Friendly Fire
By: Antares Star
Chapter One: Code B
PG-13: For character whumping, blood, and language
A/N: First season; takes place immediately after "The Eye"
Sheppard was bored and at the point of resorting to drastic means to occupy himself. This mission was turning out to be mind-numbingly routine and watching Rodney and the other scientists gather soil samples and data had quickly lost its appeal. Not that he minded babysitting them, but couldn't they hurry it up a little?
He understood the importance of scientific exploration, but it took a back seat in his book to soul-sucking Wraiths. Personally he thought they should be pulling all of their efforts into people that had something tangible to offer against the Wraith. Elizabeth however had granted McKay permission to grab a handful of people and explore the riveting PX7-349. According to Rodney the planet was "One of a kind" and something "Never before seen!" He'd then launched into an explanation about how the carbon readings were practically non-existent in organic materials, yet the atmosphere supported normal life. Yadda yadda, Sheppard could care less, yet here he was a good four hours into this "Imperative mission."
Teyla was off scouting around the trees while Ford sat on a nearby rock with the same glazed expression he'd worn for several hours. He was all for staying alert, but they hadn't seen so much as a bird on the planet since they'd arrived.
Sheppard momentarily forgot his restlessness as he studied McKay, completely in his element. The man was crouched next to Dr. Beckett and gesticulating wildly at a monitor between them, a smile splitting his animated face as Carson nodded excitedly in agreement. Sheppard unconsciously mirrored their expressions. It was good to see them like this; they'd all been through so much the past few months. To see them comfortable and doing what they were best at showed Elizabeth's wisdom in granting them this mission. Rodney had been through hell with the Genii, and Carson still seemed sorely affected from the situation with the Hoff.
A drop of rain pulled Sheppard from his inner musings. The sky was darkening and a storm seemed to be rolling in. Perfect timing he secretly cheered. He schooled his expression into that of deepest regret and approached the team of scientists. He addressed the four of them, feeling as though he was pulling teeth just to drag their attention away from their work.
"Looks like its time to go guys, sorry."
"What! Why?" Rodney's head snapped up, looking at Sheppard as though just realizing he was here.
Sheppard smirked tolerably. "Look like rain Rodney. Wouldn't want your toys to get wet."
Shaking his head, McKay chose to ignore the now steadily falling rain. "I just need a few more minutes. A little rain never hurt anybody."
Sheppard sighed, expecting this. "Look McKay, I'm sure your soil samples will still be there when we get back. I say we pack up." It was voiced casually but was obviously not a suggestion. Rodney glared at him and sighed angrily. He yanked the collapsible legs of the nearest tripod and threw them into a box.
"Fine. After all, I would hate for you to melt or something." With that the sky opened up and dumped several swimming pools worth of water on them. Rodney had the grace to look chagrined and quickly snapped the lid on his scanner. Carson cursed and dived towards some of the other equipment before it was ruined while doctors Thompson and Wallace, specialists in biology and chemistry respectively, shook a tarp out to protect a large and most expensive machine that sat between them.
It was raining so hard it was difficult to see, and the nearby river looked as though it wanted to escape its banks. As the last pieces of equipment were loaded Teyla came running out from the forest, informing Sheppard that the water was indeed overflowing. Sheppard helped Carson shoulder his pack and handed him the final bag of samples. "Good to go Doc?"
The Scot ran a hand through his sopping hair, nevertheless smiling brightly. "Aye, I think we got what we wanted. I'm used to rain anyway, doesn' bother me at all." Sheppard gave him a slap on the shoulder and with that they took off.
Although Sheppard had known them for several months and had been spending an increasing amount of time with them, Rodney and Carson managed to confuse him immensely. Rodney was annoying, arrogant, complaining, and altogether frustrating. Most of all, he was a scientist that spent more time with his nose in equations than real life, but Sheppard felt a connection to him. He liked him…for some reason.
Carson was a different story. When he'd first met the doctor he'd been a bit pissed at him, wondering what the hell he was doing controlling Ancient weapons when he should be patching skinned knees. Now Sheppard knew him better; you couldn't find a more dedicated doctor than Carson anywhere. He cared for his patients, perhaps too much, and would do anything if it meant saving someone. Although he was somewhat timid, Sheppard knew he could count on the man in a tight spot not to panic. Frankly, Sheppard had been surprised when he'd agreed to come through the gate with Rodney today. He'd avoided leaving Atlantis since his last disastrous mission and seemed content to dwell amongst his infirmary and labs.
Carson was beginning to wish he had stayed back. Sheets of water descended from the sky in torrential buckets flooding the ground into thick, sloppy mud. The rain was freezing, stinging as it peppered their skin.
"I think I can make out the gate, to the left, see?" Ford yelled hoarsely, wiping a hand across his face to clear his eyes. Beside him, McKay shielded his vision and squinted, just barely able to see the high arc of PX7-349's gate framed against a black sky.
"Thank God, I'm not sure I can take anymore of this," Rodney mumbled miserably. The rainstorm was bringing back some unpleasant memories of recent events with Koyla. He was shivering from the cold and his socks were wet. Wet socks just made everything seem worse.
The driving rain continued as the drenched group made their way slowly toward the stargate. It was nearly impossible to walk through the water which had swollen up to their knees and saturated their clothes.
"This sucks," McKay muttered irritably, craning his neck to get a better look at the black sky. Beckett trudged up next to him, looking very much like a drowned rat.
"Ya took the words right out of my mouth." Beckett ran a hand through his dripping hair, which hung so low on his forehead it continued to blind him. "I don't know why I even agreed to this, I swore I'd never go through that bloody ring again --" He broke off with a startled shout. Something had just bumped up against his leg, something big by the feel of it. Flinching sideways, he knocked into Rodney.
"Watch it Carson! You almost knocked me down for goodness sake." McKay pushed the Scot off him huffily and resettled his skewed pack. He was so not in the mood.
"Something bloody hell brushed up against me in the water!" Carson gesticulated wildly, his voice cracking.
"Calm down." Rodney looked anything but calm himself. "You're just imagining it. Come on Carson." Rodney grabbed the doctor's arm and proceeded to drag him forward. "And they call me a wimp," he mumbled. Carson scowled but let it go. He was pretty jumpy; something about traveling through a thing that disassembled your atoms then squished them back together put him on edge. Rodney suddenly tensed and let out his own strangled yelp. "Oh my! Yes that would be something touching my leg! Major, uh, we got a problem."
Sheppard turned wearily, shading his eyes to get a better look at the stragglers. Carson and Rodney had stopped and looked frozen in place, wearing identical expressions. "Don't tell me." Sheppard shook his head. "It's never easy is with you two. Never. Damn. Easy." He made his way back. "What's up?"
They exchanged glances, silently demanding that the other do the talking. Rodney spoke, a tremor lacing his words. "There's something in the water! Like-like a sea creature or something." His words ran over each other in their haste.
"Or could be more than one." Beckett interjected hastily. Sheppard looked at them incredulously.
"You're kidding, right?" He flashed them a pleading smirk that couldn't actually pass as a smile. "Really?"
"It touched us." Rodney sounded defensive, fingers dancing nervously against his thigh.
Sheppard tried not to roll his eyes. "Come one guys, this is a deserted planet with carbon problems or whatever the hell you're studying. It's probably a big fish or some bush that got uprooted and it knocking around down there."
Beckett let out a nervous laugh, more of a whimper really. "Bush, aye." Uncertain glances were exchanged.
"You got the right idea though." Sheppard replied lightly. "Holding hands will definitely help." Rodney glanced down to find himself still clasping Carson's arm. McKay let it go disgustedly and stormed forward.
Sheppard waited for the Canadian to pass, gave him a big reassuring smile. "Shove it." Rodney growled, which only made John grin wider. His mirth didn't last however.
"Major Sheppard! Look, what did I tell ya?" Sheppard sighed in exasperation at the panicked cry. Carson was a steel fortress when a medical situation presented itself. He could deal with outbreaks, injuries, difficult patients, but when it came down dangerous situations like this, the man was a basket case. The major turned to find Carson scrutinizing the water. He followed the gaze and sure enough, shapes were darting around, dark and obscure through the turbulence but certainly there. Definitely not trees.
A/N: Okay, just the first chapter, let me know what you think. Action and whumping to come, and if you know me, someone will be on death's door by chapter 4!
Chapter Title Translation: Code B is police code for 'Rain expected' ;-)