's the captain?" He said waking Fenix up.

"The captain's not coming.. he fell."

"And the treasure?"

"Struck by lightning." She lied.

"I see..." Shamus said untying the shortboat from it's temporary bindings. "Then we must return to the ship and leave this island."

"Struck by lightning?" Sarinos whispered giggling to himself like a little girl. "Could you come up with a better lie?"

"Well it's technically true." She said returning his smile. "Do you feel better?" She asked with concern in her voice.

"Not with a harpy and her foul armpits around me." He said rolling his eyes.

Sylvia was so angry at Sarinos for saying this. She helped him all the way here and this was the thanks she got?

"Whoops!" She said purposefully releasing him and letting him fall to the ground.

"YYYAAAAAHHHHGGGG" He yelled crying out in pain. "Are you trying to kill me!!?"

"I just may you ingrate!"

"Well sorry it was only a joke and you don't have to treat a wounded man like this." He said wincing as he struggled to stand.

She helped him up.

"So what now?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'll go back to Elendia and settle down. This little trip has had all the adventure I could stand." He said smiling.

She looked at him for a second as she helped him to the boat.


She shook herself back to reality. "Nothing it's just..."

"Just what?" He asked, his honest eyes piercing hers.

"It's just... can I come with you?"

Sarinos turned away and stroked the stubble on his chin.

"If you don't want me to come that's okay I wanted to- MMF" Her words were muffled as Sarinos' mouth covered hers in a kiss.

He released her just as quickly and smiled.

"Of course."

Sylvia's faced turned a deep scarlet. A whistle and a cat call came from Shamus and Fenix. "Look at the two sparrows fornicatin'. I'll bet they're liable to make a nest 'ere of we leave um like this."

She grew angry embarrassed that Sarinos would do this to her. She slapped him across the face and let him drop again.

"Shut up you two! Or I'll skin you alive and feed you to the sharks!"

"Yes ma'am" They said in unison.

She helped Sarinos again and kissed him on the mouth just as quickly as he did, this time with a little tongue.

"You're damn right I can come."

As they rowed back to the ship sarinos couldn't help but feel strangely at piece. He'd experienced more adventure in the last few days then most get in a lifetime. He'd befriended some sea men and picked up a little special something along the way. (Wink wink)

"Sarinos, what are you thinking about?"

"Just how lucky I am"


"The end" Lina said quite proud of herself. Although it would take someone of a cat's grace not to make as much sound as Serene did while listening.

"Well that was a good story Lina!"

"Hey Serene! Today's my day!"

"Sorry Lina I have something important to talk with Ein and.. it can't wait." She said rubbing her head.

"Hmph! Lina is older then Fia but you treat her like a child!" She said running off. "Lina HATE'S you Serene!"

"Sorry Ein...I wanted to know why you're leaving." She asked "Why it's so important that you have to go alone."


"Look I know you want to go, and that there's nothing I can do to stop you, but I have to know."

He remained silent.

"Tell me."

Again silence.

"Well if that's your answer then I guess I'll leave you alone then."

He took her by the hand. "Don't go." My Master said looking away.

"Then tell me." Her eyes and face turned to a scowl. " Tell me why you have to go."


This...saddened me more. Even all of Ein's secrets were not revealed to me. What will he say?

"I must go to Asgard to give this to Ledah's family."

I watched from his side as their conversation continued. He pulled out Ledah's pendant, a gift from his family. I see now... this is why he must leave.

"I must return this to Ledah's family, and let the magi know what has happened here." He began. "This pendant is all that's left of Ledah."

"Ein" She said with a sad voice.

"It's closure. I must give this to his family... I... owe it to him as a friend."

"But... you don't need to go alone for something like that. You have all of us."


She embraced him. "You have all of us. I'm no longer alone, and neither are you."

"But there may be danger Serene I can't have what happened to you in Yggdrasil happen all over again."

I could no longer sit and watch. I jumped on his lap and let him hear a piece of my mind.

"Uh.. Rose? What's wrong?"

Though it embarrassed me every time I spoke to him around others, I had no choice.

Ein why are you doing this? She doesn't want to be without you, or for you to be alone especially when there's danger. Can't you see that? She loves you Ein!

"What? What is she saying?" Serene asked.

"I know Rose..."

Then stop being a fool and be a man

"You're okay with it?"

I'm shamed to admit it... I love you more then anything Ein. But she loves you more. Why do you continue to deny her? It isn't fair to me

..or her.

That's right. What good would he do himself and her by going into possible danger alone?


"Take me with you Ein."

"Okay... I'll take you with me."

"I knew you'd come around." She said kissing him. "There's a thing that we should do before we go just to kind of...seal the deal.." She said winking.


"Oh I don't follow you" He said scratching his head."

"Oh you know a little.." She whispered with her UNCLEAN mouth in my master's ears... THIS IS UNFORGIVABLE.

And to be EXPECTED his face turned red!

"What right now!?"

"Yes. Now" She said smiling from ear to ear.

OKAY ROSE. Breath...you support this. He is your master and you want him happy.



And so it ends. My account of the stories at the Riviera New Year festival are at an end. But you as the reader have a new responsibilty. There are many more stories being told in Riviera. Do me... Rose Crawford, a favor and listen to them. And if you think of one to tell others, write it down. So that when another festival comes, you can tell them to your loved ones just like I have to you.

Riviera; New Year Short Stories: End.

This is the end. The end of my stories and the end of my Riviera jaunt in fanfictiondom. I hope you all enjoyed it :D

I'd like to personally thank all the ones who kept me going. My two sisters who never once had any doubt or any lapse in encouragement for me :D. And my as always my readers: Jeff, Rzul, Chef, Random Rose Fan (XD), Rune, my fellow writer Feral, Takeru, Nomad, Megaolix, Kodachi827, Taveynya, Achiel, Trinity, Blackened, Gamestar, Dragon, Maddison, Malice, Trinity, paul, Eiraki, Decy, Tempestblaze, A fan (XD), Loki, Sora, Lana, and Terror. Thank you guys soo much for the reviews. :D

I'd also like to thank everyone at Lacrimacastle for really getting the riviera fanfiction community off the ground. You guys rock :D

And last but not least, I'd like to thank my girl, who will remain anonymous (Per her wishes) Thank you all for reading. AND KEEP THE WRITING GOING.
